Tuesday, June 15, 2021




A business letter is a brief piece/document of communication. Every business organization, whether big or small, keeps in touch with its suppliers, customers, government departments, banks, insurance agencies, transporters, job seekers, and many more. The head of the departments has to exchange information on different occasions/contexts. They write a letter for making inquiries or placing orders or acknowledgments or execution of customer’s orders or sending of collection letters or reply to the complaint letters, mistakes in the supply of goods, etc. It must be written by taking care of the following points-

1.      Why am I Writing this letter

2.      What is the exact message?

3.      Who is the receiver of the message?

4.      How will it act upon the receiver?

5.      What would be the receiver’s reaction? i.e. whether pleased/displeased/ neither pleased nor displeased / interested or disinterested.

The above questions should guide a writer in writing letters.


It is easier to write an effective business letter while following a systematic writing plan. Letter writing is a typical composition process that involves prewriting, writing, and post writing.


1.      Pre-writing: -

It involves audience analysis, purpose identification, scope determination, analysis of the desired action, and planning of the all.

Before writing a writer should find the answers to the following questions;

a)  Who is my reader?                                                b) Why am I writing?

c) How much should I write?                                    d) What do I want the reader to do?

After solving all these questions writer must collect relevant information and list the important points, full planning is done before writing.

2.      Writing: -

After planning we should start writing a rough draft of our letter. Writing involves organizing the matter, outlining what needs to be written, and writing the first draft. Several writing strategies may be used, which include brainstorming, freewriting, and mind mapping.

a)      Brainstorming is a planning technique in which you list ideas as they come to your mind.

b)     Freewriting is a process that allows you to express your ideas without worrying about spelling, grammatical mistakes, or organizational problems.

c)      Mind mapping is a clustering technique that takes advantage of your mind’s natural ability to organize information.

3.  Post writing: -

Once the first draft has been written, it should be revised, edited, and evaluated. Revising is the process of improving the content, the layout, and the sentence structure, evaluating, on the other hand, refers to the process of critically examining the letter to ensure that it can achieve its purpose.


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