Thursday, December 2, 2021


संचार के कार्यों को समझने के लिए यह वीडियो देखें।


Communication has become a very helpful tool to serve various purposes. It has many functions in the life of humans. Its functions depend on situations. Few important functions are as follows

1.     To exchange information-

The first function of communication is to exchange information. Communication helps to get information from a source and it also helps to send message to others. Without communication this exchange is not possible.

2.     To persuade (to convince)

Another function of communication is to persuade someone for a favourable response. In our life, we need favours from others at various situation and communication helps to win their confidence and bring favourable response from them.

3.     To counsel

At the time of a tough situation, we need guidance from experienced persons or seniors. They guide us by counselling. They share their experience and helps us to find solution of our problems.

4.     To coordinate

We are living in society and we need coordination from all. We live in group and we need each other. We depend on other for various jobs. Hence coordination is a must element in society. For coordination we require communication so that we can understand the needs of each other.

5.     To motivate

In the world of stress and tough competition we feel depressed and sometime negative. This negative and depressed attitude will cause a great damage to our personal as well as professional life. In that situation communication helps us through motivational speech or literature. It is an important function of communication.

6.     To build relationship

We live in a society and bonding among people makes society a good place to live. Communication helps to develop relationships at personal level as well as professional level.


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