Sunday, March 13, 2022



अगर  ये टॉपिक छूट गया है तो आप वीडियो की सहायता से आसान भाषा में इसे समझ सकते हैं।


Listening is a skill in which the brain receives and interprets sound signals to understand the meaning of these signals. It is one of the four important language skills.

It can be developed by regular practice - consciously, carefully, and systematically. Interpretation of a message depends on the listener’s knowledge of the language & signals. Listening also depends on the listener's attitude toward the speaker.

Active listening

Active listening involves hearing with full attention, understanding messages completely, and responding to the speaker. It is one of the four communication skills. The listener also observes verbal and non-verbal messages and then provides suitable feedback to the speaker.

 Importance/significance of Active (effective) Listening 

  1. Active listening enhances the information and knowledge bank of listeners. It helps him make better policies, make correct decisions, and solve problems & grievances.
  2. Active listening sets the foundation of conversation in all settings- at work, at home, in social contexts, etc. It helps in developing interpersonal relations with team members and colleagues, etc.
  3. Active listening helps in engaging the attention of the listener. it helps him payinf undivided attention to his work.
  4. Active listening helps a listener in responding empathetically. It helps him to win the confidence and trust of others.
  5. Active listening helps to develop good relationships with the speaker. it helps him
  6. Active listening gives emotional support to the speaker.

Importance of Active Listening for a Leader 

Active listening also helps in the workplace in many ways-

  1. Listeners can make better policies, correct decisions, and solve problems & grievances.
  2. Effective listening helps to know and understand the activities of the competing organizations, also.
  3. Effective listening in the same workplace helps to find false rumors that may damage the healthy environment and the reputation of the organization.
  4. Effective listening creates a pleasing atmosphere for coordination among various departments at the workplace.
  5. It helps to get constructive suggestions from the employees.
  6. Effective listening helps to raise the employees' morale and creates a sense of togetherness.
  7. Effective listening welcomes subordinates in the decision-making process and they contribute new schemes & useful suggestions.

Purposes of Active Listening

  1. Active listening builds trust.
  2. Active listening helps to understand the speaker’s situation and feelings.
  3. Active listening removes doubts; hence, reducing any misunderstanding.
  4. Active listening establishes clarity in communication between speaker and listener.
  5. Active listening seeks a complete understanding of a message.
  6. Active listening helps to continue an effective conversation.
(How can we improve our listening Skills)
Guidelines for effective listening
  1. Listen patiently to the speaker without judging it wrong or irrelevant.
  2. Simply use body language- like nodding your head and smiling,
  3. Give attention while listening and trying to understand the feelings of the speaker.
  4. Encourage the speaker to talk continuously.
  5. Keep tone neutral while giving a response and don't lead the speaker forcefully in a desired way.
  6. Give time for discussion to continue speech without interruption.
  7. Avoid direct questions and arguments during listening.
  8. Repeat the statement as a question when further clarification is required.
  9. Try to listen to the changing tone & volume of voice to find the real meaning.
  10. Concentrate on the speaker's facial expressions, gestures, and body movements.
  11. Refrain from merging official communication when listening for other purposes.

Few Important Questions

Q. Define the art of listening, its importance, and guidelines to improve it.
Q. Explain the art of Listening.
Q. How can you improve your listening skills?
Q. Write the tips to improve your listening skills.

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