A grammar rule that says that a verb must agree to the subject of the sentence is called 'subject-verb agreement’. According to this rule- a singular subject must have a singular verb while a plural subject must have a plural verb.
- He is going to market. (Subject-he, and verb ‘is’, are singular.)
- We are playing. (Subject- ‘we’, and the verb ‘are’, are plural)
- Your friend plays cricket very well. (Subject-Your friend, and the verb ‘plays’, are singular.)
- They visit Delhi every month. (Subject- ‘They’, and the verb ‘visit’, are plural)
- My teacher has given us some good storybooks. (Subject-'My teacher', and verb ‘has’, are singular.)
Now understand the rules
The verb must agree with its subject in number and person.
Subject Verb Agreement
'Subject-verb agreement’ is a grammar rule that says- a verb must be used according to the subject in the sentence.
According to the basic rule- a singular subject must have a singular verb while a plural subject must have a plural verb.
1. He is going to market. (Subject-he, and verb ‘is’, are singular.)
2. We are playing. (Subject- ‘we’, and the verb ‘are’, are plural)
Importance/Relevance of Subject-Verb Agreement
Subject and verb form the heart of grammatically correct English. Subject-verb agreement unifies a sentence so that it can be understood easily.1. Correctness: The Subject verb agreement gives correctness and enhances readability.2. Clarity of Communication: Correct subject-verb agreement ensures that the sentences are clear and easily understood. It helps convey your message without ambiguity.3. Professionalism: Use of correct Subject-verb agreement reflects professionalism and it is particularly important in academic and professional writing.4. Credibility: Well-structured sentences enhance the credibility of a writer. It determine your authority and make your arguments persuasive.5. Language Proficiency: The subject-verb agreement contributes to overall fluency and comprehension, allowing you to engage more effectively with the language.6. Accuracy: Subject-verb agreement helps ensure that the meaning of a sentence is accurate.7. Easycommunication: The subject verb agreement helps ensure that a sentence is clear, accurate, and grammatically correct; hence it makes communication effortless/easy.8. Unification in a sentence. Subject-verb agreement unifies a sentence. singular subject unifies with singular verb and plural subject unifies with singular verb,
Important Rules
RULE-1: When two subjects are joined by ‘and’, the verb must be plural.
My friend and his father are in India.
Sheela and Roshini are good friends
RULE-2: If two subjects are joined by ‘and’ but the article ‘The’ is used before the first subject only, then the verb must be singular.
The secretary and treasurer has been arrested.
The teacher and mentor is on leave today.
RULE-3: If two subjects joined by ‘and’ & article ‘The’ is used before both subjects then the verb must be plural.
The judge and the District Magistrate have been given a warm welcome.
The Principal and the Inspector are in the meeting.
RULE-4: If two different singular subjects joined by ‘and’ but express one idea, the verb must be singular.
My bread and butter has become difficult, due to bad weather.
This bed and breakfast is delightful.
RULE-5: If each/every is used before one or more singular subjects, the verb must be singular.
Every boy and every girl was present in the class, yesterday.
Every man and every woman has the right to express his or her views.
RULE-6: When the subjects are joined by (Either-or)/(Neither-nor), the verb must be according to the nearest subject.
Either Radha or her cousins have done this mischief.
Neither Mohini nor Ragini is beautiful.
RULE-7: If two subjects are joined with -‘with’, ‘together with’, ‘as well as,’ ‘accompanied by’, etc., the verb must be according to the farthest subject.
The inspector, as well as her friends, is attending the function.
All the members, with the final report, are sitting in the lobby.
RULE-8: When ‘Not only----but also’ is used to combine two subjects, the verb must be according to the closest subject.
Not only Hari but also his brothers were arrested.
Not only students but also their new science teacher is very excited.
RULE-9: Abstract nouns usually take singular verbs.
Honesty is the best policy.
Love has no limit.
RULE-10: When sentences start with “there” or “here,” the subject is written after the verb. So, the verb must agree to the subject after the verb.
There are four trees in the garden.
Here is a blue pen on the table.
RULE 11. Titles of books, movies, Subjects, novels, etc. take a singular verb.
The Burbs is a movie starring Tom Hanks.
Mathematics is difficult to understand.
RULE 12. When gerund (Ing form of a verb) is the subject then the verb must be singular.
Standing in the water was a bad idea.
Swimming in the ocean is my passion.
RULE-13: 'Majority' followed by a plural noun takes a plural verb.
