Age is no bar for learning and sharing. This blog will definitely develop your skills -reading , writing, listening, speaking, reasoning etc. Subject related written content, stories as well as videos imbedded in the content page will assist you to be confident enough to face challenges in real situations in life.
A poster is one of the various
means of mass communication. It is like a placard displayed in a public place
announcing or advertising something. A poster can serve the purpose of notice,
advertisement, and invitation—all in one.
Posters serve many purposes; it
depends on the need of the publisher/writer. These may be used for
social awareness
about a product or service or event, etc.
should colourful, attractive tempting
iv.avoid details in a poster.
v.highlight only important points
should be in a box.
sure you double-check for grammatical accuracy and spellings.
previous year Question paper questions.
sure it fits within one page only.
or underline important information.
use short forms or slangs.
exceed the prescribed word limit.
i.Visually attractive/Eye Catching
iii.Use slogan, jingle or short verse
iv.Sketch or simple drawings
v.Letters of different size and shape
vi.Proportionate spacing, etc
i.The theme or subject of the poster
ii.Description or details associated with the theme
iii.Essential details like time, date, venue (for an
iv.Name(s) of issuing authority/organisation, etc
i.Phrases, slogans, persuasive language
ii.Creativity in terms of content and design
iii.Overall organization and sequencing of the
iv.Observe word limit (usually 50)
Division of 4 marks Poster
writing as per Sample paper 2018-19 issued by CBSE -
Format (title and name of
issuing authority)
01 mark
02 marks
Expression and creativity
(grammatical accuracy, spellings)
01 mark
04 marks
1.For a
special cause on a specific date
TITLE/NAME OF THE EVENT (exhibition, workshop, etc.)
WHEN (date and time) AND WHERE
AUTHORITY- Name of the organization that published the poster.
OF THE EVENT- single line with expression to catch the attention of
readers. Tagline should be bold, underlined or in capitals.
THE EVENT- Title is the main part that describe the whole poster. It should
be bold enough to be seen clearly.
ATTRACTIONS- if there is something very special like chief guest, bumper
prize etc.
v.ILLUSTRATION- Illustration
involves pictorial representation. For eg., organs for organ donation poster.
TIME AND VENUE- It is very important to mention date, time and venue
of the event.
RELEVANT INFORMATION- It should be anything which is worth mentioning like
entry ticket fee etc.
INFORMATION- It is mandatory in case of any query; the targeted audience can
contact to someone.
general purpose
These posters are published for creating
awareness about a contemporary issue which require continuous attention of the people.
There is no specific date or venue is decided for the purpose. It is for the social
benefits like awareness about vaccination, organs donation, fraud schemes etc.
1.Design a poster for a Fete in your School. You may use slogans. Do not
exceed 50 words
2.Design a poster that creates
awareness to donate organs. (4marks)
2.Design a poster to inspire people to help police.
Note making is a process of writing short records of anything which we listen, saw or read. It helps to aid our memory and remember things. Note making is a good activity which makes any written record available to us whenever we need.
Characteristics of good notes
1. Compact
2. Complete
3. Contains all the important information
4. Logical presentation
5. Understandable
6. Use of abbreviation
Point to note:-
Confusing abbreviations should be avoided, e.g., the abbreviation 'under' may stand for understand,
understood and understanding.
Example: Read the text and prepare notes and write title of the passage-
1. A good business letter is one that gets results. The best way to get results is to develop a letter that, in its
appearance, style and content, conveys information efficiently. To perform this function, a business
letter should be concise, clear and courteous.
2. The business letter must be concise: don't waste words. Little introduction or preliminary chat is
necessary. Get to the point, make the point, and leave it. It is safe to assume that your letter is being read
by a very busy person with all kinds of papers to deal with. Re-read and revise your message until the
words and sentences you have used are precise. This takes time, but is a necessary part of a good
business letter. A short business letter that makes its point quickly has much more impact on a reader
than a long-winded, rambling exercise in creative writing. This does not mean that there is no place for
style and even, on occasion, humor in the business letter. While it conveys a message in its contents, the
letter also provides the reader with an impression of you, its author: the medium is part of the message.
3. The business letter must be clear. You should have a very firm idea of what you want to say, and you
should let the reader know it. Use the structure of the letter—the paragraphs, topic sentences,
introduction and conclusion—to guide the reader point by point from your thesis, through your
reasoning, to your conclusion. Paragraph often, to break up the page and to lend an air of organization to
the letter. Use an accepted business-letter format. Re-read what you have written from the point of view
of someone who is seeing it for the first time, and be sure that all explanations are adequate, all
information provided (including reference numbers, dates, and other identification). A clear message,
clearly delivered, is the essence of business communication.
4. The business letter must be courteous. Sarcasm and insults are ineffective and can often work against
you. If you are sure you are right, point that out as politely as possible, explain why you are right, and
outline what the reader is expected to do about it. Another form of courtesy is taking care in your writing and typing of the business letter. Grammatical and spelling errors (even if you call them typing
errors) tell a reader that you don't think enough of him or can lower the reader's opinion of your
personality faster than anything you say, no matter how idiotic. There are excuses for ignorance; there
are no excuses for sloppiness.
5. The business letter is your custom-made representative. It speaks for you and is a permanent record of
your message. It can pay big dividends on the time you invest in giving it a concise message, a clear
structure, and a courteous tone.
1. Features of a gd. busns
1.1 conveys info efficiently
to get results
1.2 is concise
1.3 is clear
1.4 is courteous
2. How to write a gd. busns.
2.1 Making letter concise
2.1.1 Intro shd be brief
2.1.2 make your pt in precise words and sent’s
2.1.3 short letter more effective
2.1.4 style is imp.—may ocasnly have hum’r
2.2 Achieving clarity
2.2.1 Have a clear idea of
what you wish to say
2.2.2 structr the letter—intro & conclsn.
2.2.3 use accepted format; para, topic, sent’s
2.2.4 check facts, expl’ns, refs.
2.3 Being courteous
2.3.1 Expln. your pt. politely—avoid
2.3.2 careful wrtg & typg.
2.3.3 gram. & spel’g errors to be avoided
इस समय कवि चर्च के पास एक गॉंव के बाहर खड़ा है। इस चर्च के पास एक कब्रिस्तान भी है। चर्च की घंटियाँ शाम का संकेत देती हैं। यह घंटी दिन के अंत का प्रतीक है। पहली ही पंक्ति में कवि ने दुःख का संकेत दिया है। कवि देखता है कि जानवरों का एक झुंड टेढ़ी - मेढ़ी चाल से चलता हुआ चारागाह की ओर जा रहा है। किसान भारी कदमों से धीरे-धीरे अपने घर की ओर थके हुए रास्ते पर चला जा रहा है। जैसे ही वह अपने घर पहुँचेगा, यह शाम रात में बदल जाएगी और पूरी दुनिया और मैं भी इस पूर्ण अंधकार में खो जायेंगें यानि किसान घर पहुँचते-पहुँचते थक जाएगा और मुझे और इस दुनिया को अँधेरे में छोड़ कर, अपने घर में व्यस्त हो जाएगा।
At this time the poet is standing outside a village near the church. There is also a cemetery near this church. Church bells indicate evening. This bell marks the end of the day. In the very first line, the poet has indicated sorrow. The poet sees a herd of animals going towards the pasture. The farmer is walking on a weary path slowly towards his home with heavy steps. As soon as he reaches his home, this evening will turn into night and the whole world and I will also be lost in this complete darkness i.e. the farmer will be tired by reaching home and will be busy in his home, leaving me and this world in the dark.
