Barriers which occur due to the functioning in an organization are called organizational barriers. Barriers are omnipresent; they are predominant in every organization irrespective of its size and communication technique. The rigid structure and closed climate check the free flow of communication in an environment.
a) Too many transfer stations,
b) Fear of superiors,
c) Negative tendencies,
d) Use of inappropriate media,
e) Information overload
a) Too many transfer stations:
If the organization is very large then there may be too may transfer stations to pass a message to its employees at different levels. With several layers of communication channels, the massage gets distorted in huge organization.
Solution: In large organizations INTRANET SYSTEM can help out to reduce too many transfer stations by supplying message directly on the message columns on the Intranet System. Digital notice boards are also helpful to supply direct messages to employees. these boards can be fitted to the very commonly visited places.
b) Fear of superiors:
In a rigid structure organization fear and awe of the superiors prevents subordinates from speaking frankly. Juniors never give their valuable advice to their seniors due to fear of rejection.
Solution: Seniors should promote the open communication culture rather than only downward communication. Seniors must give a disciplined but fearless company to his juniors or subordinates.
c) Negative tendencies:
in an organization where, different teams work together and only one group was appreciated then negative tendencies are developed and other groups rejects the new proposal of working together as they start thinking that they would not be appreciated again.
Solution: This barrier can be avoided by adopting positive attitude. people must not have negativity about an unfavourable thing happened to him in past rather he must try to come up with new energy to prove himself.
d) Use of inappropriate media-
Some timers everything goes well but the selection of the transmission of message in incorrect and this reduces the importance of message. Proper medium should be selected to make the message more effective.
Solution: Sender should select the proper media to communicate thing . It is totally sender's responsibility to send the message at the right time in a right format to receiver.
e) Information overload:
If a person is supplied with much information then it is not possible to supply the same and correct information to correct person. This is one of the major problems in an organization. Sometimes the receiver is unable to handle the data properly and effectively. This leads to fatigue, boredom disinterest.
GATE WAY: Required man force should be appointed to remove this barrier. If an organization is appointing required man force then this barrier come automatically.