Sunday, March 13, 2022





अगर  ये टॉपिक छूट गया है तो आप वीडियो की सहायता से आसान भाषा में इसे समझ सकते हैं।


Listening is a skill in which the brain receives and interprets sound signals to understand the meaning of these signals. It is one of the four important language skills.

It can be developed by regular practice - consciously, carefully, and systematically. Interpretation of a message depends on the listener’s knowledge of the language & signals. Listening also depends on the listener's attitude toward the speaker.

Active listening

Active listening involves hearing with full attention, understanding messages completely, and responding to the speaker. It is one of the four communication skills. The listener also observes verbal and non-verbal messages and then provides suitable feedback to the speaker.

 Importance/significance of Active (effective) Listening 

  1. Active listening enhances the information and knowledge bank of listeners. It helps him make better policies, make correct decisions, and solve problems & grievances.
  2. Active listening sets the foundation of conversation in all settings- at work, at home, in social contexts, etc. It helps in developing interpersonal relations with team members and colleagues, etc.
  3. Active listening helps in engaging the attention of the listener. it helps him payinf undivided attention to his work.
  4. Active listening helps a listener in responding empathetically. It helps him to win the confidence and trust of others.
  5. Active listening helps to develop good relationships with the speaker. it helps him
  6. Active listening gives emotional support to the speaker.

Importance of Active Listening for a Leader 

Active listening also helps in the workplace in many ways-

  1. Listeners can make better policies, correct decisions, and solve problems & grievances.
  2. Effective listening helps to know and understand the activities of the competing organizations, also.
  3. Effective listening in the same workplace helps to find false rumors that may damage the healthy environment and the reputation of the organization.
  4. Effective listening creates a pleasing atmosphere for coordination among various departments at the workplace.
  5. It helps to get constructive suggestions from the employees.
  6. Effective listening helps to raise the employees' morale and creates a sense of togetherness.
  7. Effective listening welcomes subordinates in the decision-making process and they contribute new schemes & useful suggestions.

Purposes of Active Listening

  1. Active listening builds trust.
  2. Active listening helps to understand the speaker’s situation and feelings.
  3. Active listening removes doubts; hence, reducing any misunderstanding.
  4. Active listening establishes clarity in communication between speaker and listener.
  5. Active listening seeks a complete understanding of a message.
  6. Active listening helps to continue an effective conversation.
(How can we improve/enhance  listening Skills)
Guidelines for effective listening
1. Paying attention to non-verbal cues
Pay attention to speaker's body language and tone of voice. It can help a listener understand what the speaker is thinking and feeling.
2. Making eye contact
Eye contact helps reduce distracting thoughts. It's important to maintain eye contact to listening carefully.
3. Asking questions
This technique helps you ensure you've heard the correct information. It can also help you demonstrate interest in what the speaker is saying.
4. Being focused
Focus will help a listener improving listening as it help to remember keywords when you listen for long periods.
5. Limiting judgments
Listen without criticizing the speaker in mind while they talk. Try to avoid thinking about negative or judgmental comments because this compromises the ability to listen.
6. Being non-interruptive
For good listening skills, a listener must not interrupt. It is also important to refrain from offering solutions. Just try to listen and wait for the pause.
7. Wait for a pause to ask questions
Listener may not understand everything someone says. It is best to wait until they pause to ask them to back up and provide clarification for the topic or phrase you misunderstood.
8. Ask clarifying questions
Asking clarifying questions keeps the conversation on topic. Focus on questions related to your understanding rather than irrelevant ones. When done without interrupting, these questions show you are listening, attentive, and open to further discussion.
9. Be curious
Always try to find something new from a lecture. Try to explore more. It will help listening skills and getting more knowledge.
10. Empathize with the speaker
Empathy is essential to effective listening. Listener should mirror the emotions the speaker has-sad or joy or excitement. Empathizing allows for open communication and establishes relationships.
11. Keeping distractions away
Listener must keep all the distractions away- whether physical, emotional. Never allow boredom, enthusiasm or irritation distract you. Keep your mobile etc away while listening others.
12. Provide the speaker with feedback
Giving feedback to listening makes a listener more attentive during the sessions. Try to response time to time through nonverbal also. A listener may smile or nod or say ‘Ok’ to respond to speaker.
13. Make note
Practice note making while listening to someone. It helps understanding and improves listening Skills.
14. Practice listening
Listening to TED Talks, audiobooks or podcasts without text. Use short clips of up to four minutes and replay them to test your retention.

