Thursday, February 9, 2023



Any text, audio clip, video, etc. that is used to prepare a presentation is called content. We should prepare the content for the presentation by writing and adding audio-visual aids if required. It is the base of any presentation hence it should be written carefully. The content must have easy diction and simple sentence structures; so that the audience can easily understand it. The final content should match the purpose, audience, and time duration.

Parts of content

Generally, Content has three parts

a) Introduction

This introduction part gives an idea about the theme of the presentation. It also raises the curiosity of the audience about the rest of the presentation. Hence, it should be very impressive and promising, too.

b) Main Body

It is the main part of a presentation. It may have several Headings and Sub-headings depending upon the duration and length of the presentation. This part has great value as it attracts the audience and makes them sit throughout the presentation. Hence, it should be very strong.

c) Conclusion

This end part of a presentation is very crucial. The concluding note creates a lasting impression on the audience. A powerful ending is remembered for many years. Hence, concluding part must have a strong message with powerful style and tone. 

Importance of Content

Content is the soul of a presentation. If there is no content means there is no presentation.

a) It is used to educate the listeners.
b) It is also used to bind the presentation
c) It adheres the presenter to the topic.

Process of Content Preparation

Content preparation takes the following steps-


1.         Planning of Research- The first step for content preparation is Planning of research. Planning needs three main queries

      • Topic: The writer must know the topic of his research. Without the topic, a writer cannot start his research.
      • Audience: audience is the key point for a successful presentation. Age, status, language, interest, background, etc. are very important before preparing the content. The audience likes only those presenters who can prepare presentations according to their needs.
      • duration: Time is crucial. content must fit into the given time frame. If the presentation is short, the audience would feel cheated or if the presentation is lengthier than the given time, the audience would get bored. 

 Content can be explored online and offline. For a good presentation, deep and thoughtful research is required.

2.     Collection- The second step is the collection of relevant and important material. Initially, more than sufficient material is collected. Images and videos along with the written material are also collected.

3.     Selection- The next step is the selection of relevant material. The collected material is studied and unnecessary details are avoided. The selected material should match the audience, time duration, and Locale.

4.     Organization of Rough Draft- The next step is the preparation of a rough draft. The selected material is put together in an organized way for drafting a rough draft. A rough draft is prepared on the basis of the material selected for the final presentation. The rough draft also includes a rough idea about audio-visual material.Before organizing content, the presenter should keep in mind: 

a) Nature of the message

b) Audience analysis

c) Scope of the presentation

d) Choice of approach

e) Choice of visual aids

f) Choice of an appropriate style

5.     First Fair Draft- The next step is to prepare the first fair draft and content must be well organized in different sections like introduction, conclusion, etc. Here, a presenter can easily check the appropriateness of the content.

6.     Revision and Editing- After the first fair draft a continuous process of revision and editing goes on till the mistake-free content. Any mistake till here can be easily rectified. Audio-visual clips may be added or removed. Hence the presenter must be patient and correct the maximum errors before finalizing the content. Last-minute changes may bring adverse effects at the time of presentation.

7.     Final content- After a good revision and editing, the content is finalized and ready for presentation

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