Friday, January 27, 2023



Proxemics is derived from the word 'proximity' which means ‘closeness’. It refers to the study of space around us or the physical surroundings. It is part of non-verbal communication and has a definite meaning in an oral presentation. Proxemics studies the physical space in interpersonal relations and the use of space by humans. It also explores the effects of population density on behaviour, communication, and social interaction among people.

Our interaction with the people around us can be understood in the spatial dimension. It means the spatial dimensions or distance between speaker and listener tell about their relations with each other. It also describes the nature of communication between a speaker and a listener. The gestures are also controlled by the space available. we can also see the cultural variation in Proxemics also. Space language depends on the distance: -

i.       Intimate space language:

This zone starts with a personal touch and extends just to 18 inches. Members of the family, best friends, spouses, relatives, and parents fall under this zone. Sometimes no words are spoken or sometimes whispering sounds are made in the zone. It is used for a brief period when people want to congratulate you, sympathize with you, or console you. A handshake, a pat on the back, or a hug are examples of it. This space zone is important to make intimacy and bring a kind of personal touch to your professional life also. This zone is used for confidential purposes. Entry in this zone is very limited. It is normally reserved for those with whom one is intimate. unwanted people can disturb your peace of mind.

ii.      Personal space language:

It stretches from 18 inches to 4 feet. Friends, colleagues, peers, etc. fall in the tier. Usually, a normal conversation takes place in this zone. Though it is personal, it is quite a relaxed and casual place. It gives the impression of friendliness and warmth. The importance of this zone is that normal functioning and coordination have been done in it. It is also useful to maintain decorum as well as work in an organization. good body language is the priority of this zone.

iii.    Social apace language:

Social events take place in this radius of 4 feet to 12 feet. The relationships are more formal and social. People are more cautious in their movements. It requires fewer emotions and more planning. It may be done in a sitting-standing or sitting-sitting position. The knowledge of this zone is also important because professionals prefer this zone in highly formal business parties. It is better to learn the etiquette of this zone. formality is the foremost requisite of this zone.

iv.    Public space language

This zone starts from 12 feet to 30 feet or to the range of eyesight and hearing. Events are totally formal. Here, the audience is the observer. The degree of detachment is very high. Here, the speaker uses amplifiers to be audible. This zone is used for presentations, speeches, lectures, and theater. This zone is reserved for larger audiences. Presentations are held in this space zone.  The presenter is normally at the center of the attention of the audience so he must be very careful. The knowledge of this zone can make you a good team leader as you can command the team through your presentations in a more impressive way. In industry, more space means more power and status.

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