Thursday, March 9, 2023



Writing is one of the effective means of communication. It is a type of verbal communication and comes with interpersonal skills to communicate ideas and thoughts in a readable form. We can use several different writing methods to make the writing more engaging and exciting and keep the audience reading until the end of the piece. The following are the main methods of writing-

1.       Inductive Method:

In the inductive method, an author moves from a particular statement to a general statement. The writer gives detailed arguments or illustrations in favour of the statement and finally makes a conclusion. The final statement contains the core ideas. It includes a topic sentence (main idea) at the end. It is one of the scientific logical techniques that scientists have been using over the year.

Examples –

  • Years Ago, scientists synthesized a so-called revolutionary product- thermocol. They didn't give a thought to its dangerous properties that would threaten the planet and its life in the future. Actually, thermocol is one of the most dangerous non-decomposable, non-recyclable polymers.  Now, it has been proven a big threat to the environment and the lives on our planet. It pollutes the environment and causes various diseases in living beings. In spite of knowing the hazardous effects, we have made it an integral part of our daily life due to its utilization in various fields like- packaging, decoration, cutlery, etc. Thermocol is just one man-made dangerous product, the list is very long. Man has created numberless dangerous and non-biodegradable polymers which have become a threat to the whole planet.
  • In a remote part of a hilly town, a big and grand school building was lying wasted and unnoticed by the local government. This school was donated by a non-profit organization ten years before. This was a purposefully built brand-new structure that would serve a large community that had no school for their children. The building was grand and it was built at the foot of the hill to avoid a polluted environment, vehicles honking and howling in the crowdy places. The opening got a huge response from local people, ministers, and the media. The politicians praised the initiative of the organization and said that it was a major development for the area and would radically change the lives of the people. It started with the ministers' fund but with the passing of time, the local government didn't care much about the school. unfortunately, due to the lack of funds the teachers left the school, other staff was also left. children used to come and go back without studying. Slowly they stopped to come to school. This big and grand school became empty and useless. Many aid projects fail because of poor planning, thereby wasting huge amounts of money.       

2.      Deductive Method:

This is the most common logical writing method used in technical communication. It involves the process of moving from a general statement to specific details. The topic sentence is usually the first sentence in the paragraph making a general statement that contains the core idea leading to supporting ideas one by one like examples, details, etc.


Many aid projects fail because of poor planning, thereby wasting huge amounts of money. It is due to without proper planning, and the interest of the governing bodies. In a remote part of a hilly town, a big and grand school building was lying wasted and unnoticed by the local government. This school was donated by a non-profit organization ten years before. This was a purposefully built brand-new structure that would serve a large community that had no school for their children. The building was grand and it was built at the foot of the hill to avoid a polluted environment, vehicles honking and howling in the crowdy places. The opening got a huge response from local people, ministers, and the media. The politicians praised the initiative of the organization and said that it was a major development for the area and would radically change the lives of the people. It started with the ministers' fund but with the passing of time, the local government didn't care much about the school. unfortunately, due to the lack of funds, the teachers left the school, and other staff was also left. children used to come and go back without studying. Slowly they stopped to come to school. Afterward, this big and grand school became empty and useless.

3.      Spatial Method:

It is also called the order of place. It emphasizes the visual description of a particular idea, thing, or place. It includes detail related to location and direction. The description goes from inside to outside, left to right, and bottom to top. The best place to use spatial organization is in descriptions of scenes and settings, but it can also be utilized when giving instructions or directions.


  • I have a sweet home in the new township. It has three rooms. when I enter the main gate, it has a big loan at the right and a small garage at the left. The main door enters the drawing room.   Attached to my right drawing room wall is a small brown wooden rack.  just above it, there is a big window that has snow white thick curtains. Next to it, there is a decorated brown coloured bookshelf occupied with all sorts of books. Right to the bookshelf is my desk in the right corner. A laptop, a pen stand with all sorts of pens, a few books, and a writing pad with blank sheets are giving a clumsy look on the desk. The front wall has two large paintings of modern art on either side of the door that enters the lawn.  Turning my head to the left, I see a full-length window covering almost the left wall. the white curtains are tied to both sides so a big picture of the garden can be seen through the window glass. 
  •  As I entered the room I saw a big wooden almirah at the front wall just opposite to entry door. To the left of the almirah, there was a small window. A narrow passage towards the washroom was just left to the window. The left wall has a large painting. Below the painting, an armchair was lying vacant. As I moved my eyes to the right, I saw a study table that was big enough to give place to a small book tray, a tabletop, a pen stand, a few papers, a writing pad, a few file folders, and one radio.

4.      Linear Method:

The literal meaning of the word ‘linear’ is 'in line'. In a paragraph, one sentence leads to the next one and thus the sentences move toward their goal. The linear logical pattern involves presenting ideas in a progressive way. The sentences are connected to each other logically.

