Saturday, April 16, 2022



There are different ways to attract customers towards our goods & services. Like an advertisement on T.V., radio, newspaper, etc. but in some situations, correspondence is more useful, because it directly contacts the prospective customer. Sales letters are written to contact prospective customers directly.

Sales letters are unsolicited letters. These are written by suppliers or manufacturers of goods, to inform and introduce the customers to their product or service which will come to the market.  The effectiveness of such letters depends on the writer's ability to use language suited to his purpose and to influence the recipient, his thinking, his taste & behavior. Therefore, sales letters should be persuasive. 

Sales letters are written, especially, to the targeted customers or to the direct consumers. A company, institution, outlet, shop, or dealer writes these letters directly to their customers to promote their new line of products or services. The writer also highlights that the customer is precious to them and in addition to that he also mentions some special discounts or benefits if a particular offer or product is availed. 


Write a sales letter to the Young Club for promoting a new line of products in sports. Invent details by yourself.


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