Friday, May 27, 2022


Group Discussion

Group Discussion is a combination of two words 'Group' and 'Discussion.'

A 'group' means more than two people works together to achieve a goal.  The team of three or more than three people is considered as a group. Number of people in a group depends on various factors like purpose, duration of task, size of task etc.

'Discussion' means exchanging ideas between two or more than two people to reach a specific decision. It is generally a face-to-face interaction. It can also be defined as conversation about a specific topic.

Hence, Group Discussion is a group activity that involves people sharing ideas or activities.  In the group discussion, members are connected with one basic idea and everyone in the group represents his/her perspective. The result of group discussion can be a particular decision, knowledge enhancement, actions, an argument, doubt-clearing, disagreement, etc.



The people who judge the Group Discussion are called panelists. The general procedure of GD remains the same but some organizations may add or deduct some points as per their requirement. There is no set norms about the number of persons in a GD panel.


There is no set rule for the number of candidates in a group. Generally, approximate 5-10 candidates are selected for Group Discussion. It depends on the size of the total gathering.

Duration of a GD

There is no fixed time duration for a GD. It may vary depending on the number of candidates in a group. The panelists may interrupt the GD in the mid or may take it longer than the usual. A general GD must not be less than 10 minutes.

Process of Group Discussion

     1.    Announcement of topic

This step is performed by the Panelists. The process of a Group Discussion starts with the announcement of the topic. The topic is announced by any of the panelists.

2.    Preparation Time

Before beginning with the discussion, the preparation time of 3 minutes is given. Preparation time duration may extend or reduced according to the gravity of the topic.

3.    Initiation of GD

After the preparation time, any participant in the group can initiate the discussion. After the lead participant, anyone in the group can continue the discussion. Similarly, everyone gets the chance to speak. One after another, participants in the group expresses their views on the given topic.

4.    Summarization

GD ends when the panelist interrupts the discussion. He may ask one or more participants to summarize the GD. Whenever you are asked for the summary, remember to cover the discussed points only. Remember not to add any new information. Hence,  the summary should include the essential discussed points and the conclusion of the discussion.

5.    Score calculation

After the summary, the final scores are calculated. Based on the performance of individual  participant, the panelist gives the scores. The panelists are interviewers (may be 2 or more) who judge the performance of candidates in the Group Discussion.

Importance of Group Discussion for Organization

GD is important as it is used to evaluate candidate's skills, such as leadership, communication, decision making, social, behavior, politeness, teamwork, listening, General awareness, confidence, problem-solving skills, etc.

As far as selection of candidates is concerned, it is used as a quick method to shortlist a few candidates from a large number. The written exam checks the knowledge and aptitude while GD is used to test the soft skills of the candidates. It helps the employer organization checking the social, technical, and communication skills so that a candidate can work effectively without any obstacle in between his/her skills.

Sometimes, an intelligent candidate with good knowledge lacks in communication skills, which is not good for organization as well. Though knowledge and technical skills are essential things for a candidate, but in an organization, he might have to face the meetings, discuss technical issues, handle new employees, instruct new assignments etc. in that situation, lack of communication skills becomes the disadvantage of that candidate. Hence, organizations and institutes ensure that the candidate must possess all the qualities before joining.

Importance of Group Discussion for Students

Group Discussion is a tool to evaluate the personal and professional skills of an aspirant who applied for higher education or interview. It also plays an important role in improving the skills of a candidate.


1.    Increases confidence

The GD allows the participants to speak in public, which increases their confidence to speak without any hesitation.

2.    Encourages deep thinking

It tests the knowledge of a candidate. The short span of preparation stimulates the process of thinking. In addition to that, during GD the participants in a group listen and understand other participants points of view, making them think deeply about the topic.

3.    Improves Communication Skills

GD helps the students to put their views in front of a group  and also ask questions if there is any conflict. It not only increases the confidence of a candidate but also enhances their communication skills.

4.    Removes hesitation of speaking

Some candidates usually have hesitation in speaking in public. At starting, such candidates might face difficulty while speaking. But, after frequent Group Discussion activities, such candidates speak loudly and express their views on the topic. It further removes their hesitation in speaking.

5.    Teaches team Work

Group Discussion is an activity that shows team spirit. In an organization, it is very important to work as a team for the assigned project. Due to this, the quality of working together with team members is checked in the Group Discussion. The panelist also judges the coordination and cooperation of participants in the group.

6.    Helps understanding Behavior

Being a very interactive activity Group Discussion helps to understand the attitude and behavior of the candidates towards other participants in a group.

