Sunday, February 19, 2023



"Reading is to mind what exercise is to the body."
The skill that helps to identify and understand the symbols in a language is called reading. It is one of the forms of verbal communication. It is the process of looking at a series of written symbols and getting meaning from them. When we read, we use our eyes to receive written symbols (letters, punctuation marks, and spaces) and we use our brains to convert them into words, sentences, and paragraphs that communicate something. 
It is an input mode to enhance knowledge. Proficiency in reading enhanced self-confidence. "The more you read the better you can write."

Reading Comprehension

The ability to comprehend a text is called reading comprehension. It is an ability to process text, understand its meaning and integrate it with previous knowledge.

Tips for Enhancing Reading Skills
In order to enhance proficiency in reading we should -

1. Read regularly and set reading goals.
2. Read in portions.
3. Adopt reading strategies.
4. Associate with current events.
5. Try to personalize the content, and connects with lives.
6. Incorporate other visual & verbal aids while reading.
7. Highlight valuable information.
8. Understand common themes.
9. Share with others what is read.
10. Try to solve problems with the writing piece.


1. Scanning
  • Scanning is a form of pre-reading. 
  • Scanning means reading carefully to search for specific information. 
  • The reader moves his eye quickly over the text to find particular words or phrases that are relevant to a particular work. 
  • The reader avoids everything other than a particular thing. Whenever a reader reads any new book or text he uses the scanning method.
  • It is difficult to use the scanning technique when the text is very large (eg- in-depth articles, lengthy novels, etc.). 
  • On the other hand, it can be done easily where the format of the text is simple and the length is short.
The main features-
1. It is a quick process.
2. Focus is given on a particular word or phrase.
3. It is usually practiced when a reader is reading the text the first time.
1. Reading a menu card in a restaurant.
2. Reading a library catalog.
3. Reading a phone book to find a particular name in it.
4. checking a particular mail in the mailbox.
Advantages of scanning
1. The readers are able to get the information quickly, directly, and specifically.
2. The readers can find specific information.
3. The readers become active while finding specific information.
4. The readers are motivated to look for specific information.
5. The readers locate specific information.
Disadvantages of Scanning
1. Scanning means reading quickly; hence, the reader may leave important information.
2. Readers, sometimes, cannot decide what to choose or leave.
3. It reduces comprehension skills.
4. Cannot be used for pertinent information.
4. Cannot re-tell parts of the text.

2. Skimming
  • Skimming is the process of reading quickly to revise the already-read text. 
  • A reader also takes a general idea about the text before reading a new text. 
  • It’s a useful technique to read longer texts quickly and efficiently. 
  • During skimming, the focus is given to critical points but details are skipped
  • It is advised not to skim any research paper, important documents, contract papers, terms and conditions, etc.
  • The technique is useful when information is large but time is short. It is good for reading non-fiction work like course books. When a student revises for the examination, he uses skimming.
1. Reading a course book that you have already studied.
2. Reading notes just before an examination.
3. Revision of any text to look at the main points.
4. Reading reviews before buying a product online.
Features of Skimming
1. It is a quick process.
2. It takes less time for reading more text.
3. Main ideas are noticed.
4. Used for non-fictional text.
5. Rapid movement of eyes over the text.
Advantages/Benefits of skim reading include:
1. It saves time. 
2. Reader can understand the contents of each passage exactly.
3. Reader can read more in less time.
4. Reader can understand the organization of the text perfectly.
5. During competitive exams, it helps manage time.
6. Avoid wasting time on material that’s less relevant.
7. It helps to focus on the key points.
8. It helps to retain more information.
9. Reader can improve his understanding of the text.
10. Also used for taking an overview of a new text.
1. It is superficial.
2. Reader doesn’t get enough to be able to tell all the details,
3. Readers have to go back and re-read the entire passage again to understand.
4. very important documents can not be read through this method.

Differences between Skimming and Scanning

Similarities between Skimming and Scanning
1. Both are used for fast reading techniques.
2. Both cannot be used for detailed studies.
3. Both types avoid details.

3. Churning
  • A churning style of reading means getting to the gist of the text. 
  • Churning is related to reading slowly. 
  • It involves reading the text once or twice so as to understand its primary and secondary ideas in detail. 
  • It is used to analyze the text and get the gist of the text.
  • It is a combination of interpretation and inference. 

Churning involves the following points-

1. Interpretation - It means getting the summary of all the important points and understanding the true in-depth meaning of a text.
2. Inferring- Inferences means drawing conclusions on the basis of the facts. It includes reading between the lines and understanding the fact that are not actually written.  To make inferences, a reader has to apply his own logic and connect all the points. He requires understanding, reasoning, and analytical ability.
3. Understanding the discourse of coherence- Churning helps to understand the logical development of ideas and understand it by a variety of expressions like; but, yet, so, as, since, while, whereas, nonetheless, despite, consequently, either, indeed, eventually, hence, etc.

