Difference between Hearing and listening
अगर ये टॉपिक छूट गया है तो आप वीडियो की सहायता से आसान भाषा में इसे समझ सकते हैं।
Difference between hearing and listening-
Hearing is an activity of receiving sound waves through the ear. | Listening is the activity of hearing sound waves and then analyzing and understanding it. |
It is ability. | It is a skill. |
It is a continuous activity. | It is temporary. We listen only when we care about sounds. |
It happens at the subconscious level. | It happens at the conscious level. |
It just happens all the time – whether someone likes it or not. | Listening requires concentration so that the brain can understand the meaning of sound and spoken words. |
Hearing simply happens. | Listening leads to learning. |
Hearing uses only ears. | Listening uses different senses, like the sense of hearing, seeing, or sense of touch. |
Hearing is an involuntary act. | Listening is a voluntary skill where the brain tries to understand the meaning of sound. |
Concentration is not required for hearing. | Concentration is required for listening. |
It involves Physiology (Only the ear). | It involves Psychology, also (active brain). |
Some Important Questions with Answers
Q.1. Define hearing and how it is different from listening.
Ans. Hearing is a natural process of receiving sound waves through ears. But listening is one of the four important language skills and is a mode of communication in which sound signals are received and interpreted by the brain to understand the meaning of these signals.
Q.2 Define listening and how it is different from hearing.
Ans. Listening- Listening is one of the four important language skills and is a mode of communication in which sound signals are received and interpreted by the brain to understand the meaning of these signals. But hearing is a natural process of receiving sound waves through ears.
Q.3. Differentiate between hearing and listening.
'Hearing and listening are not the same.' Elaborate the statement.
Ans. It seems that listening and hearing are the same but the fact is that these two are very different activities. These two are possible through the ears i.e. sense of hearing but hearing stops at the ear and listening goes further. Their definitions state this difference clearly-
Hearing: Hearing is a natural process of receiving sound signals through the ears.
Listening- Listening is the skill of receiving sound signals and understanding messages correctly. It can be enhanced by regular practice. It plays a very important role in the process of communication.
Difference between Hearing and Listening
As shown in the above diagram, we can clearly see the differences between hearing and listening. Now, the differences will be discussed in detail.
Hearing is an activity of only receiving sound signals through the ear as nature is full of sound signals.
Listening is the activity of hearing sound signals and then analyzing and understanding them.
Hearing is an ability because it enables a listener to receive sound signals through the ears.
Listening is a skill because it can be enhanced by practice.
Hearing is a continuous activity because the listener cannot stop sound signals and the function of the ear.
Listening is a discontinuous activity. Listeners listen only when they want, and care about sounds.
Hearing happens at the subconscious level because the listener’s attention is not required for hearing.
Listening happens at a conscious level because the listener must be attentive to listening.
Hearing just happens all the time – whether someone likes it or not.
Listening happens when the listener wants.
Hearing adds nothing to knowledge and there is no learning at all.
Listening leads to learning.
Hearing is an involuntary act because the listener’s wish is not involved.
Listening is a voluntary skill where the brain tries to understand the meaning of sound.
Hearing doesn't need Feedback because the listener doesn’t process the sound signals.
Listening needs Feedback.
Hearing doesn't need Concentration.
Listening needs concentration.
Hearing involves Physiology (Only the ear).
Listening involves Physiology, and Psychology (active brain), also.
Hearing is used only for receiving sound signals.
Listening is used for all important activities like meetings, seminars, social gatherings, classrooms, etc.
During the hearing, the listener remains passive.
During listening, the listener plays an active role.
On the basis of the above explanation, it is clear that hearing and listening have completely different features and functions. One cannot replace the other. Hearing is a passive activity while listening is an active activity. Hence, it is clear that hearing and listening are two different activities.
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