Saturday, February 18, 2023


 iv.          Homonyms (same spelling and pronunciation but different meaning)

Homonyms are words that are pronounced the same and spelled the same but have different meanings. For examples-

o   ‘pen’- a holding area for animals /  a writing instrument.

o    address (to speak to)/address (location)

o    air (oxygen)/air (a lilting tune)

o    band (a musical group)/band (a ring)

o    bark (a tree’s out layer)/bark (the sound a dog makes)

o    current (up to date)/current (flow of water)

o    die (to cease living)/die (a cube marked with numbers one through six)

o    fair (equitable)/fair (beautiful)

o    kind (type)/kind (caring)

o    lie (to recline)/lie (to tell a falsehood)

o    match (to pair like items)/match (a stick for making a flame)

o    mean (average)/mean (not nice)

o    Pole (a person from Poland)/pole (a piece of metal that holds a flag)

o    pound (unit of weight)/pound (to beat)

o    ream (a pile of paper)/ream (to juice a citrus fruit)

o    rose (to have gotten up)/rose (a flower)

o    spring (a season)/spring (coiled metal)

o    tender (gentle)/tender (to pay money)

o    tire (to grow fatigued)/tire (part of a wheel) 

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