Monday, April 4, 2022



Different meanings of words and symbols create misunderstanding between senders and receiver which result in barriers to communication. The denotative and connotative meanings of words and symbols leads to confusion.

Types of Semantic barriers

Denotative meaning

Direct meaning of any word which must be shared by two people to understand each other is the denotative meaning.


Connotative meaning

The implied meaning of a word is known as Connotative meaning. Connotative barrier in communication refers to the difference of meaning according to different abstract situations, contexts, actions and feelings. 

Reasons of semantic barriers are due to the



Homophones are the words with same pronunciation but different meaning which might have different spelling too. For example: Words buy, by and bye.



Homonyms are the words which have the same pronunciation and their spellings are mostly same, but the intended meaning is different. For example, the noun “bear” and the verb “bear” has different meanings but same pronunciation and spelling.



Homographs are the words that have the same spelling but the pronunciation and meaning are different. 

For example-

You will definitely live till the end of this century to see the live telecast of Chandrayan -III.

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