Tuesday, April 26, 2022




Communication is a great tool to connect one person to another. It serves as an essential skill in business or in an organization. Communication is business sectors is termed as business communication. It is used for various purposes. Some of the the main objectives of business communication are mentioned below-

1.     To Exchange Information:

The prime objective of communication is to exchange information internally and externally. Professionals communicate to deal various issues within the organization and outside the organization.

2.     To Achieve Goal:

The goal of an organization can be achieved through effective communication. Everybody tries to acquire such goal and therefore it requires effective organizational communication.

3.     To Maintain Co-ordination and Co-operation:

Co-ordination and co-operation at all the levels and among all the departments are maintained through communication.

4.     To Plan:

Planning is the step of what is to be done in future. All the information and data which are required to plan is collected only by means of communication.

5.     To facilitate Direction and Motivation:

In our life, whether personal or professional, we need guidelines from experienced people and we also motivate people for enhancing their interest in work. These can be done only through communication.

6.     To increase Efficiency:

Communication helps to provide information or data related to past and present which helps to anticipate about future. In this way, Communication increase efficiency of the workers by providing them real information.

7.     To Solve Problem:

Communication can remove the gap between employees and employer. Fruitful communication ensures a network in an Organization to solve problems. Fruitful communication ensures a network to solve conflict. It also removes the gap between employee and employer.

8.     To Increase job satisfaction:

Open and healthy communication provides better job environment. Effective and strong communication helps to overcome job related stress and increase job satisfaction.

9.     To change future plans:

In today's modern competitive and minute to minute changing world, there is requirement of changing the plan according to the situation. A quick and proper communication channel helps in altering the plan.

10.  To Manage Human Resources:

Skilled manpower is required for achievement and development in an organization. To recruit, train & motivate human resource properly, effective communication is required in an organization.

11.  To Attract Customer:

Any business or profession depends on second end that is customers. To knock the door of potential customers with new product and service of an enterprise, there should be an efficient communication. Hence, better communication attracts more customers and more customers will bring more profit.

12.  To Obtain Overall Development:

An effective structure and control is the requisites of a business/profession and effective communication has a power to structure and control an organization which leads to its overall development.

13.  For Decision-Making:

Before deciding anything, seniors require different types of data and information. Through communication they collect necessary data and take accurate decision. Hence, communication helps in Decision-Making.

14.  To Impart Knowledge:

Communication helps the Organization to train the employees/workers through organized programs. Various other programmes like orientation, workshops, film show, internship etc are organized to educate employees in their fields.


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