व्याख्या-कविवर्णनकरताहैकिसूर्यपूरीतरहअस्तहोनेवालाहै।इसलिएकुछसमयपहले तक जोप्राकृतिकभूभागसूर्यकेप्रकाशमेंचमकरहेथे, वेअबदृष्टिसेओझलहोतेजारहेहैं।शामकेसमयकामाहौलखामोशहोताजारहाहैक्योंकिहवाभीखामोशहोगईहै।प्रकृतिमेंइससन्नाटेकोतोड़तेहुएकेवल थोड़ी बहुत हलचल होरहींहैं।जैसे
- भृंगअपनेआश्रयकीतलाशमेंहैऔरयहएकड्रोनकीभॉँतिगोल-गोल उड़ानभररहाहै;जिससेएकप्रकारकीध्वनिउत्प्ननहोरहीहैजोइसशांतवातावरणकोबाधितकररहीहै।चर्चमेंबजतीघंटियोंकोअभीभीसुनाजासकताहै। वातावरण में होने वाली मद्धम झनझनाहट जैसी ध्वनियाँभेड़-बकरियोंकेलिएलोरीकाकामकररहीहैंताकियेभेड़ेंदूरअपनेबाड़ेमेंअच्छीनींदकाआनंदउठासकें। पूरे वातावरण में निशब्दःता छाई हुई है।
Explanation- The poet describes that the sun is
about to set completely. Therefore, the natural areas which were shining in the
sunlight some time ago are now disappearing from sight. In the evening, the
atmosphere is becoming very silent as the air has also become silent. Breaking
this silence in nature, only a few movements are happening. For example, the
beetle is looking for its shelter and it is flying round like a drone making a
kind of sound which is disturbing this quiet environment. Ringing bells can
still be heard in the churches. Both these sounds are acting as lullabies for
the sheep so that these sheep can enjoy a sound sleep in their yard far away.
कविकाकहनाहैकिशामपूरीतरहसेशांतहैलेकिनकुछध्वनियोंकेकारणवातावरणमेंथोड़ीसीहलचलअभीभीजारीहै।कविकोऐसालगरहाहैजैसेकिसामनेबनेटॉवरकाशीर्षआइवीपंखोंसेढकदियागयाहो। कवि की दृष्टि एक उल्लू पर पड़ती है। (उल्लू एक पक्षी है जो केवल रात में ही देख सकता है और उसका शासन (शिकार करने का कार्य) रात के अँधेरे में ही चलता है।) कवि को लगता है कि यह उल्लू मूर्ख प्रतीत होता है। ऐसा लगता है कि जैसे यह मुँहफुलाएहुए (नाराज़) आकाशमें घूम रहाहैऔरचंद्रमाकेखिलाफशिकायतकररहाहै। उसेलगताहैकिचंद्रमाउसकेगुप्तस्थानपरबनेघोंसले, जिसकाकिसीकोपतानहींहै, केपासयात्राकररहाहै। चन्द्रमा की रोशनी में उसके गुप्त ठिकाने का सबको पता चल जाएगा। इसतरहसेचन्द्रमाउसकेदूरएकांतमेंबनेबहुतपुरानेसाम्राज्यपर अतिक्रमण कररहाहै अर्थात उल्लू की निजता पर हमला किया जा रहा है।
उल्लूकेअनुसारचंद्रमाकोकहींचलेजानाचाहिएताकिरातमें वह अपनाशासनशुरूकरसके।क्योंकियह उल्लू अपना साम्राज्य तभीशुरूकरपायेगाजबचंद्रमाआकाशकोअप्रकाशितछोड़करचलाजायेगा।
The poet says that the evening is completely calm but due to some sounds, there is still a slight movement in the atmosphere. The poet feels as if the top of the tower in front is covered with ivy feathers. The poet's gaze falls on this owl. (The owl is a bird that can only see at night and its rule runs only in the darkness of the night.) The poet says that the foolish owl (with its mouth full) is roaming in the sky and is complaining against the moon Because he thinks that the moon is traveling near his nest built in a secret place, which no one knows. In this way, the moon is attacking a very old kingdom built in its distant solitude.
According to the owl, the moon should go somewhere so that it can start its rule in the night. Because this owl will be able to start its kingdom only when the moon leaves the sky unlighted.
Now the poet's attention shifts from nature to the
graveyard. His gaze goes towards the big, strong, and rough wild trees growing
in the cemetery. He says that under these big strong trees and the shade
of evergreen trees, some parts of the earth are visible high.
Over whom a layer of green grass is waving. These bumpy parts have turned into
rotten heaps. In these heaps, under the earth, the uneducated and impoverished
ancestors of this village, lying in their narrow rooms (graves) have slept
forever. The poet is feeling sorry for the death of these ordinary people.
कविइनग्रामीणोंकीचिर-निद्राकेबारेमेंबतातेहुएकहताहै कि येअबकभीभीनहींउठपायेंगें। प्रकृति की किसी भी ध्वनि में वो शक्ति नहीं है जो इन्हें इस चिर निद्रा से उठा सके। नाहीतो, सुबहकीसुगंधितसाँसोकीप्रसन्नचितआवाज;
नाहीअपनेघासकेघोंसलोंमें बैठी चिड़ियों के चहचहानेकीतेज़आवाज; नाहीमुर्गेकीतेज़बिगुल जैसी बाँगऔरनाहीकिसीतेज़भोंपूकीगूँजतीआवाज, उन्हेंउनकेपृथ्वीकेनीचेबनेहुएबिस्तरसेउठासकती है।
कविकहताहैकियेसभीचीजेंसोयेहुएलोगोकोजगासकतींहैंलेकिनइनमेंसेकोईभीआवाजभूमिगतकब्रोंकेबिस्तरोंमेंसोरहेइनबेचारेसाधारणलोगोंकोनहींजगासकती।ये लोग यहाँइनकब्रोंमें, हमेशाकेलिएबसगएहैं।
The poet tells about the sleeplessness of these
villagers and says that they will never be able to wake up now. Nor, the joyful
sound of the fragrant morning breath; nor the loud chirping sound of birds
sitting in their grass nests; nor the loud trumpet of a rooster, nor the
reverberating sound of a loud horn, could lift them from their bed under the
The poet says
that all these things can wake up the sleeping people but none of these sounds
can wake up these poor ordinary people sleeping in the beds of underground
graves. They have settled, here, in these tombs forever.
