Saturday, March 12, 2022



Communication doesn’t happen haphazardly or passively. It is a dynamic, active and transactional process. Communication requires the following essential parts-

1.    sender- source/speaker/writer- it is one of the important parts of communication process. He generates the message and encode it in different ways depend on the situation, receiver, profession etc.

    2.    Encoding of message (verbal or nonverbal)- Encoding means construction of a                messages either by verbal or non-verbal method. communication needs a message to              be circulated. If there is no message, there will be nothing to transfer.

3.    Common medium (similar language/culture/knowledge/common mindset)- This should be remembered that sender and receiver should have common language, culture, knowledge, background etc. for effective communication. Otherwise communication will have a lot of barriers which will distort the message.

4.    Transfer channel (oral/written/nonverbal cues/technical gazettes)- a method through/ by which a message is passed is called transfer channel. Selection of transfer channel depends on the nature of the message, situation etc.

5.    Receiver (machine/listener/reader)- at the second end of the transfer channel we find a receiver. He accepts the message and decodes it.

     6.  Decoding of message: Receiver receives the message and understand it. it is called decoding of message. Without decoding the process of communication may break or interrupted.

7.    Feedback (reaction or response to a message)- feedback is that part of process on which success rate of communication depends. He is sent by the receiver to the sender.

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