Thursday, December 2, 2021


संचार के सिद्धांतों को समझने के लिए यह वीडियो देखें।

Communication is simply an act of transferring information from one person or group to another.
Every communication involves (at least) one sender, a message and a recipient. It also includes a common medium (language, background and culture).
Communication is a dynamic process hence it has some principles which can also be called its seven ‘Cs’of communication or the Principles of communication. 

These Principles includes -
1.    Completeness
2.    Conciseness
3.    Clarity
4.    Correctness
5.    Courtesy
6.    Concreteness
7.    Consideration


Completeness means that a message should be complete in all the aspects and must include all the relevant information. The complete information helps in better understanding and decision making by the receiver. If message does not have complete details then feedback will not be satisfactory and effective communication is not possible. Hence, communication must be complete in all the aspects. Completeness can be achieved by-

  1. Providing all necessary information, the sender has to answer all the five ‘W’s—who, what, when, where and why.
  2. Answering all questions asked while replying to an enquiry, the sender has to note all the points and answer all of them.
  3.  Providing additional information would go a long way towards taking better decision by the receiver.


  • Ø Wrong method

Please send me files in my office and call everybody for making decision. 

  • Ø Right method

Please send me files from no 36/Np to 42/NP in my office by 12 O’clock and inform the HODs to attend a meeting at 2:00 pm in my office for taking decision about pending cases of account sections.
‘Brevity is the soul of wits’

Conciseness means brief (short). A message should be precise and to the point. Unnecessary words and lengthy sentences should be avoided. The short and brief message is more comprehensive and helps in retaining the receiver’s attention. Unnecessary details and irrelevant points make message bored and ineffective. Hence, communication must be concise. Conciseness can be achieved by-

  1. Avoiding high sounding phrases
  2. Using common words and short sentences.
  3. Avoiding unnecessary details etc.


Ø Wrong method 

     I know you are busy but I would like to inform you that this meeting is very important, so you are required to attend the meeting. Board of the directors will also be there. We will discuss about the new plants and its execution process. it is important for you to attend the meeting otherwise it will be not good for you.

Ø Right method

     Please spare an hour for the meeting with Board of directors regarding new plant execution at 4:00 pm in the Section Hall. Your presence is mandatory. 
3.    CLARITY:
Clarity means no confusion. A message should be clear and easily understandable to the receiver. The message should clearly indicate its purpose. It must not cover several ideas in a single sentence. one message should have only one point for discussion. When many points are discussed in a single message then it makes message clumsy and confusing. Hence, a message must be divided in separate sections for different points.

Clarity can be achieved by:

  1. Avoiding technical jargons used in one’s profession.
  2. Splitting the message into separate paragraphs or highlighting key points.
  3. Using simple language in place of high-sounding words.
  4. Avoiding ambiguity by correct punctuation, personal pronoun, proverbs, etc.
  5. Avoiding lengthy sentence.
  6. Avoiding phrases and using

·       ‘mandatory’ in place of ‘it is compulsory

·       ‘conclude’ instead of ‘come to conclusion’,

·       ‘please’, in place of ‘will you be kind enough’ etc.


Ø Wrong method

      If you feel comfortable kindly visit the store in the evening at any time to prepare a checklist and comprehensive report to submit to the head office for the evaluation of the performance of the employees. 

Ø Right 

     You are required to visit the office between 3:00 pm to 6:00 pm today (19th January, 2020). You are required to prepare checklist for the upcoming month i.e. February, 2020. 
     You are also required to prepare a comprehensive report, also, to submit to the head office for the evaluation of the performance of the employees. 

Accuracy generally means no error in grammar, spelling, punctuations etc. Correctness is the soul of communication. The message should be correct in the following ways-

  1. in data presentation (facts and figures),
  2. in language 
  3. in selection of transfer channel/medium
  4. time

Communication should have correct information in correct language. Message should be free from grammatical and spelling mistakes. Remember, that the correct message has a greater impact on the receiver.
Examples –

Ø Wrong way

You are instructed to complete the project by Saturday, 24th Nov, 2019 and sent a report to the management.

Ø Right way

You are instructed to complete the project by Saturday, 25th Nov, 2019 and send a report to the management.
Courtesy is the mark of effective communication. The language used in the business letter must be courteous. A writer must always use open, friendly, and honest words in his letter. Letter  must include the words like please, thank you etc. as well as terms that show respect for the receiver. Polite and positive words should be used in communication. It makes communication worth reading and consider positively. The following points highlight courtesy:
·        Focus on ‘You’ attitude instead of ‘I’ attitude.
·        Show interest in the receiver.
·        Use polite and positive gestures towards receiver.
·        Be thoughtful and appreciative.
·        Use respectful expressions.

Ø Wrong method

     This is the third reminder for remaining payment. Either pay the payment by the end of this month or you will be responsible for the adverse consequences.

Ø Right method

     Please, find this third reminder for the remaining payment. You are requested to pay the bill for a smooth business conduction. I hope you will help in maintaining our five years long professional relationship by paying the bill by 30th Nov, 2019.
Concreteness means solid structure. The message should be concrete. It must not leave any room for misinterpretation. All the facts and figures should be placed sequentially as well as clearly in a message. Without coherence a message loses its concreteness. The language used in the business letter must be coherent. The message must be in a logical way for the clear understanding of the message. The flow of the message must be consistent.
Examples –

Ø Wrong method

     I like the items published in advertisement on Sunday in ‘Nav Bharat Times’. Please send ten printers and five zambo size electronic writing pads. 

Ø Right method

     The items (cat no 53 and 65) published in advertisement on Sunday, 23rd May 2020 in ‘Nav Bharat Times’ are found useful. We are pleased to set an order of ten printers (cat no 53) and five zambo size electronic writing pads (cat no 65). 
Before writing a message, sender must take into consideration the receiver’s opinions, knowledge, mindset, background, etc. in order to have an effective communication. Message should be audience oriented. It should be constructed by keeping feeling and view point of the receiver.
Example –

Ø Wrong method

      I found that you are not interested in completing our project sincerely. So, I cancel our order.

Ø Right method

     Your reputation compelled me to start a business relationship with your firm. I don’t understand the reason of delaying the consignment (order no 23/OCT/23-K). I like to continue this project; Please, look into the matter personally.
 Other than these we also have other principles like consistency, credibility and coherence
Communication should be in consistence with the objectives of the company, its procedures and processes. A message should take care of company’s policies and protocols.
A communication should be passed through a proper formal channel to increase its credibility. We should increase the credibility of a message to get desired feedback.
Coherence in communication means expressing ideas clearly, logically, and intelligibly. sentence must be linked such that they should convey the actual message of the sender to the receiver. all the sentences of a message should be linked to the same topic.


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