कविको इस बात का दुःखहैकिइसगाँवकेलोग मृत्यु के बाद यहाँइसतरहदफनहैंऔरउन्हेंअबदुनियाकीकिसीभीवस्तुयाकार्यसे कोई लेनादेनानहींहै।अबउनकेलिएघरोंमेंकोईचूल्हानहींजलायाजायेगाअर्थातअबउनकेलिएखानानहींबनेगा।जबवेजिन्दाथेतोउनकीपत्नियाँशामकोव्यस्तरहतीथींऔरउनकाइंतजारकरतीथीं।अबउनकेमरनेकेबाद, उनकीपत्नियोंद्वाराउनके (दफनलोगोके)
शामकेकार्योंकीभीपरवाहनहींकी जाएगी।उनकेबच्चेघरपरउनकाइंतजारकरतेथेऔरमधुरआवाजमेंबातेंकरतेथे।वेअबपिताकेलौटनेपरतुतलातेहुएदौड़करनहींआएंगेक्योंकिअबयेलोगनहींरहे।उनकेमरनेकेबाद, अपनेपिताकोएकप्यारासाचुम्बनदेनेकेलिए
,अबबच्चे न ही तो दौड़कर आयेंगें और नाहि उनकेघुटनोकाप्रयोगचढ़नेकेलिएनहींकरेंगें। कवि को बहुत दुःख है कि मृत्युनेउनसेयेछोटी-छोटीख़ुशियाँछीनलीहैं। उन्हें मृत्यु के पश्चात हमेशाकेलिए यहाँ इस कब्रिस्तान में दफनादियागयाहै।
The poet is sad, that the dead people of this
village are buried here like this and they no longer have anything to do with
anything or activity in the world. Now no chulha will be lit in the houses for
them, i.e. food will not be prepared for them. When they were alive, their
wives kept busy in the evening and waited for them. Now after their death,
their wives will not even care about their evening schedule. Their children
used to wait for them at home and used to talk in melodious voices. They will no
longer come running scurrying because these people
are no more. After their death, the children will no longer run and use their
knees to climb up to give their father a sweet kiss. They are buried forever.
Death has taken away these small joys from them.
एकओर, जहाँकविसाधारणग्रामीणोंकीमृत्युपरदुखीहै वही दूसरीओरवहउनकेद्व्राराकियेजानेवाले महत्वपूर्ण दैनिककार्यों, जो वे अपनी मृत्यु से पहले किया करते थे, से प्रभावित है। कविअनुमान लगाता हैकियेलोगअपनेजीवनकेदौरानदराँतीसेफसलकाटाकरतेथे।वेइतनेकठोरपरिश्रमीथेकिवेअपनेहलकाप्रयोगकरकेकठोरभूमिको भी बड़ीसरलतासेजोतलेतेथेऔरखेतमेंलकीरेंबनादेतेथे। कवि को आश्चर्य है कि वे लोग गरीब व साधारण होने के बावजूद भी कितनी प्रसन्नतापूर्वकअपने दल (खेतजोतनेवालेजानवर) को खेतोंकीओरलेजायाकरतेथे और मेहनत से कार्य किया करते थे। वे अपनीकठोरकुल्हाड़ीकेप्रबलप्रहारोंसेजंगलोंको भी काटदियाकरतेथे।कविकहताहैकियेलोगसाधारणथेपरन्तुये बहुत मेहनतीथे।
On the one hand, while the poet is saddened by the
death of the ordinary villagers, on the other hand, he is thinking about the
daily work they used to do before their death. The poet guesses that these people
used to harvest crops with their sickles during their life. they were such hard
workers that they used their plow to plow the hard land very easily and made ridges
in the field. They happily led their horses and oxen to the fields in groups. They used to cut down the forests with the strong strikes of their hard axe. The poet
says that these people were simple but they were equally hardworking.
कविइनसाधारणगॉँववालोकीमेहनतकशजिंदगीसेबहुतहीप्रभावितहै।वहजनताहैकिइनकेद्वाराकियेजानेवालेछोटे-छोटेकार्य , जैसेकि -खेती, आदि , बहुतहीमहत्वपूर्णहैं।वहअमीरऔरशक्तिशालीव्यक्तियोंकोमृतव्यक्तियों के कार्यों कीआलोचनानकरनेकीचेतावनीदेताहै।
कविसभीकोविनयपूर्वककहताहैकिहमेंमहत्वाकाँक्षाकोइनसाधारणऔरगरीबलोगोकेमहत्वपूर्णकार्यों, छोटीछोटीघरेलूखुशियोंऔरउनकेक्रूरभाग्यकामजाकनहींबनानेदेनाचाहिए।वेअपनेघरकीखुशियों व अपनीजिंदगीमेंमासूमियतसेव्यस्तरहतेथे।अगरउनकीकिस्मतबहुतक्रूरनहोतीतोवेभीअमीरहोते।इसमेंकोईशकनहींकिइनग्रामीणों का जीवन गरीबी से भरा और इनके जीवनकीकहानीबहुतही साधारण थीलेकिनफिरभीदुनियाकेमहानव्यक्तियोंकोउनकीआलोचनाकरनेऔरउनपरतिरस्कारपूर्वकमुस्कुरानेकाकोईअधिकारनहींहै।वेअपनीगरीबीकेलिएजिम्मेदारनहींथे।उनकीगरीबीकेलिए उनका दुर्भग्य जिम्मेदार था। मगरफिरभीवेअपनीछोटीसीजिंदगीमेंखुशथे।
The poet is very impressed by the hard-working life
of these simple village people. They know that the small tasks performed by
them, such as farming, etc., are very important. He warns the rich and powerful
not to criticize the hard work of the dead villagers.
The poet humbly tells everyone that we should not
let ambition make fun of the important works, petty domestic happiness, and the
cruel fate of these simple and poor people. They rejoiced in the happiness of
their home. They used to be innocently busy in their life. If their fate had not been so cruel, they would have been rich too. No doubt, the life
story of these villagers was full of poverty and simple but still, the great men of
the world have no right to criticize them and smile contemptuously at them.
They were not responsible for their poverty. Their simple and small luck was
responsible for their poverty but they were happy in their short life.
कविकहताहैकिकुछव्यक्तियोंकेपूर्वजमहानऔरधनीरहेहैंइसलिएवेअपनेगौरवशालीअतीतकादावाकर स्वयं को दूसरोसेउच्चमानतेहैं।मगर कवि को उनकी इस नादानी पर दया आती है क्योंकि ऐसा सोचना उनकीसबसेबड़ीभूलहै।
कविकहताहैकिसंसारमेंचाहेआपकेपासआपकेवंशऔरकुलसेसम्बंधितकितनीहीमूलयवानवस्तुएक्योंनहो; चाहेआपअपनीताकतकाकितनाहीदिखावाक्योंनकरलें; चाहेआपकितनेहीसुंदरक्योंनहो, याफिरआपकेपासकितनीहीधन- सम्पदाक्योंनहो; परन्तुएकनिश्चितपल (मृत्युका) सभीलोगोकाएकहीतरीकेसेइंतज़ारकरताहै। यह पल किसी को भी विशेष दर्जा नहीं देता।
सभी प्रकारकीउपलब्धिऔरप्रसिद्धि इसी जीवन तक सीमित हैं और केवल मृत्युके एक निश्चितक्षणतक ही सभी के साथ रह पाती हैं। ये सभी संसारिक वस्तुएँ और अनुभूतियाँ मृत्यु के बाद यहीं रह जाती हैं। मनुष्य अपने साथ अपनी कब्र में कुछ भी नहीं ले जा सकता। प्रत्येक व्यक्ति के जीवनकेसभीरास्तेदेर-सबेरकब्रोंमेंजातेहैंइसलिएकिसीकोभीअपनी भौतिक उपलब्धियोंपरगर्वमहसूसनहींकरनाचाहिए।
The poet says that the ancestors of some persons
have been great and wealthy, so they claim their glorious past and consider
themselves superior to others. But this is his biggest mistake.
The poet says that no matter how many valuable
things you have in the world related to your lineage and family; no matter how
much you show off your strength; no matter how beautiful you are, or how much wealth you have, but a certain moment (of death) waits for all the people in
the same way. Death never treats anyone special.
Every kind of achievement and fame goes to a
certain moment of death. All walks of life go to graves sooner or later. Hence, no
one should feel proud of their worldly achievements.
