Wednesday, March 8, 2023




“Meetings” and “Minutes” are the most important parts of professional activity.


A meeting can be defined in the following way:

“Meeting is a gathering or assembly of two or more persons for the transaction of some lawful business of the human concern.” Meetings have a very important role in the communication machinery of any profession. 

Purposes of a Minutes of a Meeting

Generally, meetings are held for the following aims:

(i)              to get the solution to any problem.

(ii)            to exchange opinions, and experience and make suggestions.

(iii)          to plan and manage

(iv)          to transact official business, make decisions, and make recommendations.

(v)            to acquire knowledge of new fields.

Types of Meeting

There are two types of formal meetings:

(i)              Public Meeting: It is addressed by the leader and attended by the public. Normally this meeting takes place in a hall or park/public place.

(ii)            Professional Meeting: This type of meeting is organized by the different officers for a special concern related to business. These meetings have a specific agenda to discuss. In such a scenario, Minutes of the Meeting Minutes are the record of a meeting and are kept in safe custody.

Minutes of a meeting

  • The official records of discussions held and decisions taken at a meeting are known as minutes. Minutes are in fact, a type of summary of what happens at a meeting. ‘Minutes writing’ is associated with a formal meeting where important points of the meeting are noted.
  • Minutes should be written up as soon as possible just after the meeting. The minutes should be written in the third person and in the past tense. The minutes should be clear.
  • During a meeting, the secretary is to write down and distribute the minutes of meetings.
  • Usually, at each meeting, the minutes of the previous meeting are read out, if printed copies of the minutes have not been distributed to the members beforehand. 
  • The group then votes to accept the minutes or to revise and clarify certain items.
  • Minutes usually contain the main points of a discussion, the recommendations made by the participants, the tasks assigned to individual members and groups, and the conclusions reached. 
  • They are, however, not a verbatim record of the proceedings of a meeting. 
  • The emotions or feelings expressed by the members during a discussion are generally not recorded. 
  • accurate, well-organized, and complete summary of the business transacted is required in minutes.
Importance of minutes of a meeting

  • It shows the favors and disagreement of the participants during the meeting proceedings
  • It is important to match the current activities to the decided actions in the past.
  • Meeting minutes provide a formal record of discussions during a meeting,
  • It includes decisions made, actions assigned, and deadlines agreed upon.
  • They function as an official reference document for both meeting attendees and those who were unable to participate.

The procedure of writing Minutes

  • First of all, give the description of the meeting and mention the name, date, time, and place of the meeting.
  • Mention the name of the supreme authority may be the chairperson, chairman, and the name of other members, their designation who attended the meeting.
  • Do not forget to mention the list of absentees.
  • It is very important to confirm the last meeting minutes.

Format of Minutes of Meeting

The following items are generally included in the minutes of meetings, although

the order may vary from one organization to another.

(i)              Name of the group or committee that is holding the meeting

(ii)            Date, time, and place of the meeting

(iii)          The kind of meeting being held (a regular meeting/a special meeting)

(iv)          Names of the Chairperson and the Secretary.

(v)            Name of special invitees (if any)

(vi)          Call to order

(vii)         Roll call

a.     Names of members present

b.    Names of absentees

(viii)       A statement that the minutes of the previous meeting were approved or revised, or a statement that the reading of the minutes was dispensed with.

(ix)          Record of the proceedings of the meeting. These could include:

a.     The main points of the Chairperson's address.

b.    A list of the reports that were read and approved.

c.     All the motions and suggestions that were made. with statements about whether they were accepted, defeated, or merely tabled (vote postponed). It is also customary to include the names of those who proposed the motions. It includes-

                                i.     Issues raised – along with the names of the speakers.

                               ii.     Suggestions – made along with the names of the speakers.