7.    Improves Listening Skills

One of the main tasks in group discussion is to summarize the group discussion and it is completely based on listening skills. For example, the panelist may ask any candidate in a group to summarize the discussion. A candidate can only summarize if he/she has good listening skills. Due to this, every candidate presents in the discussion listens carefully. Hence, it improves the listening skills of the candidates.

8.    Brings diversity in ideas

The Group Discussion allows individual views on a certain topic and every participant contribute his/her own ideas or thoughts in the group, which makes the diversities in the ideas.

9.    Helps in Recruitment

Group Discussion is widely used for the recruitment process. It helps panelist to select a few candidates from the group. It also helps them to judge that the candidate is suitable for the organization or not.

Types of Group Discussion

There are three types of Group Discussion, which are listed below:


1.    Topic-Based Group Discussion

The group discussion in which a topic is given to participants is called Topic based GD. The topic-based Group Discussion can be further classified as:

a)    Controversial Topics

b)    Knowledge-Based topics

c)     Abstract Topics

d)    Conceptual topics

a)    Controversial Topics

As the name suggests, the topics are very controversial and GD may turn to a debate. Such topics are given to check the participants' temper and how they can handle the discussion without losing their calm. It shows that how a candidate can represent his/her views without arguing with other participants. Example-Reservation System, One Country One Law, etc.

b)    Knowledge-Based topics

Such GDs are based on the topic which require complete knowledge of the topics. These are certainly related to either studies, or employment, jobs, impact of policies on citizen etc. Example- Private job vs Government jobs, urban life vs village life, investment in education sector should be more then infrastructure, etc.

c)     Abstract Topic

GDs based on abstract topics, test the creativity and thinking of a candidate. It also tests the communication skills. Example: if you were a Prime Minister.

d)    Conceptual topics

GDs based on the conceptual topics test the knowledge, logical, and aptitude skills of a candidate and are widely used today by companies. Example- Power is always accompanied with responsibilities.

 2.    Case Study Based Group Discussion

Such GDs are the part of MBA courses. In the Case study-based Group Discussion a problem is given, and the participants are asked to resolve them. The preparation time is also higher as compared to other discussions. Teamwork and decision-making skills of the participants are checked through this GD. The participants need to active and updated with the things around them. It also tests the observation capability of the participants.

Criteria for GD

The performance of an individual depends on individual skills and group coordination. 

1.    Individual Skills

Participants, in GD, are judged on the basis od individual skills. Few individual skills are listed below:

a)    Communication Skills

communication skill of a participants is checked on individual basis. hence language should be Simple and style should be sober and professional.

b)    Content

The content is an essential part of the discussion. It should not be copied, repetitive, and wrong. A candidate should not get diverted from the topic. If the content is correct and relevant to the topic, the panelists examine the content and give scores based on your content.

c)     Analytical Skills

The analytical skills include the exploration of the asked question which includes 'How' and 'why'. Such skills are more focused on a case study Group Discussion.

d)    Creativity

It includes how you can speak the same thing in a different style. All these points will make you unique. Creativity attracts focus of the  panelists..

e)    Decision Making

Decision means to come to a conclusion or solution. Panelists closely observe the decision makers in a group. This skill is required in every field. Hence a participant must take a chance for decision making.

f)      Covering Mistakes

Remember, 'to error is human'. If you commit mistake even then you must not lose confidence. Try to correct the next statement. Simply you must know how to cover your mistakes honestly. Always correct the mistakes and come back with confidence.

g)    Reasoning Skills

The panelist checks how much a participant is right in his/her logical skills. They also check how good you are in supporting standpoints, how you respond to the other participants, and weaken or strengthen other arguments in the discussion.

h)    Fluency

A participant of a Group Discussion should have fluency in his/her spoken language. Everyone in the discussion listens to you carefully. Improper fluency may distract listeners. So, it is essential to be fluent while speaking.

i)      Organizing Skills

Participants get little time to prepare for GD even then he/she must know how to arrange thoughts systematically before speaking. Organization of thoughts brings favour from the panelists.

j)      Initiative

Initiative means to take the lead in the discussion. If you are confident and have good knowledge about the topic, take action. Do not hesitate and be the first one to start the discussion. It will get you the bonus points.

