Saturday, February 10, 2024

Features Role and Purpose of Communication

Differences between Conversation and Communication

a) No specific purpose
b) No specific audience
c) No specific subject matters
d) Informal/objective/personal style
e) Local language/dialect is used
f) Facts and data are not mentioned


a) Specific purpose
b) Specific audience
c) Specific subject matter
d) Formal/Subjective/Impersonal style
e) Simple and Formal language is used.
f) Facts and data are important to be mentioned


The word 'communication' is derived from the Latin word ‘communicare’ which means to share/transfer data, or information.
Hence, we can say that communication is the process of transferring an idea, knowledge, information, feeling, thoughts, or news from one party to another.

Technical communication

  1. According to the Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary, ‘technical’ word means connected with the practical use of machinery, process, etc. in science and industry.
  2. Hence, Technical communication is the transfer of facts, figures, and ideas (all sorts of scientific and technical information) from one individual to another.
  3. It adopts all the methods like media, networks, channels, and systems for communication.
  4. Technical communication may vary from a simple description of a tool to a very complex explanation (in simple language) of scientific research.
  5. Some examples of Technical Communication are seminars, reports, research projects, meetings, etc.
  6. Differences between General communication & Technical communication.
Features of Communication
  1. Communication involves a sender, a message, and a recipient.
  2. It is a two-way process
  3. It is a dynamic and interactive process.
  4. It has a specific subject matter (message)
  5. It has a specific purpose
  6. It has a specific receiver (reader/listener)
  7. It has 7 Cs- Clarity, completeness, correctness, consideration, conciseness, courtesy, and concreteness.
  8. It can be done either formally or informally.
  9. It has many dimensions- vertical, upward, downward, horizontal, diagonal
Features of Technical Communication
  1. It is simple.
  2. It uses familiar language.
  3. It uses clear sentences.
  4. It can be simple and elaborate.
  5. It has a logical division of paragraphs.
  6. It is characterized by scientific and technical vocabulary and graphic and audiovisual aids.
  7. It is a discipline as well as a profession.
  8. It is meticulous, accurate, precise, comprehensive, and direct in the style of presentation
  9. It has sound organization of ideas and a high value of objectivity. It is devoid of stiff and pompous language and needless technical jargon.
Roles and Purposes of Communication

  1. To Inform: Communication is used to circulate information in and out by sending messages. People become updated when they get information through authenticated communication channels.
  2. To Educate: Communication provides knowledge and educates people. Formal or informal methods of communication help in educating the people.
  3. To Motivate: People become depressed due to worries and tension. Communication plays a crucial role in reducing the depression. Energetic speeches and inspiring stories motivate people to live happily and enhance their capabilities.
  4. To Coordinate: Humans are social animals, and society is a mixture of various cultures, religions, traditions, etc. Communication helps them to coordinate with each other for many purposes. An open communication style helps in coordination.
  5. To Entertain: Stress is an integral part of life. It can be reduced with the help of comic communication. For example- talking with friends, watching comic entertainment, listening to music, etc.
  6. To Share: Nobody in this universe can live alone. People share emotions, feelings, data, ideas, etc with one another. Communication helps them to share and connect together either by speaking or writing.
  7. To Plan: One of the main objectives of communication is to plan anything required for the betterment of the future. People sit together, discuss, and make plans with the help of listening and speaking skills.
  8. To Solve Problems: Though problems are integral parts of life, communication helps find solutions by collecting information and thinking about solving the problem.
  9. For Decision-Making: One of the main objectives of communication is making decisions at any point in life. People decide something after a healthy discussion through good communication skills

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