Saturday, March 12, 2022

Strategic E-Communication




Electronic communication means transmission of messages or information using telephones, computers, smart phones and fax machine etc. People can easily share conversation, picture, image, sound, graphics, video, maps, and software through wire, electromagnetic energy and radio systems. Electronic communications allow a person to combine numerous media – text, graphics sound, video, etc. – into a single message.

Moving from paper to electronic communications can actually help a business connect to others easily, while saving time and money. Some examples of e-communication are-Email, instant messaging, websites, blogs, text messaging, voicemail and video messaging etc.

Paper correspondence is no longer needed to transmit documents and other important information. Electronic communication has changed the way businesses communicate with each other. Electronic communication can be very beneficial if used effectively. 

Strategic Communication

Strategic communication is the selection of proper channels to communicate the actual message keeping the organizational goals in mind. It is used by a business to achieve growth and fulfill its missions. It’s simply the doing purposeful communication.

Features of Strategic Communication

Effective strategic e- communication has the following features/ characteristics-

a)     It has a clear message: A clear message makes communication effective.

b)     It has a clear subject line: A meaningful subject line directly gets to the point of your message. 

c)     It has breaking up paragraphs: Writing in small paragraphs helps to keep message clear.

d)     7Cs: It follows 7Cs of communication process.


a)     Strategic E-communication binds business objectives to its core values resulting in better employee engagement. Which in turn adds credibility and builds a strong business reputation.

b)     Strategic E-communication enables us to select the proper medium to communicate. For example- Email, blogs, websites, social networks etc.

c)     Strategic E-communication in a business enhances productivity and profitability by decreasing the time and money spent on correspondence.

d)     Strategic E-communication is essential as it influences customers and promotes products and services if done the right way.

e)     Strategic E- communication replaces the hassle of coordinating face-to-face meetings and productivity and provides a quick and easy way to communicate. 


a)     It  lacks support of non-verbal and paralanguage.

b)     Another issue with electronic communication is security. Computer can be hacked, and infected with a computer virus.

Importance of Strategic E-communication in business

a)     Strategic communication is an essential step in the journey of business success. These days, anyone can start a business, but being stable and staying in business is not an easy task. Strategic e-communication helps to develop e-commerce.

b)     Developing and investing efforts in strategic communication gives more insight to efficiently allocate the resources towards the desired goals.

c)     It helps to reach to the potential customers round the clock.

d)     Strategic communication influences customers and promotes products/ services.

e)     Without electronic communication, we can’t access and apply the available information timely.

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