Nor you, ye proud, impute to these the
If Mem'ry o'er their tomb no trophies
Where thro' the long-drawn aisle and
fretted vault
कविइससंसारकेअभिमानीव्यक्तियोंकोसचेतकरताहैकिवेगरीबहोनेकादोषउनसाधारणलोगोपर नहीं लगा सकते ।येउनकीनिर्दयीकिस्मतहीथीजिसनेउन्हेंगरीबबनाया।वेगरीब थे परन्तु वे कामचोर नहीं थे।अगरउनकेपासएकअच्छीऔरआलीशानकब्रनहींहैतोयेदोष भी उनका नहींहै।
कवि प्रसिद्ध और अमीर लोगो को सम्बोधित करते हुए कहता है कि यदि इन साधारण लोगो की कब्रों परउनकीयादमेंकोईप्रतीकचिन्हनहींलगायागयाहै या फिरउनकीकब्रोंपरउनकेजीवन की उपलब्धियोंकोरेखांकितकरनेवालीस्मारकभीनहींबनायीगयीहै या फिरउनकीकब्रों के पासबैठने के लिए बनी पंक्तियोंकेबीचकोईरास्ताभीनहींहै या फिर उनकीकब्रोंकेपासउनकीसभीउपलब्धियोंकेसाथचित्रितएकगुंबददारछतभीनहींहैजोमृतकोंकीस्तुतिगातेहुएशोककरनेवालोंकीआवाज़सेगूंजतीहै; तो ये उनका दोष नहीं है। तुम सब (अमीर व् प्रसिद्ध लोग) इन साधारण मृत ग्रामीणों की कब्रों के ढाँचे में पाई जाने वाली इन कमियों का दोष इनके सिर पर नहीं मढ़ सकते।
The poet warns the arrogant people of this world
that they should not blame ordinary people for being poor. It was their cruel
fate that made them poor. They did not want to be poor. They were also
hardworking. It is not their fault if no insignia has been erectedon their grave in their
memory. Not even a monument has been erected on their graves to
mark the achievements in their life. In their graves (if they have them) there
is no path between the rows of seating. Their graves don't even have a vaulted
ceiling painted with all their achievements that echoes with the voices of
mourners singing the praises of the dead. If they do not have a nice and
luxurious tomb, it is not their fault.
कविकोखेदहैकिअमीरऔरगरीबव्यक्तियोंकीमृत्युकेबादभीउनमें भेदभावहोताहै।अमीरलोगकीकब्रोंपरखूबसूरतमकबरेबनवायेजातेहैंऔरउनपरउनकीप्रशंसाहेतुगीतलिखेजातेहैं।गरीबोंकेमकबरेमिटटीके होते हैं और साधारण तरीके से बनेहोतेहैंक्योंकिउनकेउत्तराधिकारीगरीबहैं।
याउनकीसजीवजैसीमूर्ति, मृतव्यक्तिकी साँस कोवापसउनकेशरीरमेंबुलासकतीहै? क्या किसी भी तरह का सम्मानउनकेशांतपड़ेहुएशरीरकोफिरसेजीवितकरसकताहै अर्थात ये सभी प्रयत्न मृत शरीर कोएकजीवंतमानवमेंनहींबदलसकतीहैं।क्याचापलूसीमौतकेकानोतकअपनीआवाजपहुँचासकतीहै? येसबबातेंमौतकोजीवनवापसदेनेकेलिएराजीनहींकरसकतीहैं।मौतइतनीक्रूरहैकिकुछभीनहींसुनती। तो फिर इतने दिखावे का क्या फायदा।
The poet regrets that there is discrimination
between the rich and the poor even after their death. Beautiful mausoleums are
built over the graves of rich people and songs of praise are written on them.
Whereas the tombs of the poor are made of mud because their successors are
poor. The poet asks the people of this world whether the urn decorated with the
events of the dead person's life, or their living statue, can bring the breath
of the dead person back into their body? Can Samman revive their resting body,
that is, they cannot turn the dust of the body into a living human body. Can
flattery reach its voice to the ears of death? All these things cannot persuade
death to give life back. Death is so cruel that it hears nothing.
कविकोगाँवकेमृतलोगोसेपूरीसहानुभूतिहै।उसकेअनुसारइसदुनियाकेअमीरएवंशक्तिशालीव्यक्तियोंकोइनव्यक्तियोंकेदुर्भाग्यकाउपहासनहींकरनाचाहिए।होसकताहै कि इनउपेक्षितकब्रोंमेंकुछऐसेव्यक्तिभीहोजिनकेहृदयदिव्यप्रेमऔरभक्तिसेभरेहुएथे।होसकताहैकिइनकब्रोंमेंदफनकुछलोगऐसेभीरहेंहो कि यदिउनकेभाग्यनेउन्हेंमौकादियाहोतातो वेएकसाम्राज्यपरशासनकरनेमेंसक्षम हो सकते थे ।होसकताहैउनमेंसेकुछलोगएकसफलसंगीतकारबनकरवीणाबजातेजिसमेंसेपरमानंददेनेवालासंगीत उत्पन्न होता। परयहसबउनकेदुर्भाग्यकेकारणनहोसका। कवि कहना चाहता इन साधरण मृत लोगो में अनन्त प्रतिभाएँ हो सकती थे जिसे वे अपने दुर्भाग्य के कारण फलीभूत न कर सके।
The poet has full sympathy for the dead people of
the village. According to him the rich and powerful people of this world should
not ridicule the misfortunes of these persons. There may be some persons in
these neglected tombs whose hearts were filled with divine love and devotion.
Some of the people buried in these tombs may have been such that if their fate
had given them a chance, they would have been able to rule an empire. Some of
them may have become successful musicians and played the veena from which
ecstatic music would be produced. But all this could not happen due to their
कविकोलगताहैकिगरीबोंकोवेसबसुविधाएँनहींमिलीजोकि सम्पन्न लोगोकोउनकेभाग्यद्वारादीगई।गरीबीऔर दुर्भाग्य उनलोगोकेसबसे बड़े दुश्मनथे।गरीब के कारण वे कभीभीअपनीराजनीतिकऔरकलात्मकक्षमताकोपूराकरनेमेंसक्षम ना हो सके। पहलीबात -वेअशिक्षितथेक्योंकिउन्हेंकभीभी "ज्ञान"
नहींमिलाजोउन्हेंशासनकरनेऔर साम्राज्य बनानेमेंसक्षमबनाता अर्थात ज्ञानने उनकी आँखों के सामने कभी भी उन पन्नों को नहीं खोला जो ही समय की घटनाओं से भरे पड़े थे। वे इतिहास से अनजान रह गए और इसलिएवेसमयकेविकासकोनहींसमझसके।दूसरेयेलोगबहुतगरीबथेऔरउत्साहहीनगरीबीनेउनकी उन्नति करने की प्रेरणाकोरोकलियाऔरउनकेदिमागकीरचनात्मकताकोदबादिया।इनदोकारणोंनेइनव्यक्तियोंकोअशिक्षितऔरअज्ञातमरनेकेलिएमजबूरकिया।उनमेंभीसंसारकाभलाकरनेकीबड़ीइच्छारहीहोगीऔरउनकीआत्माएंऐसाकरनेकेलिएउत्सुकभीरहीहोंगीलेकिनवेऐसाकभीनहींकरसके।इसप्रकारउनकीइच्छाएंउनकेदिलोंमेंहीदबकररहगयीहोगी।
The poet feels that the poor did not get all the
facilities which were given to the immortals by their fate. Poverty and cruel
fate were their greatest enemies. The poor were never able to fulfill their
political and artistic potential. First thing - they were illiterate because
they never got "knowledge" which would enable them to rule and create
i.e. knowledge never let the pages of books open before them, so they could not
understand the evolution of time. Secondly, these people were very poor and the
exasperating poverty stifled their motivation and suppressed the creativity of
their minds. These two reasons forced these persons to die illiterate and
unknown. They too must have had a great desire to do good to the world and
their souls must have been eager to do so but they could never do so. Thus
their desires must have remained buried in their hearts.
