Tuesday, July 5, 2022



The communication which manages and harmonizes all internal and external communications to create a favorable point of view and prompt desired behaviors among all stakeholders, is called Corporate communication. 

Areas of Corporate Communications

Corporate communication has three principal areas-

1.       Management Communication – The corporate communication between management and both internal and external audiences is called Management Communication. It is done to ensure successful external and internal business communication.

2.       Marketing Communication – The corporate communication that includes advertising, direct mail, sponsorship and selling, etc. is called marketing communication.

3.       Organizational communication – The corporate communication that includes public relations industry is called corporate communication. For example- public affairs, corporate advertising, employee communication, investor relations and public relations.

Forms of Corporate Communication

Corporate communication includes public relations, media relations, press releases, news conferences, HRM, etc. hence the different forms of corporate communication depend upon the audiences and situation. These are-

1.      Written -Promotional materials, reports, website copy, advertisements, memos, email, social media, press releases, etc.

2.      Oral-Videos, press conferences, social media videos, meetings, interviews, etc.

3.      Visual-communication (Photographs, infographics, illustrations, general branding, etc.

Audience of Corporate Communication

Corporate communication encompasses a wide range of audience that includes-

1.     Employees

2.      Potential customers

3.     Key stakeholders (such as investors)

4.     The media

5.     General public

6.     Government agencies and other third-party regulators

Types of Corporate Communication

Broadly we can divide corporate communication into two categories- internal and external

1.        Internal Communication: Internal communication can be formal or informal. It deals with employees, managers, executives, and board members. The right corporate commutation motivates employees and contributes to employee engagement and makes corporate culture healthy. Finding the right tone, frequency, and method. Some examples of internal communications are:

a)    A memo, Notices, Circulars etc. sent from management to all employees

b)    Meeting between different departments

c)    Group chatting

d)    Company announcements sharing annual reports/success stories

2.        External Communication: External communication is an ambassador of an organization as it affects company’s public image. External communication can be a formal announcement or a press release but it may be circulated informally through social media. Some examples of external communications are:

a)    Press release

b)    Announcements

c)    Advertisements

d)    Seminars 

Responsibilities of corporate communications

A corporate communications department plays a key role in how stakeholders perceive a business. So, it’s imperative to make sure all persons involved, whether it be in management, marketing or organizational communication are across all responsibilities.

These responsibilities include:

a)    Corporate branding

b)    Delegating tasks

c)    coordinating tasks to internal and external stakeholders

d)    Executing planning

e)    Mobilizing support for corporate objectives.

f)     Sharing responsibilities really depend on the organisation.

g)    informing staff and key stakeholders  

Benefits of Corporate Communication

1.     Promotion of an organization’s products and services.

2.     Timely solution  to problems related to public.

3.     Improvement and maintenance of brand image of an organization.

4.     Getting feedback from customers for upgrading products and services.

5.     Education for employees by conveying information about the organization through internal communications.

6.     Discovery of new market opportunities

7.     Development of new markets for products or services.

8.     Reaching to sponsors or investors.

9.     Distribution of facts and information to employees

10.  Implementation of Changes in work environment.

Corporate Communication Tools

Tool means helpful article for performing a task. Businesses also use many different corporate communication tools to communicate with stakeholders. Corporate communication tools help organizations build and maintain relationships with their key stakeholders. By using effective strategies, such as advertising and public relations, organizations can reach their ideal target audiences. Corporate communication strategy supports companies in their efforts to meet their objectives.

Some of the commonly used tools are given below:

1.     Social Media

Social media has completely changed the pattern of communication. Online communities such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn dominate today as corporate communication tools.

Social media attached to a wide range of audience vey quickly and it creates awareness about the products and services.

2.     Brochures

Brochures is one of the powerful corporate communication tools, these can be used to share information of all kinds, whether it is products, services or policies.

3.     Newsletters

Newsletters gives updated events and activities of an organization to its stakeholders whether inside or outside. Now-a-days newsletters have been shifted from print to e-form.

4.     Website

Website is a very powerful and latest tool which includes all the relevant details in details.

5.     Webcasts/Webinars

Webcasts allow a combination of text, graphics, audio and video that can connect people to the same channel at different times and locations. Sometimes, webinars could be hosted by industry bodies or for consumers. Documentaries can feature novel initiatives and projects.

6.     News Releases

News Release is a tool that reaches to the media and help spreading communication in a clear and concise way. They often contain essential information about new products or services along with management quotes.

Building a corporate communications plan

Corporate communication plan helps to ensure effective communication and brand image. A plan finds all the possible ways to implement any strategy successfully. A corporate communication plan requires following steps-

1.        Examining the existing communication strategies

a)    What and how is communication done with customers?

b)    How do teams communicate with each other?

c)    What are the communication barriers?

d)    what is the impact of present communication on receivers?

e)    Up to what extent current communication methods are meeting company goals?

2.        Develop a corporate mission statement-

After doing research on existing communication, it is important to fix mission statement of the company/organization. It defines company’s profile (what is company) and the services provided to the customers. Mission statement helps a company to connect to its customers and makes you stand apart from the competitors.

3.        Define communication objectives

After setting up the mission statement, it is mandatory to finalize objectives of communication. Remember communication objectives should be based on feedback from the customers and employees.  Always decide SMART objectives as it can be achieved strategically.

a)     S-Specific

b)     M-Measurable

c)     A-Achievable

d)     R-Realistic

e)      T-Timebound

4.        Target audience

The next step is to target the audience to build your rapport in the business and customer zones. Audience includes potential customers, general consumers, competitors, employees, and the media.

5.        Craft communication messages

This is the step which requires language and drafting skill. These skills helps you to craft brand messages that communicate effectively among audiences. Messages should be brief, strategic, relevant, compelling, and memorable.

Qualities of a person in corporate communications

A person dealing in corporate communication must have certain qualities like-

a)     Observation

b)     Punctuality

c)     Strong communication skills

d)     Leadership

e)     Teamwork (and team spirit)

f)      Coordination skills

g)     Organizational skills

h)     Ability to remain calm under pressure.



Required Skills for Corporate Communications Professionals

Pursuing a career in corporate communications requires a specialized skill set, regardless of the area on which you ultimately choose to concentrate. A professional involved in Corporate communication need to be excel in certain skills like-

1.        Writing skills 

Most of the time a company, deals in business or service, requires written communication. Whether internal or external, most of the businesses depends on writing content; hence great writing skill is the prerequisite for corporate communication. To be effective in the role, one will need to hone ones writing skills so that one can communicate clearly to diverse audiences across many formats.

2. Presentation and public speaking skills

Presentation skills means a confident way for showcasing the services and products provided by the company. It is an ability to clearly and confidently present ideas and information, whether in person or through the aid of technology (such as a video or webinar).

3. Correct Data Interpretation

As any organization needs data to present its status, for comparison, for planning etc., professionals must be adept at interpreting data from a variety of sources, communicating with that data, and using it to tell compelling stories.

4. Research and critical thinking

Research is an integral part of in an organization. A professional should be expert in conducting research and then analyzing it perfectly.  The ability to conduct research and—more importantly—evaluate resources critically, is an essential part of corporate communication.

5. Technical skills

Modern age is tech-age. From the smallest to the largest, every organization is using technology in communication channels. Technological advancements are shaping the field of communications as much as any other industry. Developing technical skills can help a professional remain competitive in this new reality.