Monday, July 22, 2024

Interview Skills



An interview is a structured conversation or meeting between two or more parties. It is conducted to assess qualifications, suitability, or compatibility for a specific purpose.

Job Interview

As far as a job interview is concerned, it is a meeting at which somebody is asked questions to find out the suitable candidate for a job, course of study, etc.

Purposes of interview

1.     Job selection

2.     Admission to educational programs

3.     Research data collection

4.     Journalistic inquiries

5.     Interpersonal interactions, etc.

Objectives of interviews

1.     To Select of a candidate for a task

2.     To monitor the performance time to time

3.     To counsel someone

4.     To exchange information

Features of an interview

1.     Two or More Participants-  An interview involves at least two participants - the interviewer(s) and the interviewee(s).

2.     Structured Format-  Interviews generally include predefined questions or topics.

3.     Purposeful Interaction-  An interview has a specific purpose.

4.     Information Exchange-  Interviews helps in exchanging of information and allowing both parties to learn more about each other.

5.     Question-Response Format-  Interviews moves by asking questions and replying.

6.     Goal-Oriented-  Interviews are conducted with specific goals.

7.     Dynamic Interaction-  Interviews are dynamic because both the parties remain active.

8.     Place of Nonverbal Communication-  During an interview, nonverbal cues of the interviewee, such as body language, facial expressions, and tone of voice, play an essential role in interviews.

9.     Time-Bound-  Interviews are conducted within a specific timeframe, with a beginning, middle, and ending.

10.  Evaluation and Decision-Making-  Interviews leads to evaluation & decisions making. 

Types of Interview Approach

1.     Individual interviews (one-on-one)-  Interviews involve one-on-one sessions between the interviewer and the candidate.

2.     Group interviews-  Group interviews are conducted when many job seekers apply for a position. Candidates undergo screening and selection before moving on to Individual interviews. It makes the hiring process faster.

Formats of interviews

1.     Structured Interview- A standard set of questions are asked by the interviewers. The questions can either be open-ended, or close-ended.

2.     Unstructured Interview- There is no fixed pattern, and a wide range of unexpected questions are asked. The questions asked by the interviewer can vary depending on how the candidate responds.

Modes of Interview

1.     Phone Interview-A phone interview is usually one of the first interview rounds. Few basic questions are asked to decide if the candidate will be selected for the second round or not.

2.     Video interview-Video interviews are conducted remotely using video conferencing technology. These are online interviews that need stable internet connection.

3.     Face-to-face interviews- In face-to-face interview interviewer meets interviwee in person. The place for such interview always varies. It may be college campus or company office.

Types of Interviews

1.     Personal Interview- It is a face-to-face meeting and also called an individual interview. A recruiter meets a candidate to assess their suitability for a job and company culture.

2.     Panel Interview- In Panel Interview many interviewers ask questions about skills and future goals to one candidate. Professionals from the team evaluate the candidate and decide collectively. These interviews focus on candidate's skills and body language closely.

3.     Stress Interview- Interviews can be tough as they test how a candidate handle stress and react positively under pressure in a job.

4.     Case Interview- During case interview, the interviewer presents a scenario along with a specific issue - fictional or based on a real-life situation. Candidate is supposed to propose a solution to resolve the issue. It evaluates problem-solving abilities of a candidate.

5.     Off-site Interview- It is an informal interview that takes place outside the office-like a restaurant. It is used to evaluate candidate’s personal qualities in a non-work setting.

6.     Informational Interview- The goal of this interview is to understand the real-life experiences of professionals working in an area to seek his advice and insights.

7.     Working Interview- In a working interview, instead of the question and answer session, job seekers are given a task to perform. The employer evaluates their performance on the basis of their practical skills.

8.     Exit Interview- Exit interviews are different from other types of interviews because they help companies understand why employees decide to leave their jobs. By listening to this feedback, the company can identify areas for improvement in its processes.

Tips for Preparing for Job Interviews

1.     Research the Company-  Applicant must research about company's history, values, products/services, and recent news. This demonstrates applicant’s interest and enthusiasm for the role.

2.     Review Your Resume-  Applicant must review his resume and match it with the job requirements.  Questions would be asked based resume highlighting relevant skills, experiences, and achievements.

3.     Dress Appropriately-  Applicant must choose an attire that is appropriate and reflects company culture. Dressing neatly and conservatively can help make a positive impression.

4.     Arrive Early-  Applicant must ensure reaching interview venue befor 10-15 minutes early. Punctuality reflects reliability and respect for the interviewer's time.

5.     Practice Nonverbal Communication-  An applicant must practice good nonverbal communication, like-keeping eye contact, sitting up straight, and offering a firm handshake. Positive nonverbal cues can enhance overall impression.

6.     Be Confident and Positive-  Applicant must be confident and a positive. It helps showing enthusiasm to contribute to the company's success.

7.     Listen Carefully-  Applicant must listen attentively to the interviewer's questions and ask for clarification if needed.

8.     Follow-up-  Applicant must remember to send a thank-you email or note to the interviewer(s), showing gratitude for the opportunity and reiterating your interest in the position.

9.     Be polite with the hiring team- Applicant must answer the question firmely and politely.

10.  Convey your wishes- Don’t forget to greet the interviewers at the starting and wish at the end of the interview.

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