कवियहमाननेकेलिएतैयारनहींहैकिगाँवकेसीधे-सादेलोग साधन सम्पन्न लोगोसे किसी भी तरह से कमरहेहोंगें।वेकेवलअपनीगरीबीऔरअपने दुर्भाग्य के कारण अपनीप्रतिभाओकोनहींदिखासके।गरीबोंकीप्रतिभासमुद्रमेंछिपे "रत्न"
"फूल" कीतरहहै अप्रसिद्ध रह गई।
कविएकऔरउदाहरणप्रस्तुतकरताहैकिसुनसानऔरअज्ञातस्थानोंपरकईफूलतरहकेखिलतेहैंऔरवेरेगिस्तानकीहवामेंअपनीखुशबूऔरसुंदरता बिखेरते है जो की उस सुनसान रेगिस्तान में बेकार चली जाती हैं। परन्तुइसकाअर्थयहनहींहैकिवेफूलसुगन्धितऔरसुंदरनहींहोंगें।गरीबग्रामीणोंकेजीवनकेसाथभीऐसाहीहुआकिवेअपनीप्रतिभाओंकोदिखानहींसके।वेसमुद्रकेरत्नऔररेगिस्तानकेफूलकीतरहहीदुनियाकीनजरोंमेंनहींआपाए। जिससे कि उनकी विशेषताएँ बेकार हो गयी।
कविकहनाचाहताहैकियदि कोई रत्नबाजारमेंनहींहैं,
फूलकिसीउद्यानमेंनहींहैं, औरइनगाँववालोकाभाग्यउच्चनहींहैतोयहभाग्यकादोषहैनाकिइनका।
The poet is not ready to believe that the simple
people of the village must have been less than the rich people. They could not
show their talents only because of their poverty and their misfortune. The
genius of the poor is like a "gem" hidden in the sea or a
"flower" blooming in the desert. The poet says that in the dark and
deep caves of the ocean there are innumerable gems where they are of no value,
but this does not mean that those gems are worthless. In a series of similes,
the poet cites another example that many different kinds of flowers bloom in
deserted and unknown places and they waste their fragrance and beauty in the
desert air. But this does not mean that those flowers will not be fragrant and
beautiful. The same happened with the lives of poor villagers that they could
not show their talents. Like the gem of the sea and the flower of the desert,
they could not be seen in the eyes of the world. Were.
The poet wants to say that if gems are not in the
market, flowers are not in any garden, and these villagers do not have high
fortune, then it is the fault of luck and not theirs.
कविकोगरीबऔरअभागेगाँववालोकेजीवनपरखेदहै।वहकहताहैकिइनकब्रोंमेंकुछऐसेव्यक्तिदफनहोसकतेहैंजो हो सकता है कि हैम्पडेनकीतरहबहुतसाहसी रहे हों। वे अन्याय के विरुद्ध लड़ सकते थे।
कविउनगॉववालोमेंसेकुछलोगोंकीमिल्टनसेतुलनाकरतेहुएकहताहैकिहोसकताहैकियहॉंलेटेहुएव्यक्तियोंमेंसेकुछलोग मौन और प्रसिद्धिरहित जॉनमिल्टन हो। वे भी जॉन मिल्टन की तरह महान कवि बन सकते थे परन्तु अशिक्षित होने कारण वे प्रसिद्ध नहीं हो सके।
कविफिरसेकहताहैकिउनमेंसेकुछ लोग क्रॉमवेल कीतरहएकअच्छेराजनेताहोसकतेथे। कविकोअफ़सोसहैकि इन ग्रामीणोंकेशहरीजीवनसेदूररहनेकेकारणकोईभीउनकी क्षमताओं कोनहींपहचानसकाऔर अब येसभीअपनीकब्रोंमेंमूक व प्रतिभाहीन की तरहपड़े हुएहैं।
The poet regrets the lives of the poor and
unfortunate villagers. He says that these graves may have buried some people
who would have been as courageous as Hampden. (Politician John Hampden fought
for the rights of the people against an authoritarian monarch and he fearlessly
confronted the landlords who owned the farms in which the poor worked.)
The poet compares some of those villagers with
Milton, saying that some of the people lying here may be like John Milton (the
famous Renaissance poet who wrote Paradise Lost) but they are silent and
without fame. because he never learned to write.
The poet again states that some of them may have
been like Cromwell who was a good statesman but he was found faultless despite
causing casualties to his countrymen. The poet regrets that as these villagers
were away from the urban life, no one could recognize their potential and all
of them lie deaf and mute in their graves.
कविखेदव्यक्तकरतेहुएकहताहैकि हो सकता है कि येग्रामीणइतनेप्रतिभाशाली रहे हों किवेअपनेभाषणसेसीनेटपरसफलतापूर्वकशासनकरसकतेथेऔरदर्शकों के बीच ख्यातिभीअर्जितकरसकतेथे।वेकिसीभीमुसीबतऔरविनाशकेखतरोंकासामनाबड़ीबहादुरीकेसाथकरसकतेथे।वेइतनेसक्षम हो सकते थे किवेअपनेप्रयासोंसेएकप्रसन्नचितदेशमेंसमृद्धिकीमुस्कानफ़ैला सकतेथे। उनका अच्छे कामों का इतिहासदेशवासिओंकेआँखोंमें पढ़ा जासकताथा।कविकोखेदहैकिइनग्रामीणोंकीकिस्मतनेउन्हेंइनउपलब्धियोंकोपानेका मौका नहींदियाऔरवेगरीबीमें हीमरगए।
The poet laments that these villagers were so
talented that they could successfully rule the Senate with their speech and
also earn the fame of the audience. They could face any trouble and danger of
destruction with great bravery. They were so capable that they were able to
spread a smile of prosperity in a happy country with their efforts and their
history could be seen in the eyes of the countrymen. The poet regrets that the
fate of these villagers did not give him time to achieve these achievements and
they died in poverty.
कविमानताहैकिगरीबीने एकओरइनग्रामीणोंकेविकसितहोतेहुएगुणोंकोकुचलनेकाकामकिया,
तोदूसरीओर, इसनेउन्हेंएकक्रूर व्यक्ति औरअपराधीबननेसेभीरोक लिया।निर्धनता के कारण, येग्रामीणउनसभीदोषोंसेमुक्तरहेजोमहत्वकाँक्षीऔरप्रसिद्धव्यक्तियोंमेंअक्सरपाएजाते।
गरीबीकेकारणहीवेकभीभीअत्याचारीनहींबनसके।उन्होंने, राजनेताओंकीतरह, कभीभीअपनीताकतकाप्रयोगअपनेहीदेशवासियोंकेरक्तपात करने और सिंहासनपानेकेलिएनहींकिया।वेमहत्वाकांक्षीऔरक्रूरनहींबनपाए।वेहमेशाहीदयालुरहेऔरउन्होंनेमानवताकेलिएअपनीदयाकेद्वारकभीभीबंदनहींकिये।उनकेभाग्यनेउन्हेंप्रतिष्ठितव्यक्तियोंकीयोग्यता पाने से वंचित रक्खा और सीधा-सादा परन्तु ईमानदार जीवन जीने का अवसरदिया।
The poet feels that it was because of poverty that
these villagers were free from all the vices which are often found in ambitious
and famous persons. The poet believes that on the one hand the poverty of these
villagers stifled their developing qualities, on the other hand, it also
prevented them from becoming cruel and criminal.
