Thursday, December 2, 2021



Information follows in an organization both formally and informally. The spread of information helps organization to coordinate with others internally or externally. Information is flew in an organization in two ways formally and informally. On that basis flows in communication are of two types-

1.     Formal flow

2.     Informal flow


The term formal communication refers to communication that follows the official hierarchy and is required to do one’s job. Internal operational and external operational communication can be described as formal. Information of various kinds flowing through formal channels, such as policy or procedural changes, orders, instructions, etc.


v It is authenticated and systematic hence it can be relied.

v It is helpful in coordination and maintaining discipline in an organization.


v It follows rule hence it is slow in speed.

v It stops open flow of communication

v Various organizational barrier may arise at different points.

This type of formal communication flows in various directions as downward, upward, diagonal, horizontal.

1.     Vertical flow: When two people communicate to each other and they are at different level in an organization then the flow is called vertical flow. The communication between senior to junior or junior to senior comes under this flow. Vertical flow is of two type.

 1.A - Vertically Downward communication: - it flows from a manager, down the chain of command. When managers inform, instruct, advice, or request their subordinates, the communication flows in a downward pattern. This is generally used to convey information, new policies or procedures, to seek clarification, to ask for an analysis etc. Superiors send feedback about their subordinates’ action through this channel. Such communication increases awareness about the organization among subordinates and employees and enables managers to evaluate the performance of their subordinates. Examples: - memos, notices, face to face interactions, or telephone conversations.


v Controls working environment and discipline

v Orders, instructions, directions, promotion, guidelines, appreciation, punishment etc. are given

v Explaining complex issues to juniors


v It encourages fear.

v May check open communication environment

v It promotes Authoritative behavior.

v It suppresses the upward communication.

1.B- Vertically Upward communication: - When subordinates send reports to inform their superiors or to present their findings and recommendations the communication flows upward. Seniors make decisions and problems are solved with the help of this communication. The extent of upward communication depends on the organizational culture. In an open culture without too many hierarchical levels, managers are able to create a climate of trust and respect and upward flow is enough. In a highly authoritative environment, where downward flow dominates, upward communication is limited.


v Feedback helps in development of planning

v Request are made

v Message is delivered/Information is passed

v Promotes harmony.

v For registration of grievances


v It encourages flattery.

v May risk discipline.

v May be manipulated due to fear of superiors


2.      Lateral or horizontal communication: -

This form of communication takes place among peer groups (same level people) or hierarchically equivalent employees. Such communication is often necessary to facilitate coordination, save time, and bridge the communication gap among various departments. This communication can be advantageous or disadvantageous. It is very vital for the growth of an organization as it builds cooperation among the various branches. In organizations where work is decentralized, it plays a greater role because there is a higher probability communication gaps.


v In making decision

v For discussing important points

v For making policies, rules, upcoming suggestions etc


v Ego of the persons at the similar level.

v Clashes related to ideology.

3.     Diagonal or cross-wise communication or radial: - diagonal communication flows in all directions and cuts across levels in an organization. When a sales manager communicates directly with the vice president they are engaged in diagonal communication. Though it deviates from the normal way but it is quick and efficient. The increase use of e-mail also encourages cross-wise communication. It is also called radial or circular communication as there is no specific line of command.



v It saves time.

v Reduces barriers.

v increases the efficiency

v Uses as team build up/motivational tool.


v increases competitiveness

v Gives threat to discipline

v Gives threat to coordination

v Creates internal disorder

v Bad effect on formal relations


Upward, downward, horizontal and diagonal flow is the need of an organization because these flows run formally. Other than formal channel there is one more channel which flows the information without considering the direction in an organization. This informal flow is called grapevine. It is found in every organization. It is unwanted by the authorities but it grows like weed. This channel grows wild and it spreads information unofficially. It is also proved that grapevine is important source of information that supplement official channel. Grapevine is non-directional and it can enter at any point in the process of communication. Sometimes managers used grapevine in a smart way to spread the information in a short time.

Grapevine is an informal channel of business communication. It is called so because it stretches throughout the organization in all directions irrespective of the authority levels. It grows when people start interaction in an organization. It exists more at lower levels of organization. Thus, grapevine spreads like fire and it is not easy to trace the cause of such communication at times.

Reasons of grapevine

Grapevine generally develops due to various reasons.

v Uncertainty during recession.

v Lack of self-confidence due to which employees form groups or unions.

v Bias attitude of seniors

v Development of informal relation among co-workers

v Changes in position, policies, promotions, demotions, transfer etc.


Ways to make Grapevine Beneficiary to Organization

v Providing real news to the grapevine initiators.

v Creating positive messages for grapevine

v Contradicting the false rumor.

v Allowing workers in the decision-making process

v Developing a good organizational climate.


Advantages of Grapevine Communication

v Grapevine channels circulates information rapidly.

v Feedback is quick as compared to formal channel of communication.

v grapevine helps in developing group cohesiveness.

v It becomes the tool of stress buster.

v It serves as an emotional supportive tool.

v It reaches to every hook and corner where formal communication cannot reach.

Disadvantages of Grapevine Communication

v It is incomplete as it is more based on rumours.

v It is not trustworthy always as it does not follow hierarchy and is spread more by gossips and unconfirmed sources.

v It may reduce the productivity of employees as they spend more time talking rather than working.

v Negative grapevine damages the reputation of an organization.

Types of grapevine

a)     Single Strand Chain: In single strand chain one person pass message to only second person then second person this information to the third person and it goes on. 


b)     Gossip Chain: In the gossip chain, one person remains in the center and passes information to everyone nearby.


c)     Probability Chain: The probability chain is a random process in which someone transmits the information to others without targeting the recipient. 



d)     Cluster Chain: In the cluster chain, a person tells the information to the selected people who may in turn pass the information to other selected people.  Here, recipient is the selected person.


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