A majority of students are right.
A majority of doctors are on strike.
RULE-14: The number takes a singular verb:
The number of players is increasing slowly.
The number of people has gone from here.
RULE-15: 'A number of’ (indicates ‘some/many/several') takes a plural verb:
A number of students are standing outside the office.
A number of players are still injured from the last game.
RULE-16: Nouns indicating time/money/ measurements, etc. take singular verb.
Twenty-five rupees is not such a big amount for him.
Two miles is too much distance for this man to run.
RULE-17: The percentage or a part of a plural subject takes a plural verb and the percentage or a part of a singular subject takes a singular verb.
30 % of Indian women are literate.
50% of this office has an open area.
RULE-18: Anybody, anyone, everybody, everyone, no one, nobody, somebody, and someone are treated as singular hence the verb must be singular.
Everybody loves using correct grammar.
Somebody is at the door.
RULE-19: Sentence starts with ‘one of the…’ takes a plural subject but a singular verb.
One of the cats has a black tail.
One of the teachers is called for inquiry.
RULE-20: When ‘her or there is used in a sentence, the verb must match the subject that follows it.
There is a new map in the lab.
Here are some apples in the basket.
RULE-21: If a plural noun is preceded by the word pair, treat the subject as singular because ‘pair’ is singular.
The pair of scissors does not work.
The pair of socks is in the basket.
RULE-22: In long sentences with phrases or clauses in between subject and verb, always use a verb according to subject. Don’t get confused.
Teachers of the college are on an educational tour.
A basket of vegetables was in the kitchen
RULE-23: ‘Many, few, several, both, others’ are always treated as plural, the verb must be plural.
Few flowers are plucked by the gardener.
Several boys are standing in front of the Dean's office.
RULE-24: Uncountable nouns take a singular verb.
The research goes smoothly.
Water flows through the streets.
RULE-25: Abbreviations and acronyms usually take a singular verb.
The country’s GDP is increasing.
The CBSE has updated its website.
Choose the correct form of the verb that agrees with the subject.
Jyoti and her brothers__________(is, are) at school.
Either my mother or my father__________ (is, are) coming to the meeting.
The dog or the cats __________ (is, are) outside.
Either my shoes or your coat __________ (is, are) always on the floor.
Vidhyut and Suresh__________ (doesn't, don't) want to see that movie.
My cousin __________ (doesn't, don't) know the answer.
One of my sisters__________ (is, are) going on a trip to France.
The man with all the birds __________ (live, lives) on my street.
The movie, including all the songs, __________ (take, takes) two hours to watch.
The players, as well as the captain, __________ (want, wants) to win.
Either answer __________ (is, are) acceptable.
Every character of those books __________ (is, are) fiction.
Nobody __________(know, knows) the trouble I've seen.
(Is, Are) __________the news on at five or six?
Civics __________ (is, are) Riya's favorite subject.
Eight dollars __________ (is, are) the price of a movie these days.
(Is, Are) __________the tweezers in this drawer?
Your pants__________ (is, are) at the cleaner.
There __________ (was, were) two candies in that bag.
The committee __________ (debates, debate) these questions carefully.
The committee members __________ (leads, lead) a very different lives in private.
The Prime Minister, together with his wife, __________ (greets, greet) the press.
All of the CDs, even the scratched one, __________ (is, are) in this case.
Rekha and Vinod___________ (come/ comes) to my house every Friday for lunch.
There ___________ (is/are) time to watch the movie.
My friends who are in a band___________ ( want/wants) me to play an instrument.
My father or my brothers___________ (is/are) coming with me to the ball game.
Everyone___________ (need/needs) time to relax.
That bag of oranges ___________ (look/looks) fresh.
The lacrosse team___________ (hope/hopes) to win the tournament next week.
Your trousers ___________ (need/needs) to be cleaned.
Some of the books on the shelf___________ (is/are) dusty.
Tick the correct form of the verb that agrees with the subject.
The manager along with his secretary (was/were) present in the conference room.
Neither Jatin nor Pawanwas/were present at the hearing.
A thousand dollars are/is not a small sum.
Mohan as well as Arun were/was there.
Neither you nor I am/are responsible for this.
He neither spends/spend his money nor donates it.
Any increase in the price of essential commodities result/results in inflation.
Our team is/are likely to win.
My family consists/consist of my parents, my husband and my children.
The audience were/was enthralled by the performance.
Young children immitates/imitate their parents.
The baby was/were startled by the loud sound.
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