Friday, April 8, 2022



 Barriers due to different experience, education, values and personality are called intrapersonal communication. These communication barriers arise from individuals' attitude and habits.

a)    Wrong assumption,

b)    Different background,

c)     Categorical thinking,

d)    Varied perception,

e)    Wrong inferences.

f)      Impervious categories


a)    Wrong assumption: 

We know that two people in the world cannot be same not even siblings. This barrier occurs when the sender of the message has a false assumption of the level of understanding, knowledge, and thinking. The speaker sometimes doesn’t realize the background, education, and experience of the receiver. For example, if a doctor said to his patient – take the medicine only SOS. The intrapersonal barrier breaks the communication as patient was confused about the term 'SOS'; Because doctor had wrong idea about his patient's knowledge and didn't try to make him understand.

Solution: Sender should realize about the receiver. He must guess about the background of the person from nonverbal or verbal clues and he also must ask about the receiving of the correct message from his receiver.

b)     Different background:

 No two people have same background in the world. Even children of a family differ from each other in their genetic heritage. These variations are due to education, culture, language environmental, age and other factors which give rise to the difference in background of the individuals. For example, if a computer representative gives much details about hardware to a customer who want to get that computer installed in his house. And this is due to different background.

Solution: Speaker must analyze about the audience at receiver end before speaking to them. He must know the education, culture, language environmental, age and other factors about his audience to avoid this barrier.

c)      Categorical thinking: 

There are many people who think that they ‘know it all’. Such people are called ‘pansophists’. They think that they are all perfect and they need not of any kind of additional information on the related topic. They would not accept any further information related to the subject or topic.  For example- generally people are not very much serious or sincere in attending the regular meetings in their offices which are conducted on regular basis for smooth functioning in an organization.

Solution: A person must overcome from this barrier otherwise sometime he might be in a mess.  to avoid this barrier over confidence of knowing the things should be controlled at receiver's end. Attentiveness is required at every moment even if the matter is known to listener.

d)     Varied perception: 

Every individual has its own opinion about a particular thing and his perception may differ from others due to his taste, preferences, and knowledge. There is a well-known story of six blind men who perception about an elephant was totally different from others. 

Solution: Sender should have a broad perspective to remove this barrier. If a person have its own perception about a thing even he must have a space for the others' perception. He must see the thing for others' point of view.

e)     Wrong inferences: 

Sometimes people make wrong conclusions after analyzing the things or matter. Inferences are more dramatic than a fact so these give rise to gossip and rumors. If the inferences are base-less and pre-conceived these hamper the flow of communication. For example- if a boss and his female secretary sit long hours for work people without thinking make inference that there may be a relation between them and if a male works long hours for his male boss then they think the person as 'yes boss character'.

Solution: people must analyse things in the light of both sided aspects. They must not blindly faith in the data provides to them and the conclusion derived from them. people should have a place for natural thinking. People should have broad minds to flexibility in their decision based on  past data.

f)      Impervious categories:

Generally, we react positively to information only if it is in consonance with our own views and attitude. But the news which doesn’t suits to our taste and preferences we disbelieve it or react negatively. impervious category includes those who may not be able to accept any deviation from their point of view.

Solution: Receiver must have a broad mind so that he can welcome every thought and can analyse them without preconception. We should be very much impersonal in decision and doing things.  People must think from others' point of view rather than condemn them every time even without giving a thought on the matter.

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