Friday, October 7, 2022


1.    Define parts of speech with four examples of each-

a.     Noun b. Verb                                c. Adjective

2.    Fill correct articles in the blanks

a.     The cluster head organised (i)__ friendly match with (ii)___ Presidents of both (iii) ___ countries.

b.    I have fixed (i)___ appointment with (ii)___ doctor.

c.     Will you take ___ picture of us?

d.    I broke ___ awesome vase my brother brought.

e.     My mother has ___ colourful umbrella.

3.    Fill correct verb tense-

a.     I _______________ a great film yesterday. (see)

b.     ______ you ever _________ a car? (drive)

c.      I _______________ him last Monday. (meet)

d.    The band _______while we _______ an article. (play, write)

e.     She _______________ the new car in 2005. (buy)

f.      Her mother ______________ in Meerut for the past five years. (live)

g.    They _________in Gaziabad when we arrived a few days ago. (be)

h.     ______ you ____________ to get married? (plan)

4.    Identify tenses-

a.     She is teaching her students.

b.    We have been waiting for them.

c.     He eats with his left hand.

d.    We have learned our lessons.

e.     He has had his breakfast.

f.      The chief guest addressed the gathering.

g.    They had been walking.

h.    They will have learned their lessons.

5.    Question tags

a.     The moon goes round the earth, ____________?

b.    The earth is bigger than the moon,____________?

c.     The earth is bigger than the sun,____________? 

d.    Asian people don't like rice,____________? 

e.     Elephants live in Europe,____________? 

f.      Men don't have babies,_____________?

g.    The English alphabet doesn't have 40 letters,_________?

6.    Change the tenses as directed

a.     It is a busy Sunday. (Change into simple past)

b.    I couldn’t believe my eyes. (Change into simple present)

c.     I have bought some nice gifts for you. (Change into past continuous)

d.    She will arrive in the morning. (Change into present perfect)

e.     All mothers love their children. (Change into future indefinite)

f.      I will take the apples back to the shop. (Change into present perfect)

g.    She recognized him at once. (Change into simple future)

h.    She has promised to help me. (Change into past perfect)

7.    Use verbs to make sentences-

a.     Uses

b.    Talked

c.     Jumping

d.    Enjoy

e.     Laughed

f.      dancing

8.    identify the voice in the following sentences

a.     He was driving a car. 

b.    A book was given to me by him.  

c.     I will do the job.   

d.    The dog chased the cat.  

e.     They had not completed the assignment.  

f.      My heart is filled with love.  

9.    Change the voice in the following sentence

a.     I will order the carriage.

b.    One may accomplish anything with a little effort.

c.     A thunderstorm often turns milk sour.

d.    The boy was climbing the cliff.

e.     Will you ever forget those happy days?

f.      All desire wealth and some acquire it.

g.    They laughed at his warnings.

h.    He made the child drink the milk.

10. Change the following sentences into indirect narration-

a.     Sahil said to me, "When are you returning?"

b.    Vishu asked his friend, "What is the time?"

c.     The professor said to me, "Why are you quiet?"

d.    Dhronacharya said to Arjun, "Aim at the fish's eye."

e.     Judge said, "Bring the witness."

f.      Women said, “I want this favour for you.”

g.    Bobby said to me, "I must do the homework.”

h.    My brother told me, "You were right."


Sample Question paper-

Soft Skill-1

1. Define the parts of speech with four examples of each - 

a.     Noun                                b. Verb                                c. Adjective

2. Fill correct articles in the blanks

a.     The cluster head organised (i) a friendly match with (ii) the Presidents of both (iii) the countries.

b.    I have fixed (i) an appointment with (ii) the doctor.

c.     Will you take a picture of us?

d.    I broke the awesome vase my brother brought.

e.     My mother has a colourful umbrella.

3. Fill correct verb tense-

a.     I saw a great film yesterday. (see)

b.    Have you ever driven a car? (drive)

c.      I met him last Monday. (meet)

d.    The band played while we were writing an article. (play, write)

e.     She bought a new car in 2005. (buy)

f.      Her mother has been living in Meerut for the past five years. (live)

g.    They had been in Gaziabad when we arrived a few days ago. (be)

h.     Are you planning to get married? (plan)

14. Identify tenses-

a.     She is teaching her students.

