Friday, April 8, 2022



Barriers due to inappropriate transaction of words between two or more people are called interpersonal barriers.

a)    Limited vocabulary,

b)    Communication selectivity,

c)     Cultural variation,

d)    Incongruity of verbal and non-verbal,

e)    Emotional out bursts

f)      Poor listening skills

a)    Limited vocabulary: 

Inadequate vocabulary is the major hindrance in communication both oral or written. During the speech or at writing if we are tongue fumbles and pen falters due to loss of proper words the connotative or denotative meaning will distort the message completely.

Solution: If you are in a profession then you must know the terms and vocabulary required by your profession. Speaker must not use hi-fi vocabulary only to show his intelligence. speaker must try to communicate his information in a simpler way rather than confusing receiver by using tough vocabulary which is unknown of tough to common people.

b)     Communication selectivity: 

When a receiver of the message pay attention only to a part of the message then the barrier is known as communication selectivity. Here sender is not at fault but the receiver’s fault of choice breaks the flow of communication both in written and oral forms.

Solution: receiver must not confine him to a particular point. he must go through the whole document. Sometimes receiver stuck in mess as he is unknown to the demanded information as noted only a selected portion of the whole information.

c)     Cultural variation: 

Day by day businesses are increasing globally. The outlook of global and domestic work force has changed drastically. Thus, to compete successfully, in today’s globalized business environment we have to overcome the communication adequacy due to different languages and cultures.

Solution: We must know about the culture of the place where we are going to our job. Cultural variation in a big problem now a days in the era of globalization. A home work on the culture of the destination must be done before reaching there.

d)    Incongruity of verbal and non-verbal: 

It is a well-known fact that nonverbal communication enhances the impact of verbal communication but some time it is found that the nonverbal communication is giving a wrong interpretation and making the receiver puzzle. If the nonverbal cues are misinterpreted the message is distorted. For example, if an uninvited guest comes to your home and you have an urgent piece of work outside then your word definitely welcomes him but your nonverbal cues will tell him that he is unwanted and that time.

Solution: The only gate way of this barrier is to control on body language. Though sometime it is very much difficult but in a professional life it is mandatory that your body language must co-operate with your words.

e)    Emotional out bursts: 

Being a human, you are emotional no matter whether you are in office or at home. Sometimes you are so much overwhelmed with emotions that you can’t say your feelings well in words and your tears stop you to say something.

Solution: To avoid this barrier in professional communication speaker must control his feelings. Professional life is impersonal there should be no place for such feelings.

f)     Poor listening skills: 

Hearing is a passive exercise while listening is an active process which requires careful attention and accurate decoding of the signals received from the speaker. But sometimes we cannot pay attention to what sender is saying. the reason may be different at different situations, like- emotional disturbance, indifferences, aggressiveness etc.

Solution: Receiver must have patience to listen others. This skill can be developed by practice. If there is problem related to ears then proper and best quality aids should be used by listener.

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