Tuesday, April 19, 2022



1.      To gain new information

One of the main purposes of listening is to gain information. Without listening we cannot get any information from anywhere. It serves as an input method.

Example- A student who listen his/her teacher attentively, learns a lot. He increases his knowledge bank and stores the information about the topic in his memory and get better result in examination.

2.      To evaluate the content of the message

Listening serves the purpose to evaluate the content of the message. Listening helps to hear, understand and then evaluate the message.

Example- A customer needs a mobile so he goes to a mobile shop. The shopkeeper tells the features of the mobile to the customer. Then customer evaluate the features and compare the features of one mobile to another mobile.

3.      To understand and feel

          Listening enables us to understand and feel what the other person is feeling or                                 experiencing. Listening helps us to be human and feel the perception of a person. 

4.      To enjoy

 listening is not always for work. We use it for enjoyment. we listen various instruments and songs for enjoying music. 

5.      To appreciate

 if we listen carefully then we can appreciate other. Hence, listening also helps us to serve the purpose of appreciation.

6.      to discriminate sounds and other paralinguistic symbols 

      one more purpose of listening is to discriminate sounds and other paralinguistic symbols such as pitch, intonation, and volume etc. Knowledge of these paralinguistic features helps us to build rapport among our associates whether seniors or juniors or colleague.  

7.      Creating understanding

Another purpose of listening is to create understanding between a listener and a speaker. He wants to bring the listener close to him. This intimacy results into better business between the two.

8.      Verifying the message

There is another purpose of good listening. A listener tries to know the truth of a message when he listens to a speaker. He accepts the message if he finds it true, practical and acceptable.

9.      To urge 

A good listener listens attentively so that he /she can ask question if he/she has any doubt. listener can put his point of view strongly only he listens carefully.

10.   To humble yourself.

Arrogance talks. Humility listens.

So, try to listen others. listening makes you humble. listening motivates or elevates other to open their minds in front of a listener. in this way listening serves the purpose of making listener humble.

11.   To bring Clarity

listening provides an opportunity to make ones point clear for effective communication. if someone has good listening skills then he/she may clear his points aftewards.

12.   To bring Effectiveness. 

It’s a waste of time and energy to do unnecessary practices.  Listen in order to do the right stuff.  

13.  To satisfy Curiosity

     Listen to ask a question.


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