Wednesday, June 16, 2021


                                             समझने के लिये वीडियो जरूर देखें


The word epic is derived from the Ancient Greek adjective, “epikos”, which means ‘poetic story’.


1.      An epic is a long long narrative poem written on a heroic, great and serious subject.

2.      According to M. H. Abrams, "All epics are long narrative poems; they deal with the serious subject matter, usually centering on a hero (of unusual courage and unparalleled bravery) and his quest to protect his civilization. A heroic personality on whose actions depends onthe fate of a tribe, a nation, or the human race, is celebrated in an epic.

3.      According to Renaissance critics, ‘epic is the highest genre of all.


Epics have a protagonist of great importance. Example-

1.      In ‘The Paradise Lost’ Adam is the father of mankind and Christ is the son of God.

2.      In in ‘Iliad Great warrior Achilles is a superman.

3.      Epics consist supernatural power in them. Gods and Goddess watch the hero and help them when hero is in trouble.

4.      Epics present religious and scriptural theme. There is a war between good and bad.

5.      Epics have many episodes which are closely connected to make epic grand and lengthy.

6.      Epics are ceremonial in performance.

7.      Epics have its beginning with the invocation of a holy spirit or muse.

8.      The epic, a sub-genre of narrative poetry, does have a particular rhyme scheme in English.



1.      In order to depict this bravery and courage, the epic uses grandiose and elevated style.

2.      they're composed in a formal, elevated style.

3.      Over the centuries, writers have composed epics in the high style of their day. Sometimes that style involves rhyme.

4.      Hyperbole is used.

    समझने के लिये वीडियो जरूर देखें


1.      The hero is usually the representative of the values of a certain culture, race, nation or a religious group on whose victory or failure the destiny of the whole nation or group depends.

2.      A certain supernatural force, helps the hero who comes out as a victor at the end.

3.      An epic usually starts with an invocation to muse, but then picks up the threads of the story and moves on to the end.


Difference between EPIC and BALLAD:

1.      Epic and Ballad both are poems that narrates story, however the actual difference between the two is the length. Epic is lengthier than Ballad.

2.      Epic is usually meant to be narrated, while Ballad is to be sung.

3.      Most of the ballads are written by unknown authors and sung by wanderers while epics are written by known authors.

4.      Both differ in style. Ballad is composed in a simple language, while an Epic demonstrates mastery in style.


1.      Folk Epic/ Traditional Epic /Primary Epic:

                 i.          Representation of folks of their own time.

                ii.          Product of mythology. Written by a common person.

               iii.          Examples of Folk Epics-

               iv.          ‘Beowulf’ is an Anglo-Saxon epic which is based on tradition of a nation.

                v.          ‘Iliad’ (800 BCE) and ‘Odyssey’ were written by Greek epic poet Homer.

2.      Literary Epic/Secondary Epic:

               i.          Literary epics are highly conventional poems. It consists of literary devices              of their own.

             ii.           These are the literary work of art.

            iii.           These were written later in imitation of the traditional form.

            iv.           Examples

              v.          John Milton wrote ‘The Paradise Lost’ after taking inspiration from                         ‘Aenied’ an epic written by Virgil.

            vi.           Keats was inspired by the ‘The Paradise Lost’ of John Milton and wrote an              epic named ‘Hyperion’.


1.      As the epic poem is the earliest form of poetry, it is the earliest form of                             entertainment  as well.

2.      Epics were written to inform the struggles and adventures of kings and warriors.

3.      The main function of epic poetry was to elevate the status of the hero among the              audiences  to inspire them to be ready to perform heroic actions.

4.      Models of ideal heroic behavior were supplied to the common people by the epic.

5.      Epic obtained most of its themes from the exploits (work of bravery) performed by legendary characters and their illustrious ancestors. That is why these exploits became examples for others to follow, and still lived in books.

6.      Epics were the collections of historical events and they are read today to be enjoyed and be informed regarding the past.


1.      Ancient epic- ‘Beowulf

2.      Ancient epic- ‘Iliad’ by Homer

3.      Romantic Age- ‘Prelude’ by William Wordsworth.

4.      ‘The Paradise Lost’ (1667) by John Milton.

5.      ‘Hyperion’ by Keats based on ‘The Paradise Lost’ of John Milton.

6.      ‘Sohrab and Rustum’ – by Arnold.

7.      ‘The Idyllus of the King’ by Tennyson.’

8.      The Defence of Gunievera’ by Morris

9.      Modern Age- The Epic of Gilgamesh (2000 BCE)

10.   Modern Age- ‘The Waste Land’ by T.S.Eliot.






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