Sunday, March 13, 2022



Different behavioral scientist identified different bad listening habits. The list of  such bad habits is given as below:

a)     To interpret to the speaker.

b)     Impatient towards the criticism in the speech.

c)     Involve in the daydreaming during listening.

d)     Lose interest in the speaker in his speech.

e)     Pretend to pay attention towards the speaker.

f)      Too much thinking on a single point.

g)     To arrive late at the place of meeting or lecture.

h)     Listen to several people at a time.

i)      Reading mails or entertaining telephone calls while listening to someone.

j)      Discouraging the speaker by openly contradicting his statement.

k)     State of emotional excitement.

l)      Listen with negative attitude towards the speaker.

m)   Try to outline every factual detail.

n)     To show your lack of interest in speech.

o)     Focus on dress & appearance of the speaker only.

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