Thursday, July 20, 2023

Question Bank-Unit-5

Short Question (Answer only in a maximum of fifty words)

  1. Define leader and leadership.
  2. Define leadership and its important traits.
  3. Why communication skills are important for leaders?
  4. What is the importance of listening and responding for a leader?
  5. Define active listening and its importance for a leader?
  6. Define mental health.
  7. What are the symptoms of poor mental health?
  8. Define factors that affect mental health.
  9. How mental health affects a person/employee?
  10. Define stress with an example.
  11. What are various stress management techniques?
  12. Define four As of stress management.

Long Answer Questions (Justify your answer  with suitable diagrams)

  1. Define leadership and its various traits.
  2. How communication skills are important for a leader?
  3. What is the role of listening and responding in the life of a leader?
  4. Define active listening and how can a leader become an active listener.
  5. How active listening is important for a leader?
  6. How can you define mental Health and its importance in an organization?
  7. What are various factors that affect mental health adversely also write the symptoms of poor mental health?
  8. Define stress and stress management techniques.

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