2.    Group Coordination

In addition to individual assessment, panelists also check all the participants as a team/group member. The group coordination includes the qualities that are evaluated based on group situations, which are listed below:

a)    Non- verbal behaviour (Body Language)

Non-verbal behaviour includes eye contact, gestures, postures, facial expression etc. A candidate should be very careful about the ways he/she sit, speak, response etc. The speaker should maintain eye contact with every participant in the discussion. The improper body language is considered as a lack of interest or a lack of confidence. It will also distract the attention of panelists from your words. Stop doing  unusual activities, such as biting nails, playing with pens and hairs, tapping on the desks, smiling. You should grab your focus only on the topic.

b)    Behavior

The behavior of the candidate in the Group Discussion should not be aggressive. It should be polite. Remember, employees looks for sensitive and polite candidates, not violent bouncers.

c)     Listening Skills

In a group it is important to listen carefully. you will not listen carefully then you cannot participate in a group. The panelist may infer the poor listener in many ways, such as lack of confidence, poor eye contact, or poor summary at the end.

d)    Leadership Quality

In a group, only one or two participants play the role of a lead. a participant who defines the essential points of a topic and tries to hold the grip of the group to achieve a common goal, often score bonus points.

e)    Team Work

In an organization, people need to work as a team for the projects. Due to this reason, panelists also check the coordination of the participants in a team. Never impose your ideas or others. Don't reject others' ideas or thoughts rudely.

Dos in Group Discussion

a)    Prepare well for the topic.

The quick trick is to note all the important points during the preparation time. Do not write brief paragraphs. Try to write short points and explain them briefly in the discussion.

b)    Be confident about your content

It would help if you always were confident about your content. If you are not confident, you may hesitate while speaking, which will create a negative impression.

c)     Participants Introduction

To know the names of the participants, listen their introduction carefully. You should be aware during the introduction of all the participants in your group. To get attention, you can call out the person's name when the discussion gets diverted.

d)    Body Language

Always take care of your body language. Do not focus only on the content.

e)    Maintain eye contact

Always maintain eye contact with other group members in the whole discussion.

f)      Leadership

Try to take the lead in the group if you are confident about the topic and the knowledge.

g)    Follow your Domain

Every organization has its own culture. Prepare your content according to the company requirements. For example, industrial companies focus on technical talks, while marketing companies require the combination of creative and oriented content.

h)    Create a structure before beginning

During the preparation time, prepare a structure of your discussion. As soon as your discussion starts, look at your structure, and start speaking serially. To avoid the off-track discussion, keep summarizing in between so that everyone remains on track. The structure can be:

·       A flowchart

·       A block diagram

·       Simple steps

·       Notes

i)      Speak point to point

You should be confident about your words, prepare the discussion according to the topic, and do not hesitate. Your points should be clear and precise. Do not include large paragraphs in your discussion.

j)      Be yourself

Do not compare yourself with others. Be honest and do not speak to create an impression. Speak that you feel correct.

k)    Attitude

Attitude matters a lot. During the discussion, raise your voice if you found any incorrect statements, inequality to someone, disrespects, comments, ethnicity, etc. and hold the chance to speak. But be polite while objecting to someone's point of view. Always be friendly and kind to your participants.

l)      Clarity

You should be clear with your words and audible to everyone present in the discussion. Do not speak fast to cover all the points.

m)  Be formal

Always take care of your body language, dressing style, and gestures. You should be formal.

n)    Listen others

Sometimes, candidates only focus on their speech and matter. It’s not good. Listen to other participants as well. The panelists at the end can ask anyone to summarize the discussion. The summarization includes all the essential points discussed by everyone in the discussion.

o)    Include examples

You should always try to include examples in the Group discussion. Such candidates are awarded bonus points.

Don'ts in a Group Discussion

Most of the candidates in a Group Discussion are not aware of some mistakes. Little mistakes can have an adverse impact on our impression towards the judges, which are listed below:

a)    Do not fight

In the Group Discussion, do not be harsh or fight.

b)    Avoid incorrect information

Do not initiate the discussion if you are not sure about your content. Do not present any wrong information.

c)     Stop taking leads if you do not know much

We should not take the lead in a Group Discussion if we are not much aware of the topic. Wait for others to start. Being second, third, or fourth in the group helps you better understand the topic by listening to other candidates.

Do not hesitate to initiate the discussion

d)    Do not copy anyone else ideas or comments

You should not copy the ideas and comments of other participants in the group. It creates a negative impression. In such case analyze and listen to other participants, add some points, and convert it in your own words.

e)    Do not avoid eye contact with other participants while speaking

When you start a discussion, you should not forget that it is a discussion with multiple candidates. Avoiding eye contact is considered a sign of disrespect and a lack of confidence.

f)      Do not lose confidence in the whole discussion

The group discussion is just for a short span of time. Do not get nervous if some point goes wrong. Mistakes often happen, but how to recover is more important. Take a challenge to correct your mistakes and come back again with confidence.

g)    Do not speak slowly

You should always be audible so that everyone can hear and understand your words. You can increase your volume and try to settle down the commotion. It will also leave a good impression.

h)    Try to contribute in a discussion rather than just speaking

Don’t speak continuously in a single go. Always add something valuable