Sunday, February 19, 2023



The formation of new words by borrowing a word from another language is known as borrowing.

1.   pandemic, from Greek “pandemos”

2.   atmosphere, from Greek atmos (vapor, steam) + sphaira (sphere). 

3.   biosphere = from Greek bios + sphaira 

4.   lithosphere = from German litho (stone) + from Greek sphaira. 

5.   cryosphere = from Greek kryos (cold) + sphaira (ball) 

6.   oceans = from Old French “occean” 

7.   epidemics = from French “epidemique” 

8.   vaccine = from Latin “vacca” 

9.   pollution = from Latin “pollutio” 

10. virus = from Latin “virus” 

11. plantation = from Latin “plantation” 

12. transmission= from Latin “transmissio” 

13. oxide = from France “oxygene” + “acide” 

14. agriculture = “agriculture” from Late Latin “agricultura” 

15. bio = from Greek “bios” 

16. contagious = from late Latin “contagio” 

17. infections = borrowing from old French “infeccion” 

18. emission = from old French “émission” 


  1. Croissant- French 
  2. Dope- Dutch 
  3. Lilac- Persian 
  4. Piano- Italian 
  5. Pretzel- German 
  6. Sofa- Arabic 
  7. Tattoo- Tahitian, 
  8. Tycoon- Japanese 
  9. Yogurt- Turkish 
  10. Zebra- Bantu, etc

African - banana, jumbo, yam, zebra 
Chinese - ketchup, pekoe, shanghai 
French - catalogue, essence, gourmet, justice, massage, perfume, regret, terror 
Japanese - anime, karaoke, tycoon, hibachi, sushi 
 Norwegian - fjord, krill, ski, slalom 
Tagalog - boondocks, manila, ylang ylang (a flower) 
 Welsh - corgi (dog), crag, penguin

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