They could never become a tyrant because of
poverty. They, like politicians, never used their power to get the throne
through the bloodshed of their own countrymen. They could not become ambitious
and cruel. They were always kind and never closed the doors of their mercy for
humanity. Their fate gave Them a simple life opportunity by denying them the
qualifications of eminent persons.
कविबताताहैकियेलोगबिल्कुलभीपाखंडीनहींथे। अपने सीधे साधे (सच्चे ) जीवन के कष्टकारी संघर्षों को उन्होंने कभी भी नहीं छुपाया। यहाँ तक कि अनजानेमें अगर उनसे कोई अपराध या कोई गलत कार्य हो जाता था तो ये उनके चेहरे पर स्पष्ट रूप से आ जाता था। उन लोगो ने भी भी विलासी और घमण्डी लोगो के दरवाजे पर जाकर चापलूसी करने के लिए भीड़ नहीं लगाई।
संसारमें जिसप्रकारकिसीदेवीकेसम्मुखसुगन्धितधूपजलाकरऔरगीतगाकरउनकासम्मानकियाजाताहै,
उसीप्रकारविलासीऔरअभिमानीलोगों को प्रसन्न करने के लिए उनकी भी झूठी प्रशंसाकीजातीहै। चूंकिग्रामीणकमपढ़ेलिखेथे, वेअन्यलोगोंकीतरहचापलूसीवालीकविताएँनहींलिखसकतेथे; इसलिए, वेअमीर, विलासीऔरअभिमानीव्यक्तियोंकोखुशकरनेकेलिएउनकेसम्मानमेंकोईगीतयाप्रशंसालिखनेसेबचगए।इसप्रकारगरीबीनेउन्हेंगर्वकेसाथजीनेमेंमददकी।
The poet tells that these people were not
hypocrites at all. They did nothing artificial to hide their weaknesses. They
never tried to hide the truth of the painful struggles they faced in life. They
never tried to suppress the redness on their face due to any unintentional
crime. It was clear on their face whether they were ashamed of any activity or
not. The way a goddess is honored by lighting fragrant incense in front of her
and singing songs, in the same way, luxuriant and arrogant people are honoured
by praise in the world.
As the villagers were less educated, they couldn't
write flattering poems like other people; hence, they were saved from writing any
song or praise in their honor to please the rich, luxuriant, and arrogant
persons. Thus, poverty helped them to live with pride.
अबकविग्रामीणोंऔरअन्यसांसारिकलोगोकेजीवनकीतुलनाकरतेहुएकहताहैकिग्रामीणोंनेअपनेजीवनमेंशांतमाहौलबनाएरखाजबकिअन्यसांसारिकलोगबहुत महत्वकाँक्षी थे जिस कारणउनकाजीवनसंघर्षसेभराहुआथा।
कविकहताहैकियेग्रामीणदुनियाकीपगलाईहुईभीड़केअनैतिककलहोसेकोसोदूरथे।मृतग्रामीणोंकीइच्छाएँबहुतनेकथींजिन्होंनेकभीभीइधर-उधरभटकनानहींसीखा। किसी एकांत घाटीकी शांततलहटी की ही तरह से उनका जीवन भी बहुतहीअच्छीतरह शांति सेबसाहुआथाजिसमेंवेबड़ीहीशांति से जीवन जी रहे थे , बिनाभटकेहुए।येशांतऔरसीधेग्रामीणशहरीऔरअमीरव्यक्तियोंकीतुलनामेंअधिकखुशथे।
Now the poet compares the life of villagers to the
other people and says that the villagers maintained a calm atmosphere in their
life whereas other people were very ambitious that's why their life was full of
The poet says that these villagers were far away
from the immoral squabbles of the maddened crowd of the world. The wishes of
the dead villagers were very noble who never learned to wander here and there.
Their life was very well settled at the foot of a quiet valley in which they
walked very calmly, without getting lost. These quiet and straight rural people
were happier than the urban and wealthy individuals.
Yet ev'n these bones from insult to
Some frail memorial still erected nigh,
With uncouth rhymes and shapeless
sculpture deck'd,
कविगॉंवकेमृतव्यक्तियोंकेलिएदुखमहसूसकरताहैक्योंकिवेबहुतगरीबथेऔरउनकेउत्तराधिकारीउनकीकब्रोंपरकोईशानदारस्मारकनहींबनासके।फिरभी, इनगरीबलोगोंकीहड्डियों (मृत शरीर)कोपूर्णअनादरसेबचानेकेलिए, इनकी कब्र पर एकछोटासास्मारकबनायागयाहै।लेकिनकविउसछोटेसेस्मारकपरभीसंतुष्टीमहसूसकरताहै।हालाँकिइसपरखराबतुकबंदीमेंएककवितालिखीहुईहैऔरखराबतरीकेसेबनाईगईमूर्तिलगाईगयीहै।समयबीतनेकेकारणयहस्मारकबहुतकमजोरभीहो गई है।बावजूदइसके, ग्रामीणोंकीकब्रोंपरबनेयेभद्देनिर्माणराहगीरोंकोउनकीमृत्युपरएकआहभरनेकेलिएप्रेरितकरतेहैं।इसप्रकार कवि को लगता है कि इनकब्रों पर बने ये साधारण स्मारक ग्रामीणोंकेसम्मानकीरक्षा के लिए पर्याप्त थे।
The poet feels sorrow for the dead persons of the
village as they were very poor and their successors could not build any
magnificent monuments on their graves. Nevertheless, to save the bones of these
poor people from complete disrespect, a small monument has been erected nearby.
But the poet feels satisfied even at that small monument, although it has poems
written in bad rhyming and a poorly made statue has been put on it. With the
passage of time, this monument has also become very weak. Despite this, these
unsightly constructions on the tombs of the villagers inspire passers-by to
take a sigh at their death. Thus, the construction of these tombs protects the
honor of the villagers.
Their name, their years, spelt by th'
unletter'd muse,
कविकाकहनाहैकिगरीबग्रामीणोंकीकब्रोंपरबड़ास्मारकनहींबनायाजासका, फिरभीउनकीकब्रोंपरछोटे-छोटे शिलालेख (एपिटाफ)बनाएगएहैं।इनपत्थरोंपरगाँवकेकुछअशिक्षितकवियोंनेदफनग्रामीणोंकेनाम, उम्रऔरजीवनऔरमृत्युकेबारेमेंलिखाहै। शिलालेखों परबाइबिलकीकुछपवित्रपंक्तियाँभीलिखीगईहैं।अबसमयबीतनेकेकारणयेपत्थरइधर-उधरबिखरगएहैं।पत्थरोंपरलिखीगयीयेपंक्तियाँग्रामीणसदाचारीव्यक्तियोंकोएकअच्छाजीवनजीनेकीप्रेरणादेतीहैंऔरइसदुनियासेअलविदाहोनेकामार्ग भी बतातींहैं।
The poet says that the poor villagers could not
have a big memorial built on their graves, yet small epitaphs have been made on
their graves. On these stones some illiterate poets of the village have written
about the names, ages and life and death of the buried villagers. Some sacred
lines from the Bible are also written on the epitaph stones. Now due to the
passage of time these stones are scattered here and there. These lines written
on stones inspire rural virtuous people to lead a good life and show the way to
say goodbye to this world.
