1. Introduction
a) Verbal
b) Non-Verbal
4. Different Forms of Communication.
6. Role,Effects and Advantages of Technology in Business Communication
9. E-Commerce
2. Effective listening
- Oral sessions
- Written sessions
- Video sessions
a) Appearing in interview
b) Writing resume
4. Modern forms of communication
a) E-mail
UNIT-3- Business language and presentation
1. Importance of Business language,
a) Vocabulary Words
b) Often Confused Words
c) Often Misspell,
2. Oral Presentation
a) Importance,
b) Characteristics,
3. Presentation Plan,
4. Power point presentation,
5. Visual aids.
6. Writing skills:
a) Planning business messages,
b) Rewriting and editing,
c) The first draft
d) Reconstructing the final draft.
7. Office Correspondence:
a) Official Letter,
b) Semi Official Letter
c) Memorandum.
UNIT-4 Report Writing
1. Identify the types of reports
2. Define the basic format of a report
3. Identify the steps of report writing
4. Write a report meeting the format requirements
5. Determine the process of writing a report
6. Importance of visuals such in writing report
a) Tables
b) Diagrams
c) Charts
7. Apply citation rules (APA style documentation) in reports.