Present Continuous

b.    We have been waiting for them.

Present perfect continuous

c.     He eats with his left hand.

Present indefinite

d.    We have learned our lessons.

Present perfect

e.     He had his breakfast.

Past perfect

f.      The chief guest addressed the gathering.

Past indefinite

g.    They had been walking.

Past perfect continuous

h.    They will have learned their lessons.

Future perfect

5. Question tags

a.     The moon goes around the earth, doesn’t it?

b.    The earth is bigger than the moon, doesn’t it?

c.     The earth is bigger than the sun, doesn’t it? 

d.    Asian people don't like rice, do they? 

e.     Elephants live in Europe, don’t they? 

f.      Men don't have babies, do they?

g.    The English alphabet doesn't have 40 letters, does it?


6. Change the tenses as directed

a.      It is a busy Sunday. (Change into simple past)

It was a busy Sunday.

b.      j.      I couldn’t believe my eyes. (Change into the simple present)

I can’t believe my eyes

c.      k.    I have bought some nice gifts for you. (Change into past continuous)

I was buying some nice gifts for you.

d.      l.      She will arrive in the morning. (Change into present perfect)

She has arrived in the morning.

e.      m.  All mothers love their children. (Change into future indefinite)

All mothers will love their children.

f.       n.    I will take the apples back to the shop. (Change into present perfect)

I have taken the apples back to the shop.

g.      o.    She recognized him at once. (Change into simple future)

She will recognize him at once.

h.      p.    She has promised to help me. (Change into past perfect)

She had promised to help me.

7. Use verbs to make sentences-

a.     Uses-

Vinod has an allergy to synthetic fibers so he, always, uses only cotton clothes.

b.    Talked

Students were facing a lot of problems so they talked to their warden about it.

c.     Jumping

I visited my village and saw that even the small kids were jumping into the village canal.

d.    Enjoy

We visit Food Court Festival in Delhi every year and enjoy it with our friends.

e.     Laughed

I laughed a lot because the show was very hilarious.

f.      Dancing

She is practiced Bharat Natyam for 5 years that’s why she is dancing with full confidence.

18. identify the voice in the following sentences

a.     He was driving a car. 

Active voice

b.    A book was given to me by him. 

Passive voice 

c.     I will do the job.   

Active voice

d.    The dog chased the cat.  

Active voice

e.     They had not completed the assignment.  

Active voice

f.      My heart is filled with love. 

Passive voice 


19. Change the voice in the following sentence

a.     I will order the carriage.

        The carriage will be ordered by me.

b.    One may accomplish anything with a little effort.

        Anything can be accomplished with a little effort by anyone.

c.     A thunderstorm often turns milk sour.

        Milk is often turned sour by a thunderstorm.

d.    The boy was climbing the cliff.

       The cliff was being climbed by the boys.

e.     Will you ever forget those happy days?

        Will those happy days be ever forgotten by you?

f.      All desire wealth and some acquire it.

       Wealth is desired by all and it is acquired by some.

g.    They laughed at his warnings.

       His warnings were laughed at by them.

h.    He made the child drink the milk.

      The child was made to drink the milk by him.

20. Change the following sentences into indirect narration-

a.     Sahil said to me, "When are you returning? "

Sahil asked me when you were returning.


b.    Vishu asked his friend, "What is the time?"

Vishu asked his friend what the time was.


c.     The professor said to me, "Why are you quiet? "

The professor asked me why you were quiet.


d.    Dhronacharya said to Arjun, "Aim at the fish's eye. "

Dhronacharya instructed Arjun to aim at the fish's eye.


e.     Judge said, "Bring the witness."

Judge ordered to bring the witness.


f.      Women said, “I want this favour for you.”

Women said that she wanted this favour for him.


g.    Bobby said to me, "I must do the homework."

Bobby told me that had to do the homework.


h.    My brother told me, "You were right."

My brother told me that I had been right.




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