Example –

  •         The pan was put on the gas stove and Meera lit the burner. Then he poured one cup of water. When it boiled she add tea leaves, sugar, and ginger to it. After one minute, she added milk to it and boiled it for I more minute. The tea was ready.
  •         Sugar is extracted from sliced sugar beets, after which juice is purified through a series of milk of lime and CO2 process steps. Then the filtered juice is evaporated and sugar is crystallized from it.

5.      Chronological Method:

It refers to the narration of events in the order in which they occur in time, beginning with the first event, going on to the next, and so on. It is quite easy and natural to record events in the order of their happening. It is mostly used in periodic reports,  historical events, incidents, routines, etc. Generally, after, next, currently, later, then, before, now, next, Finally, etc. are used.

Example –

  •  During my college days, I used to get up at 6 in the morning and study for 2 hours daily. I would enter the mess at 8:00 am without taking a bath. The college started at 9:00 am. Usually, I reached late for the first lecture. I kept sitting at my bench till 12:50 pm. After reaching the mess I finished my lunch fast and went to the hostel for a nap at 01:15 pm.
  • I was born in 1972 in the month of December. my father came to the city from his village after my birth. I was admitted to a Hindi medium school with my three brothers in 1976. I, with my brothers, studied there for the next 8 years. Then I was admitted to a girls' school. I passed my class 12th in 1989.  I got first division and moved to the next college for higher studies. I got my graduation degree in 1992 and Post graduation degree in 1994 from the same college. As I was deeply interested in fashion design, I took one year course in fashion technology and pursue my passion. In 1996, I left my job and got married. I started teaching in a primary school. I was blessed with two beautiful and pretty daughters in 1997 and 2001. I continued my teaching job till 2007 and then I moved to industry as a trainer. There I worked for two years. I got another opportunity in 2009 in an Engineering College and I worked there for 7 years. The next turning point came when I got selection as a Principal in a group of schools chain. After working as a principal for three years, I moved to my home back due to Covid in 2020. when Covid ended, I joined an institute in 2022 in my hometown and am still working in the institute. This is how I reached here. 

6.      Exposition Method:

The exposition method refers to the detail or explanation of a topic. Description, Comparison, and contrast can also be used to expose the topic. The purpose of this method is to provide information through examples and illustrations.

Example –

  •  People often think, all planets are alike, but there are actually three types of planets in the solar system. The terrestrial planets are made of rock and metal and are closest to the sun. These include the midsize planets Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars. They rotate slowly and don’t have many moons. Farther from the sun are the planets called gas giants, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. They are called gas giants because they are formed from gases such as hydrogen and helium. Gas giants rotate fast and have many moons. Finally, planetoids are objects made up of rock and ice and are too small to be true “planets.” Planetoids sometimes even get pulled into a planet’s gravitational field and become moons themselves. Whether they are terrestrials, gas giants, or planetoids, the planets in the solar system are fascinating.

7.      Explanation Method:

This means an explanation of a central idea, a statement that makes something comprehensible by describing the relevant structure or operation or circumstances, etc. followed by the topic sentence, main idea, supporting sentences, and adequate justification.

Example –

  • Breathing is a simple process of inhaling and exhaling gases but when it reaches to lungs, oxygen from inhaled gases diffuses into blood capillaries through the alveoli and co2 from blood capillaries entered the alveoli. From there, CO2 mixes with gas in the lungs and is taken out by the process of exhaling.
  • Photosynthesis is the process of preparation of food by green plants and certain other organisms which transform light energy into chemical energy. The green plants have chloroplast, a cell organelle, which plays an important role in food preparation. Photosynthesis takes place in these tiny organelles. During photosynthesis, light energy is captured and used to convert water, carbon dioxide, and minerals into oxygen and energy-rich organic compounds.

8.      Interrupted Method:

The interruptive method includes either the use of punctuation marks ((), -, !, ".... ", etc.) or a sudden change in tense (from present to past or past to future or future to present, etc.). It includes breaking ideas to elaborate things and for clear understanding. 


  • Hemant was excited as the march was going to be tough. Suddenly Priyansh hit a six. Hemant screamed, “Watch out! Our team is going to win”.
  • Usually, my neighbour feeds stray animals. Every day, he gets up early and takes plenty of variety of food for them. Before a year, he was a different person. he drank a lot and kicked small animals that came in front of his gate. He also, used to shout and bully the people in neighbouthood. Nobody liked him. One day he fell ill and was confined to his room. Then a small puppy barked a lot in front of his door and dragged the attention of the people to his house. people came and took him to the hospital. his life was saved due to that small puppy. this incident changed his life. Now, that man has changed himself and now he has good relations with all the neighbours.  

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