Thursday, March 9, 2023



    • Writing is a skill used for creating the text of information by making logical symbols of sounds in a language and is done with a writing tool (like a pen, pencil, etc.) and a surface to write symbols.
    • It is the art of expressing thoughts, ideas, expressions, emotions, etc., and a writer can utilize it for writing many documents like- essay writing, paragraph writing, passage writing, content writing, story writing, column writing, etc.
    • It is an output skill and can be enhanced by reading
    • Professional writing is a way to convey technical or official pieces of information, and some examples of professional writing are emails, notices, memos, formal letters, news bulletins, posters, flyers, PPTs, technical reports, proposals, research papers, and project writings.


The writing that has a logical flow of ideas and is cohesive, is called effective writing.  It holds all the sentences together very well because of links between sentences and paragraphs. It is easily readable i.e., clear, accurate, and concise. Effecive writing is written in such a way that reader can understand it effortlessly, unambiguously (without confusion), and rapidly. Effective writing needs careful selected words, sentences, style, length, and many more features that help to develop a message accurately.


1. Effective writing helps to explain complex concepts.
2. It helps to issue clear instructions.
3. Itfulfills its purpose.
4. It provides accurate message in one reading.
3. It has a large outreach.


● Brush up on the basics.
● Practice and write on a regular basis.
● Read regularly.
● Note down good words.
● Imitate the writers you admire.
● Adopt certain styles of writing.
● Be clear about your ideas and thoughts.
● Imagine an event sequence in a dramatic manner.
● Harmonious blend of narration and reflection.
● Unity and coherence among the sentences.
● Grabs attention through the introduction section. Act as a map directing the reader by defining the purpose and scope of the topic.
● While writing the conclusion summarizes the entire text, bringing the reader’s focus on the main ideas through a change of tone.
● Use effective words and phrases to leave lasting impressions in the minds of your readers.
● Don't add ideas that you are not sure of.



The tools of effective writing are those particular elements that help a writer convert his ideas into an effecttive text. These tools help writer to write effectively and allow readers to understand the text completely in one reading. Almost similar tools are applied to preparing texts for longer documents like reports, proposals, articles, research papers, etc; For preparing the written text of speeches also.

Writing tools aid to present ideas in the most suitable and understandable format for the target audience. Hence, the developed content is clear, correct, accurate, and descriptive. Few of the effective writing tools as as follows- 

  1. Topic Sentence- The sentence clearly stating the theme of a text is a topic sentence. It describes the main idea of a paragraph. A paragraph is developed around the topic sentence. It helps a writer to bring unity, coherence, and development.
  2. Unity- Unity means oneness of thought. One idea is dealt with throughout the paragraph. All the sentences point towards the same idea. When the writer changes to a new idea, the writer should begin a new paragraph. Unity can be achieved by relevant illustrations and examples. This tool helps a writer to stick to a single idea in a paragraph.
  3. Coherence- Coherence refers to the smooth flow of ideas in a paragraph so that readers can understand the paragraph. This tool helps a writer to develop an effective paragraph.
    • How to Achieve Coherence
    • By repeating a Key Term/Phrase related to the central idea.
    • By using Synonyms
    • Pronouns/relative pronouns 
    • Transitional Words- (moreover, besides this, etc.)
  4. Emphasis- The word is derived from the Greek word 'emphainein' meaning "to display." In the English language, it means emphasis. In paragraph writing, emphasis refers to the power of expression to indicate the importance of words. This tool helps a writer to bring unity.
    • How to Achieve Emphasis-
    • Giving a forceful Introduction
    • Writing an Effective Conclusion 
    • Making a Purposeful Repetition
    • Examples and Illustrations
    • Comparison and Contrast
    • Mechanical Devices- (Capitalization, italics, bold, symbols, colors, etc.)
  5. Adequate Development-Adequate development means sufficient length of a document. This tool is used to give moderate length- neither short nor lengthy. This tool helps a writer to adjust his thoughts within the limit of the length of the text.   
  6. Clarity- Clarity means no confusion. This tool helps a writer state his purpose clearly to make the reader understand the message. This tool allows a writer to discuss only one idea in one paragraph. 
    • How to Achieve Clarity
    • Avoiding technical jargon.
    • Splitting the message into separate paragraphs. 
    • Highlighting key points.
    • Avoiding ambiguity by correct spelling, pronouns, proverbs, etc.
    • Avoiding lengthy sentences.
    • Using simple language in place of high-sounding words.
  7. Correctness- Correctness means no mistakes. A written document should be accurate in spelling, punctuation, sentence structure, data, and figures. The correct message has a good impact on the receiver. This tool helps a writer to write an error-free document.
  8. Completeness- Completeness means writing all the relevant information in the document. The complete information helps a reader in better understanding and decision-making. If a message has incomplete details, feedback will not be satisfactory, and effective communication is impossible. This tool helps a writer to make his message comprehensive for readers.
    • How to Achieve Completeness
    • By providing the necessary information.
    • By answering who, what, when, where, and why.
    • By satisfying all the queries.
  9. Organization- Organization refers to a well-placed beginning, middle, and ending with proper headings and subheadings, and the message can be understood easily. This tool helps a writer to develop a logical text with a starting, middle, and end.
  10. Descriptiveness- Descriptiveness is a tool for giving value to writing. It means to cover each aspect by giving proper description. For example- while writing a manual for mobile, troubleshooting and precautions are also described. This tool helps a writer to provide all the necessary things that are required by the reader.
  11. Language- Language is a tool for putting thoughts into reality. The choice of words reflects clarity of thoughts. Language should match the type and purpose of writing. This tool helps a writer to convert thoughts, views, information, emotion, etc. into verbal content.
  12. Appropriateness- Appropriate means relevant. The style and content should match the taste of the reader. For example- the children's book will be designed differently from the youth. This tool helps the writer to create content according to the reader.
  13. Acceptability- This applies to legal policies, rules, and regulations. The written material must be acceptable to a wide range of audience. This tool helps the writer in the careful selection of language that is acceptable to a large section of society.
  14. Conciseness- Consciseness means using fewer words for writing a message by removing unnecessary words and phrases from the text. Conciseness helps a writer to complete his message impactfully with the minimum number of words.
    • How to achieve Conciseness
    • By removing redundancy,
    • By reducing clauses to phrases
    • By reducing phrases and clauses to single words.
    • By avoiding the use of words really, very, totally, etc.,
    • By avoiding euphemisms.
  15. Flow- A Flow in writing indicates the sequential movement of thoughts and ideas that helps a writer grab attention as the reader finds the message comprehensive.
    • How to Achieve Flow in Writing
    • Make sentence relationships apparent, 
    • Use cohesive devices to join sentences(however, since, because, since, though), 
    • Interlink sentences with proper ideas, arrange sentences with logical ideas
    • order (to achieve clarity), deep thoughts, and development. 

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