Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Effective and Ethical Use of Social Media

 Q- Write a note on 'Effective and Ethical Use of Social Media by Text and Technique'?


Effective and Ethical Use of Social Media by Text and Technique

Effective and Ethical Use of Social Media by Text and Technique means using social media responsibly. Respecting the emotions of the reader/audience of the society, and following the rule of communication.

Tips for using social media

1.     Be respectful- it means be polite and kind when using words. Don’t use harsh words and tone that touch someone emotions and beliefs.

2.     Be Clear- The message given on social media must be very clear. There should be not place for confusion. Use such words that have very clear meaning.

3.     Maintain privacy- Never try to break the privacy by your content. Don’t give personal information on social media with out prior permission to the concern.

4.     Don’t be biased- Respect  every thought. Don’t condemn any opinion or view rudely. Try to understand the other’s point of view also.

5.     Avoid cyber bulling- Cyber bulling is a crime. If you disagree to someone, put your point clearly and politely. Don’t write anything objectionable. Never comment on all the posts.

6.     Maintain balance- too much use of social media reduces your physical approach. Meet people in persona, enjoy moments with people and relatives. This will help you to balance you emotions and thoughts.

7.     Register inappropriate comments- if you see something is very objectionable raise your voice ad report abuse but don’t conflict directly.

Q- How can we make effective and Ethical Use of Social Media by speech?

Effective and Ethical Use of Social Media by speech

1.     Be respectful- It means be polite and kind when speaking. Don’t use harsh words and tone that touch someone emotions and beliefs.

2.     Be authenticate- whatever is spoken, it should be prepared after a good research. If you speak something you are responsible, so think before your speak.

3.     Be factful- never try to speak without confirming the facts. First of all check the facts and figures and then speak clearly about that.

4.     Respect others opinion- in a live conversation, never try to condemn the opinion and vies of others. Listen patiently and they put you point very firmly but calmly.

5.     Respect privacy- on a social media platform never try to speak anything personal or private details of anyone that nay brings problem to you.

6.     Give credits to others- if you are taking some content from other, give credit to that person, or website or blog, etc.

7.     Be updated and knowledgeable- to use social media it is important to be update. Always speak on an updated content. Don’t use old information.

8.     Work on Voice features- practice correct pronunciation and tone. It helps you to be liked by the audience.

Personality: Types and Theories


Personality describes the unique patterns of thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that make a person different. It remains the same throughout life.

Personality on genetics and environment.

Types of Personality

1. Introvert- The personalities that don’t share much about them. They don’t open with others.

2. Extrovert- The personalities that speak to others and talk a lot. They are very friendly and show their emotions.

3. Helpers- The personalities that are always ready to help others. They are flexible and love to solve problems. They are emotional too.

4. Achievers- The personalities that love to achieve their targets. These are hardworking, determined, and very optimistic.

5. Perfectionists- The personalities that always try to give their best. They are never satisfied with their previous achievements. They are hungry for the best.

6. Romantics- The personalities that are progressive and never hurt anyone. They try to keep a balance in emotions. 

7. Observers- The personalities that are very thoughtful, and observe every change or development very keenly. They are good decision-makers.

8. Questioners- The personalities that are always curious. They are full of questions and always in search of finding the truth.

9. Enthusiastic- The personalities that are full of energy and do their assignment on a priority basis and never lose hope.

10. Bossy - The personalities that dominate others. They give orders or commands. They are good to rule.

11. Peacemakers- The personalities that have a good negotiation skill. They don’t like loudness. 

12. Diplomats- The personalities that remain unbiased and show their concern to both parties. 

Q- Define Maslows’ theory of personality

 Maslows’ theory of personality has the following features-

·       Theory of motivation

·       It is based on human needs (food, clothes, shelter, etc.)

