Saturday, April 16, 2022




An adjustment letter is written to solve the complaint notified by the second party. An adjustment letter is essential as it can rebuild the broken trust and enhance the customers' faith in the second party. Adjustment letters must be written promptly. If it takes time to find

the solution even then, acknowledgment of the complaint must be done immediately but with patience. We should take utmost care while writing adjustment letters. It must-

1.    Aim at the goodwill of the customer.

2.    Be devoid of any argument and rudeness.

3.    Understand the part of customer.

4.    Express the regret for any inconvenience or trouble. Even if it is committed by knowingly or unknowingly by their staff.

5.    Include the reason of the mistake, if complaint is justified.

6.    Have courteous tone.

7.    assure to the customer that the similar mistake will not recur in future.

8.    must accept the responsibility if complaint is justified.

If a complaint from the customer is unjustified & unreasonable, it should be brought to the notice of the customer in a polite manner.


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