Few Important Questions

Q. Define the art of listening, its importance, and guidelines to improve it.
Q. Explain the art of Listening.
Q. How can you improve your listening skills?
Q. Write the tips to improve your listening skills.




a)     Stop Talking or listening phone calls 

Never talk to anyone or on phone when somebody is speaking. Be attentive and listen only to the speaker patiently and try to understand his/her point of view.


b)    Be Relaxed and Prepare Yourself to Listen 

While listening to a speaker, be relaxed and put other thoughts away. Concentrate on the messages that are being communicated.


c)     Put the Speaker at Ease 

Never give negative gesture to speaker. Help the speaker to feel at ease. Try to encourage him/her by nodding or using gestures or words to encourage them to continue.


d)    Remove Distractions 

Avoid unnecessary interruptions. Focus on what is being said by the speaker. Keep yourself free from distractions.


e)     Empathise 

Be open minded. Never try to assume anything rather try to understand other person’s point of view. Look at issues from their perspective.  Even, don’t react on any idea or thought that you don’t like.

f)      Be Patient 

While listening someone, never get up early. Be patient and let the speaker utter the final goodbye. A pause, even a long pause, does not necessarily mean that the speaker has finished. Never interrupt or finish a sentence for someone.


g)     Avoid Personal Prejudice 

Respect individuality and be impartial. Don’t focus more on stage performance or delivery and style of speech. Always focus on content what the speaker is really saying.


h)    Listen to the Paralanguage 

Volume, tone, rate of speech, pitch etc. add to speech. Always try to use these paralanguage features of any speech. It helps you to understand the emphasis of what is being said.


i)      Listen for Ideas – Not Just Words 

Be very attentive to find out the real meaning of the any speech. With proper concentration, a complete idea of the overall speech can be easily found out.


j)      Wait and Watch for Non-Verbal Communication 

Nonverbals cues are equally important. Even, sometimes gestures and facial expressions are very important to understand the actual meaning of a speech. Hence, never avoid to watch non-verbal communication during any communication.



Different behavioral scientist identified different bad listening habits. The list of  such bad habits is given as below:

a)     To interpret to the speaker.

b)     Impatient towards the criticism in the speech.

c)     Involve in the daydreaming during listening.

d)     Lose interest in the speaker in his speech.

e)     Pretend to pay attention towards the speaker.

f)      Too much thinking on a single point.

g)     To arrive late at the place of meeting or lecture.

h)     Listen to several people at a time.

i)      Reading mails or entertaining telephone calls while listening to someone.

j)      Discouraging the speaker by openly contradicting his statement.

k)     State of emotional excitement.

l)      Listen with negative attitude towards the speaker.

m)   Try to outline every factual detail.

n)     To show your lack of interest in speech.

o)     Focus on dress & appearance of the speaker only.




Following are the different types of barriers in listening process:

a)      Distraction of mind: This is one of the effective barriers to listening process, caused due to personal mood of speaker, place of sitting, thinking about          domestic and personal problem, atmosphere, hurried or worried noise or it can be external, internal, physical or mental.

b)     Lack of motivation and interest: Listening always costs time, physical & mental energy. If there is no motivation or interest listener don’t listen actively. There may be some reasons of lack of motivation like unfamiliar speaker, ineffective speech, unrelated subject, lack of faith & confidence etc.

c)      Emotions: Sometimes due to the emotions, it is finding difficult for listeners to listen effectively and concentrate on screen. Emotions like Joy, sorrow, worry, excitement, frustration, depression, anger or unsecure feelings of listener etc. works as barriers to effective listening.

d)     Taking or writing notes: Taking notes while listening acts as barrier to listening as listener remain busy in taking notes and doesn’t pay attention to the words of speaker.

e)     Preconceived notions: prejudgment of speaker or subject works as a barrier to good listening.

f)       Rebuttal instinct: It is an act of rebutting which proves that, whatever said by speaker is wrong and gradually results in quarrels between small groups & listening process becomes affected due to this act.

g)      Jumbled & mumbled words: Use of jumbled and mumbled words make effective listening difficult. It is difficult to listen or understand the speech; hence listener cannot comprehend the message.

h)     Psychological ear muffs: Listeners develops physiological ear muffs to avoid necessary matter or details to be listened to.

i)       Perception: Perception of listener is also one of the effective barriers to listening. If the listener is unable to perceive the meaning of the message, it may produce a barrier to active listening.

j)       Hallo effect: Hallo effect is the state of mind which is based on capacity of listener to trust or distrust on the speaker. If the listener trusts the speaker then   everything that he says appears true & if listeners distrust the speaker, then everything that he says appears untrue.

k)      Noise: noise in the communication process is one of the barriers in effective communication and it cannot be ignored because it distracts the listener from understanding message clearly.

l)       Defensive listening: This barrier arises only when the listener is sensitive and takes everything as personal attack.

m)   Emotional block: Emotional block is a “Deaf spot” which prevents a      person from taking in and retaining certain ideas.