कविग्रामीणोंकीव्यथाबतातेहुएकहताहैकिगाँववाले जोकि इसदुनियाकेलोगोकीभूलनेकीप्रवृत्तिकेशिकारहो जाते है, क्या आसानी से इस दुनिया को छोड़ने के लिए तैयार हो पाते है।
कवि कहता है कि क्या प्रसन्न्ताओ और चिंताओं में घिरा हुआ कोई भी मृत मनुष्य कभी भी इस जिंदगी से पूर्ण पूर्णरूप से विदा हो पाता है। कवि को आश्चर्य है कि क्या ये लोग मरने के लिए एकदम तैयार हो गए बिना एक भी बार पीछे देखे हुए कि वे अपने पीछे क्या क्या छोड़कर जा रहे है । क्या वास्तव में ये लोग थोड़ीदेर रुकनेकीइच्छाकियेबिना या बिना आलस कियेही मृत्यु को आसानी से अपना लेते हैं। क्या ये लोग खुशहालदिनों के रिश्तोकेअहसासकीगर्मी से भरे इससीमाप्रांतकोछोड़कर चले जाने के लिए एकदम से मान जाते है ? कवि पूछता है कि क्या ये ग्रामीण इतनी सरलता से अपने जीवन की यादो को छोड़कर इस दुनिया से चले गए होंगें या फिर वे अपनी इच्छाओं को अनपे साथ लिए हुए होंगें?
Describing the grief of the villagers, the poet
says that the villagers became victims of the forgetfulness of the people of
this world. The life of these dead people has been pleasant but bad, so will
these people ever be able to forget the happy but painful life? The poet then
asks whether these people will ever be able to leave the soft (warm of the feeling
of relationship) frontier of happy days without looking back and wishing to
stay for a while?
कविकहताहैकिजीवनमेंहरकिसीकोदोस्तोंऔररिश्तेदारोंकेप्यारकीजरूरतहोतीहै।वे 'प्रेम' परविश्वासकरतेहैं।मरतेसमयवेकिसीकरीबी (प्रिय) मित्रयारिश्तेदारकेस्नेह (दिल) परविश्वासकरतेहैं।उन्हेंभीआवश्यकताहोतीहैकि कोई व्यक्तिउनकीमृत्युपरवास्तवमें आँसू बहाए ।उनकीकब्रोंमेंसेभीप्रकृतिकेरोनेकीआवाज़आतीहै।दफनहोतेकेबादशरीरराखबनजाताहैपरन्तुउनकेमृतशरीरकीराखमेंभीउनकेकरीबीरिश्तेदारोंऔरमित्रोंकेस्वभाविकप्रेमकीआगजलतीरहतीहै।मृतव्यक्तियोंकीआत्माओंकी भी वहीइच्छाएँहोतीहैंजोजीवितव्यक्तियोंकीहोतीहैं।वेइसदुनियामेंभीप्रेमऔरसहानुभूतिचाहतेहैऔरमरनेकेबादभी। अर्थात मनुष्य मरने के बाद भी अपनी इच्छाओं को आसानी से नहीं छोड़ पाता है।
The poet says that everyone needs the love of
friends and relatives in life. They believe in 'love'. While dying, they rely
on the affection (heart) of a close (beloved) friend or relative. They also
require that these people actually shed tears at their death. The cry of nature
comes from their graves too. After burial, our body turns into ashes, but even
in the ashes of their dead body, the fire of natural love of their close
relatives and friends keeps burning. The souls of the dead have the same
desires as those of the living. They want love and sympathy in this world and
even after they die.
कविग्रामीणोंकीगुमनाममौतकेबारेमेंबतातेहुएबेहदभावुकहोजाताहै।वहसोचताहैकिशायदमृत्युकेबादउसेभीइसीगिरजाघरमेंदफनायाजायेगा।कविस्वयंकोसम्बोधितकरतेहुएकिवहहमेशाहीगुमनाममृतव्यक्तियोंकेबारेमेंसोचतारहाहैऔरउसनेअपनेशोकगीतोंमेंमृतव्यक्तियोंकेजीवनकीकहानियों को लिखाहै।कविसोचताहैकिजिसतरहवहइनग्रामीणोंपरशोकगीतलिखरहाहैउसीप्रकारउसकीमृत्युकेबादकोईदयालुकविउसकेबारेमेंशोकगीतलिखेगा।संयोगवश, जबकविकीमृत्युकेबादउसीकेसमानविचाररखनेवालाकोईकविइसगिरिजाघरसेगुजरेगा तो विचारशीलतासेप्रभावितहोकरवहउसके (ग्रे के) और उसके जीवनकेबारेमेंपूछताछकरेगा।
The poet becomes extremely emotional while
narrating about the anonymous death of the villagers. He thinks that maybe
after death he too will be buried in the same church. The poet addressing
himself that he has always thought about the anonymous dead and has written
stories of the lives of the dead in his hymns. The poet thinks that just as he
is writing an ode to these villagers, in the same way after his death some kind
poet will write an ode to him. Coincidentally, when after the death of the poet
a poet with similar views would pass through this cathedral and, impressed by
the thoughtfulness, he would inquire about him (the poet's) and his life.
गिरिजाघरकेपासखड़ेहोकरकवि, गहनमुद्रामें,
मृत्युकेबादइसीगिरिजाघरमेंदफनहोनेकीकल्पनाकरताहै।चूँकिवहग्रामीणोंकीमृत्युपरशोकगीतलिखरहाहैअतःहोसकताहैकिउसकीमृत्युकेबादकोईदयालुकविउसकीमृत्युपरभीशोकगीतलिखे। कवि को यकीन है कि कोई उसी की प्रवृति जैसा कविएकदिनघूमताहुआइसगिरिजाघरमेंआयेगाऔरवहगॉंवकेकिसीसफेदसिरवालेबूढ़ेव्यक्तिसेकवि (ग्रे
) केबारेमेंपूछेगा।यहबूढ़ाआदमीउसेबताएगाकिसूरजकेउगनेसेपहले, अक्सरवह (ग्रे) यहाँदिखाईदेताथा।वहजल्दबाजीमेंतेजकदमोंसेपूर्वदिशाकीओरजातेहुएसुबहकेसमयघासपरपड़ीओसकोइधरउधरछितराता हुआ चलता था।वहपूर्वीदिशामेंऊपरीलॉनकीओरजायाकरताथाऐसालगताथाकीवहवहॉंपरसूरजसेमिलनेजाताथा।
Standing near the church, the poet, in a deep
posture, imagines himself to be buried in this cathedral after death. Since he
is writing an ode to the death of the villagers, it is possible that after his
death some kind poet may also write an ode to his death. That poet will come to
this church walking one day and he will ask a white-headed old man of the
village about the poet (Grey). This old man would tell him that before the sun
rose, he (Grey) often appeared here. He used to make hasty steps towards the
east and spread the dew lying on the grass here and there in the morning. He
used to walk towards the upper lawn in the eastern direction, it seemed that he
used to go there to meet the sun.
There at the foot of yonder nodding beech
That wreathes its old fantastic roots so
His listless length at noon-tide would he
The poet tells that when a kind poet comes here
after his death and asks an old man about him, that old man will tell the poet
that he (Grey) used to appear here often. He (gray) lay there, at the base of
that wavy beech tree, with old, cut roots and tall, tangled branches. He used
to stretch his weary body in the afternoon and got absorbed in the stream of
the river which was flowing nearby. That's how he looked around here.