                               iii.    Decision – the outcome of the meeting.

d.    Resolutions that were adopted should be written out in full. If a resolution was rejected, make a statement to that effect.

e.    The final statement of vote of thanks to the chair.

f.      Proposed next meeting- The time that the meeting ended as well as the date, time, and venue of the next meeting.

g.     The signature of the Recording Secretary and the Chairperson.


 Format of Minutes of a Meeting


Name of the company/organization


Date: ……………………..                                    Time: …………………….

Venue: …………………

Types of meetings: Regular/Special/Discussion/Brainstorming

Members Present:

Members Absent:

The following points were discussed in the meeting-

1. Call to order
2. Roll Call
3. Confirmation of the Minutes of the previous meeting.
4. Chairperson’s address
5. Reports (if presented)
6. Agenda point 1.
7. Agenda point2.
8. Agenda Point3.
9. Resolution adopted (if any)

Proposed date for next meeting

Thanks to chair

Signature of secretary                                            Signature of Chair-Person


Tips for writing effective Minute

(i)          Keep minutes brief and to the point but complete.

(ii)        Avoid being abstract and too general. Give specific details in the minutes

(iii)       Minutes must be accurate, complete, and clear. It may be used by different        people in the future.

(iv)       Be consistent in the way you refer to people. Do not call one person Shri S.      Sharma and another Meetu Das. This may be unintentional, but a lack of          consistency in titles or names may bring conflicts.

(v)        Minutes should always be objective and impartial. Avoid adjectives or               adverbs that suggest either good or bad qualities.

(vi)      If the member of the committee is to follow up on something and report to the committee at its next meeting, state clearly the name of the member, and the responsibility he/she has accepted.



Imagine that you have been appointed the Reporting Secretary for the seventh meeting of the Executive Committee of the Meerut Fashion Store held on June 16, 1988, Write the minutes of the meeting, assuming the agenda to be as follows:

i) Adoption of the Minutes of the last meeting.

ii) Appointment of sales staff

iii) Proposal to buy shelves for the display of goods

iv) Complaints regarding the quality of apparel.

You may add any other point if needed.

The Meerut Fashion Store
10, Shastri Nagar, Meerut, UP
Minutes of the 7th Meeting of the Executive Committee 
Date: Jan 15, 2023
Time: 4:00 PM
Venue: Committee Room of the Meerut Fashion Store
Present: Mr. Rohit Pal, Chairman
               Mr. Sunil Kashyap, Sales Manager
               Mr. Nehal Singh, Office Manager
               Mr. Kamal Kumar, Secretary
Absent: Mr. Anuj Chaturvedi, General Manager (apology received. He is in hospital.)
1. Call to order: Chairperson announced the start of the meeting.
2. Roll call: Attendance was taken by the organizing secretary
3. Confirmation of the Minutes of the Previous Meeting:

a.     The Minutes of the Executive Meeting held on 01 Jan 2023, were 

unanimously approved.
4. Appointment of Sales Staff:
The Sales Manager, Mr. Sunil Kashyap, reported that 3 salesmen had left and two more are required as the festive season is approaching. His request was granted, and he was asked to issue an advertisement for 5 salespersons.
5. Purchase of Shelves:
The Office Manager, Nehal Singh, put urgency of 6 shelves. He proposed buying 6 more shelves. Proposal accepted & he was asked to order for 6 shelves.
6. Complaints of Consumers:
The Sales Manager read out the complaints of consumers regarding the quality and colour fade of apparels from Jaya Fashion Brand. He suggested a complaint letter to the supplier and blacklist the company if no attention is paid.
7. Date of next meeting: Jan 28th, 2023 at 10 a.m. in the board room.
8. Meeting adjournment: Mr. Rohit Pal, Chairman adjourned the meeting.
9. Minutes submitted by: Mr. Kamal Kumar, Secretary
10.Thanks to Chair: Secretary thanked the chair.
11.Minutes approves by: Mr. Rohit Pal, Chairman

Signature of Secretary                                              Signature of chairperson



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