Main Features
1. It is a slow process.
2. Only the gist of the text is taken.
3. It takes an understanding of in-depth meaning, sentence structure, and coherence.
1. The reader infers the unstated facts in the text.
2. The reader enhances his vocabulary.
3. Reader gets the main idea of the text.
1. It takes lots of time if the reader is a beginner.
2. It may be tiresome to note down the meaning of every unknown/new word.
3. The reader may lose interest.
4. Assimilation
  • Assimilation means reading a text and setting the information in long-term memory.  
  • It is used to comprehend the text completely. 
  • It enables the reader to deliver the consumed knowledge to anyone easily and with clarity.
  • Assimilation is used for the deep study of any topic because the text is read thoroughly. 
  • The reader can answer the questions based on a particular topic. It is a slow reading process. 
During assimilation, we must take care of-

1. Structure of the text
2. Structure of a paragraph
3. Punctuation
4. Author’s viewpoint
5. Summarize
Advantages of Assimilation
1. It helps to prepare for competitive examinations.
2. It develops the understanding of language and grammar structures.
3. It makes writing impressive.
Disadvantages of assimilation
1. It is time-taken.
2. Beginners may distract from reading as it requires deep knowledge of vocabulary and grammar.
Important Questions 
  1. Define reading and its types. (Short)
Reading is the process of looking at a series of written symbols and getting meaning from them. When we read, we use our eyes to receive written symbols (letters, punctuation marks, and spaces) and we use our brain to convert them into words, sentences, and paragraphs that communicate something to us.
Reading can be divided into four types- skimming, scanning, churning, and assimilation.

  1. Define assimilation with an example. (Short)
  2. Define churning with an example. (Short)
  3. Define skimming with an example. (Short)
  4. Define scanning with an example. (Short)
  5. Differentiate between skimming and churning. (Short)
  6. Differentiate between scanning and skimming. (Short)
  7. Differentiate between assimilation and churning. (Short)
  8. Elaborate the types of Reading. (Long)



The process of new word formation by selecting a few letters from each word of a long name is called Acronym.

CBSE-Central Board of Secondary Education

AIDS- Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome

COVID-19 = Corona Virus Disease 2019 

GHG = Green House Gases 

FAO = Food and Agriculture Organization 

CO2 = Carbon Dioxide 

EEA = European Environment Agency 



The formation of new words by borrowing a word from another language is known as borrowing.

  1. pandemic, from Greek “pandemos”
  2. atmosphere, from Greek atmos (vapor, steam) + sphaira (sphere).
  3. biosphere = from Greek bios + sphaira
  4. lithosphere = from German litho (stone) + from Greek sphaira.
  5. cryosphere = from Greek kryos (cold) + sphaira (ball)
  6. oceans = from Old French “occean”
  7. epidemics = from French “epidemique”
  8. vaccine = from Latin “vacca”
  9. pollution = from Latin “pollutio”
  10. virus = from Latin “virus”
  11. plantation = from Latin “plantation”
  12. transmission= from Latin “transmissio”
  13. oxide = from France “oxygene” + “acide”
  14. agriculture = “agriculture” from Late Latin “agricultura”
  15. bio = from Greek “bios”
  16. contagious = from late Latin “contagio”
  17. infections = borrowing from old French “infeccion”
  18. emission = from old French “émission” Croissant- French 
  19. Dope- Dutch 
  20. Lilac- Persian 
  21. Piano- Italian 
  22. Pretzel- German 
  23. Sofa- Arabic 
  24. Tattoo- Tahitian, 
  25. Tycoon- Japanese 
  26. Yogurt- Turkish 
  27. Zebra- Bantu, etc
  28. African - banana, jumbo, yam, zebra 
  29. Chinese - ketchup, pekoe, shanghai 
  30. French - catalogue, essence, gourmet, justice, massage, perfume, regret, terror 
  31. Japanese - anime, karaoke, tycoon, hibachi, sushi 
  32.  Norwegian - fjord, krill, ski, slalom 
  33. Tagalog - boondocks, manila, ylang ylang (a flower) 
  34.  Welsh - corgi (dog), crag, penguin




New words based on the name of a person or a place are called eponyms. When we talked about a hoover (or even a spangler), we were using an eponym. Some eponyms are technical terms, based on the names of those who first discovered or invented things. Other common eponyms are 

  1. sandwich (from the eighteenth-century Earl of Sandwich who first insisted on having his bread and meat together while gambling) 
  2. jeans (from the Italian city of Genoa where the type of cloth was first made). 
  3. Fahrenheit (from the German, Gabriel Fahrenheit), 
  4. volt (from the Italian, Alessandro Volta)
  5. watt (from the Scottish inventor, James Watt).
  6. coulomb (from the scientist name,Charles-Augustin de Coulomb.



It is the process of inventing a new term from a trading name or a product in the market that has become a general term for any version of that product.

It is one of the least common processes of word formation in English. Simply, it means the invention of a completely new terms. 

  1. google
  2. nylon
  3. vaseline
  4. granola
  5. xerox
  6. teflon
  7. kleenex
  8. zipper
  9. aspirin