कविकल्पनाकरताहैकि एक सफेद बालो वालाव्यक्तिकविकोबताएगाकिकवि (ग्रे) समीपकेजंगलोंकेनिकटहीबिनाकिसीउद्देश्यकेघूमतारहताथा।वहतिरस्कारसेअकेलामुस्कुरातारहताथाऔरवहस्वयंसेहीबातकरतारहताथा।अपनेघूमनेकेदौरानवहअनेकोंकल्पनाएंकरतारहताथा।वहकिसीरोगीकीतरहपीलादिखाईदेताथा।वहसिरझुकाकरघूमाकरताथा।शायदवहनिराशापूर्णजीवनकीचिन्ताओंसेग्रसितथायाफिरप्रेममेंबेवफाईकीचोटखायाहुआथा।ऐसालगताथाकिउसनेकोई न कोईगहरीचोटखाईहुई थी।
The poet imagines that the brown-headed person will
tell the poet that the poet (Grey) used to roam around the nearby forests
without any purpose. He smiled contemptuously alone and he kept talking to
himself. He used to have many fantasies during his travels. He looked pale like
a patient. He turned around with his head bowed. Perhaps he was haunted by the
worries of a hopeless life or infidelity in love by someone. It seemed that he
was deeply hurt.
"One morn I miss'd him on the
custom'd hill,
Along the heath and near his fav'rite
Another came; nor yet beside the rill,
Nor up the lawn, nor at the wood was he;
custom'd- चिपरिचित, heath-खेत/मैदान, rill- जलधरा,
कवि सोचता है कि उसकीमृत्युकेबादजबएकदयालुकविउसकेबारेमें पूछने आएगातोबूढ़ाव्यक्तिउसकविकोबताएगाकिएकसुबहउसनेउसे
(ग्रेको)उसपहाड़ीपरघूमतेहुएनहीं देखा जहाँवहरोजानाघूमाकरताथा।वहझाड़ियोंकेमैदानमेंनहींमिला।फिरउसने (बूढ़े व्यक्ति ने) उसेउसकेप्रियवृक्षकीछायाकेनीचेदेखापरन्तुवहवहाँभीउपस्थितनहींथा।दूसरेदिनबूढ़ेव्यक्तिनेउसे (ग्रेको)झरनेकेसमीपसमतलमैदानोंवसमीपकेजंगलोंमेंदेखापरवहकहींभीनहींथा।वह कहीं भीनहीं दिखाई नहीं दिया।
After the death of the poet, when a kind poet comes
to see him, the old man will tell the poet that one morning he did not see him
(Grey) walking on the hill he used to walk daily. He was not found in the field
of bushes. Then he saw her under the shade of his favorite tree but he was not
present there either. The next day the old man saw him (Grey) in the flat
plains near the waterfall and in the nearby forests but he was nowhere to be
found. He didn't show up anywhere.
'The next with dirges due in sad array
Slow thro the church-way path we
saw him borne, Approach and read (for
thou canst read)
the lay, Grav'd on the stone beneath yon
aged Thorn
dirge- विलाप गीत, array- समूह, Approach- पहुँचना।
वह बूढ़ा ग्रामवासीकविकोबताताहैकिउसनेउसे (ग्रेको ) दोदिनतकढूँढापरवहउसेनहींमिला।तीसरेदिनउसनेकुछलोगोंकोउसकेमृतशरीरकोअपनेकंधोंपरलेजातेहुएदेखा। वे सभी अंतिमसंस्कारके विलाप गीतोंऔरएकदुखदजुलूसकेसाथ, उसेधीरे-धीरेचर्चकेरास्तेपरलेजा रहे थे। उसकामुर्दाशरीरकब्रिस्तानकीओरलेजायागया। वह बूढ़ा व्यक्ति कविकोएक कब्र परजानेऔर उस पर लगे शिलालेख को पढ़नेकेलिएकहताहै (क्योंकि वह कवि पढ़ सकता था।) बूढ़ा व्यक्ति कहता है कि वह (थॉमस ग्रे) सामने उस कटीले झाड़ के नीचे अपनी कब्र में लेटा हुआ है।
The poet imagines that after his death there will
be a tombstone on his grave. The poet reads that in this grave a young man is
resting in the lap of the earth. This young man remained completely ignorant of
fortune and fame throughout his life. He was born in a simple family and no
science ever bothered him i.e. he was not educated. His life was noble and
simple, yet he could not remain happy as sadness had completely taken over him
i.e. the poet states that he lived in the shadow of sorrow all his life.
Large was his bounty, and his soul
Heav'n did a recompense as largely send,
He gave to Mis'ry (all he had), a tear,
He gain'd from Heav'n ('twas all he
wished) a friend.
जल्द ही, कवि को आश्चर्य होने लगता है कि जब वह मर जाएगा तो लोग उसके बारे में क्या कहेंगे। उसे उम्मीद है कि यह अच्छी चीजें होंगी। वह चाहता है कि उसे एक सच्चे आदमी के रूप में याद किया जाए। वह नहीं चाहता कि उसे एक महान व्यक्ति के रूप में याद किया जाए। उसे सिर्फ एक साधारण आदमी के रूप में जाना जाये जो जीवन का आनंद लेने में सक्षम था।
(ग्रे) केमरनेकेबादजबएकदयालुकविउसकीकब्रपरबनेशिलालेखकोपढ़ताहैतोउसेपताचलताहैकिमृतकवि (ग्रे) बहुतहीउदारव्यक्तिथाऔरउसकीआत्मानिष्कपट/ईमानदारथी।भगवाननेउसकेदुखोकीक्षतिपूर्तिकरतेहुएउसेपुरुस्कारभीदिए।उसनेदुर्भाग्यकोसहनकियाऔरउसकेपासजोकुछभीथा, उसनेअपनेदुर्भाग्यकेनामकरदियाहालॉंकिउसकेपास दुर्भाग्य को देने के लिए केवलआँसूहीथे।बदलेमेंउसने भगवानसे वही पायाजोवहचाहताथा यानि एकदोस्त।
Soon, Gray begins to wonder what people will say about him when he dies and hopes it would be good things. He wants to be remembered as a genuine man. He does not want to be remembered as a great man; just a simple man that was able to enjoy life.
After the death of the poet (Grey) when a
compassionate poet reads the inscription on his barber, he comes to know that
the deceased poet (Grey) was a very generous person and his soul was sincere.
While compensating for his miseries, God also gave him many rewards. . He
endured misfortune and whatever he had, he gave in to his misfortune even
though he had only tears. In return, he got what he wanted from God - a friend
कविपाठकोंसेअनुरोधकरताहैकिउसकेगुणऔरदोषोंकीबातकरनेकीआवश्यकतानहींहै। ना हीतोउसकीप्रसंशाकीजानीचाहिएऔरनहीउसकीकमियोंकीबातकीजानीचाहिएक्योंकिवहमरचुकाहै।वहअपनीकब्रमेंलेटाहुआहै।इसकब्रमेंदोनों, उसकीअच्छाईऔरबुराई, एकसमानरूपसेउसकेसाथडगमगातीहुईआशाकेसाथपड़ीहुईंहैं।जहाँउसे पता नहीं है कि भगवानउसकीकिसबातकोसहीमानेगेऔरकिसबातकोगलतमानेगें।फिलहालवहअपनेपिता (भगवान) के सीने पर लेटाहुआहै और आराम से है।