·       Every human has five needs-

1.     Basic physiological needs- hunger, thirst, shelter, sleep, sex, etc.

2.     Safety needs- protection from physical and emotional harm

3.     Belongings- affection, love, friendship

4.     Esteem needs- respect, status, attention, recognition,

5.     Self-actualization needs- highest level of need- achievement of life goal.


Q- Define Vivekanand's theory of personality

 Vivekanand theory of personality

·       It is based on vedantic concepts

·       Teachings on- leaderships, interpersonal, conflicts resolution

·       According to this theory personality development is based on e Important dimentions

1.     Physical Self- by yoga

2.     Energy self- no anger mental peace

3.     Intellectual self- by reading (literature, philosophy)

4.     Mental self- develop calmness, concentration

5.     Blissful self- unaffected by joys and sorrow


Q- Define Jung Typology Theory

Jung Typology Theory

·       Focus on- understanding Human Personality

·       Purpose- to gain deeper understanding of how a person thinks, feels and behaves

·       It is used for

1.     counselling,

2.     education,

3.     psychology,

4.     team building

·       Important traits to judge a personality

1.     Introversion Vs. Extraversion- gain energy from the external or internal sourse

2.     Sensing Vs. Intuition- how one perceives the world most of the time

3.     Thinking Vs. Feeling- ways we can make decisions

4.     Judging Vs. Perceiving- how we interact with the world around us on a daily basis.

On the basis of the above traits, 16 types of personalities are described.

Rising and Falling Tone

 Intonation refers to the fall and rise in the pitch. Hence, when we speak, the way the voice rises and falls is called intonation.

1. It is also called the music of the language.
2. We usually do it daily, without thinking about it when speaking our native language.
3. It is as important as words.
4. Intonation is about how we say things, rather than what we say.

Intonation and stress are very closely linked. We cannot separate them. They go hand in hand. Just as words have stressed syllables, likewise sentences also have certain patterns of stressed words and the voice tends to rise, fall, or remain flat depending on the meaning or feeling of the speaker. Intonation therefore indicates the mood of the speaker.


There are two basic patterns of intonation in English:

A.    Single intonation Pattern

1. Rising intonation: An upward arrow (➚) indicates a rise in intonation.
2. Falling intonation: A downward arrow (➘) indicates a fall in intonation

B.     Double intonation Pattern

1. Rise-Fall Intonation (➚➘)
2. Fall-Rise Intonation (➘➚)


The pitch of the voice falls at the end of the sentence. Falling intonation is the most common intonation pattern in English. It is commonly found in

1. statements,
2. commands,
3. wh-questions (information questions),
4. confirmatory question tags
5. exclamations.


1. Reema doesn’t work here ↘anymore.
2. I want to change my ↘car.Nice to meet ↘you.
3. I’ll be back in a ↘minute.
4. She doesn’t live here ↘anymore.
5. Dad wants to change his ↘car.
6. Here is the weather ↘forecast.
7. Cloudy weather is expected at the end of the ↘week.
8. We should work together more ↘often


1. Write your name ↘here.
2. Show me what you’ve ↘written.
3. Leave it on the ↘desk.
4. Take that picture ↘ down.
5. Throw that ↘out.
6. Put your books on the ↘table.

Wh- questions (requesting information.)

(questions beginning with 'who', 'what', 'why', 'where', 'when', 'which', and 'how')

1. What country do you come ↘from?
2. Where do you ↘work?
3. Which of them do you ↘prefer?
4. When does the shop ↘open?
5. How many books have you ↘bought?
6. Which coat is ↘yours?

Questions Tags (that need confirmation.).

1. He thinks he’s so clever, doesn’t ↘he?
2. She's such a nuisance, isn't ↘she?
3. I failed the test because I didn't revise, did ↘ I?
4. It doesn't seem to bother him much, does ↘ it?

1. How nice of ↘ you!
2. That's just what I ↘need!
3. You don't ↘ say!
4. What a beautiful ↘ voice!
5. That's a ↘surprise!

When the speaker is in low energy and depressed tone.

Rising intonation invites the speaker to continue talking. The pitch of the voice rises at the end of a sentence. It is commonly found in -
1. yes/no questions,
2. question tags that are real questions.
Yes/no Questions
(Questions that can be answered by 'yes' or 'no'.)
1. Do you like your new ➚teacher?
2. Have you finished ➚already?
3. May I borrow your ➚dictionary?
4. Do you have any ➚magazines?
5. Do you sell ➚stamps?
Questions tags that need more clarity
1. We've met already, ➚haven't we?
2. You like fish, ➚don't you?
3. You're a new student ➚aren't you?
4. The view is beautiful, ➚isn't it?

When the speaker is in high energy and happy emotions, he uses rising intonation