Listening is a skill which is practiced carefully to make communication strong. The process of listening looks simple but it is completed in certain steps like-

d)     Receiving:

This is the first stage of listening process in which listener physically listens the message & take note on it. The efficiency of this stage will be affected by various external factors, such as noise, poor hearing, lack of  attention etc.

e)     Interpreting/understanding:

At this stage, listener infer the speaker’s meaning. Interpretation is based on listener’s experience, expectations, values, beliefs, ideas and needs. Various interpersonal and cultural barriers cast effects on listener’s understanding of meaning.

f)      Remembering:

The stage at which listener store the messages for future reference are called remembering. The listener stores the information while listening to speaker.

g)     Evaluating:

Evaluation is the stage, in which listener consider the point                 mentioned by speaker and assess the same as per their importance.

h)     Responding:  

After evaluating the message, the listener responds to speaker. Listener can choose any method to respond. He may use verbal or non-verbal communication.



1.    Videoconferencing:

Video conferencing is a method of communication where computers are used to provide a video-link between two or more people. It is nothing but a simple two-way webcam based communication for any serious discussion or negotiations.

The requirement of equipment for videoconference:

a)    A computer and a webcam at both the ends.

b)    A microphones and speakers

c)     Broadband Internet access

d)    Videoconferencing software

e)    A soundproof studio/room.


a)    It reduces travel cost.

b)    It can be done at flexible hours.

c)     Provides face to face interaction to respond accordingly.

d)    It is convenient for physically unable persons.

e)    It can increase productivity of people don’t want to travel.

f)      It improves Efficiency of the managers.

g)    It facilitates the sharing of visual data.

h)    It enables the organisation to plan, execute and keep a watch on it.


a)    It is very expensive as compared to teleconferencing and email.

b)    Technical issues may damage communication.

c)     There may be disruptions because of failure of equipment or power.

d)    It cannot completely replace physical face to face meeting.

e)    It would be inconvenient for people in different time zones.

f)      The number of participants in a group may also be limited.

g)    A face to face meeting is required for verification of confidential documents.

2.    Social Networking

A social network is a website that allows people with similar interests to come together and share information, photos and videos. This method of communication is called social networking. Social networking are designed to share content quickly, efficiently and in real time. Examples- Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, blogs , Instagram, snapchat, LinkedIn, my space, Pinterest, etc. are examples of Social Media.


a)    It works on advanced mobiles and it is a web-base technologies.

b)    On mobile or smart phone, it is called app.

c)     It is the communication tool started with computers.

d)    Social media technologies include blogs, picture-sharing, wall-postings, e-mail, music sharing, instant messaging, crowd sourcing and VO IP etc.

e)    It functions in many different forms such as e-magazines, Internet Forums, weblogs, Social blogs, wikis, social networks, podcasts, photographs or pictures, videos, rating and social bookmarking etc.


a)    It helps to refresh our personal as well as professional relations.

b)    It encourages people to develop various skills like writing, presentation etc.

c)     It facilitates open communication.

d)    It enhances and updates knowledge of the user.

e)    It provides strong platform for amplification of personal network.

f)      It also provides tools to help a person to work together across the globe and also to create their own meanings to various issues in different work environments and social contexts.

g)    It provides opportunities to widen business, because it helps to build and develop a more competent and reliable business.

h)    It is very beneficial for e-commerce.

i)      It is very useful for social mobilization as communication is done more privately than in real life & response time is very short.


a)    User can get addicted and kils his/her time.

b)    It reduces direct and physical interaction.

c)     It gives to much exposure to children which can lead to alchohol, tobacco, and sexual abuse.

d)    Its information is not reliable and credible.

e)    It has given rise to unhealthy tendencies like cyber bullying.

f)      A wrong online brand strategy could put the business at a viral disadvantage and may even damage its reputation.

g)    It can have negative influence on worker productivity as it consumes lot of time of work.