Homophones are two or more words pronounced the same but differ in meaning, origin, and spelling. Such as new and new or meat and meet, etc.
accept - take in |
except - other than |
ad - advertisement |
add - join, combine |
advice - guidance |
advise - recommend |
aid -
assist, assistance |
aide - one who gives assistance |
ail - to suffer poor health |
ale - a beverage |
air - atmosphere |
ere – before heir - one who inherits property |
aisle - a passage |
I'll - contraction of I will isle - island |
allusion - an indirect reference |
illusion - false appearance |
altar - table in a church |
alter - to change |
10 |
ate - past tense of eat |
eight - the number 8 |
11 |
bail - to clear water |
bail - release of a prisoner bale - a large bundle |
12 |
band - a ring, something that binds |
band - a group banned - prohibited |
13 |
bare - uncovered |
bear - large animal bear - support, yield |
14 |
bases - starting points |
bases - four stations on a baseball field basis - a basic principle |
15 |
beat - to strike, overcome |
beat – exhausted beet - a plant with red roots |
16 |
blew - past tense of blow |
blue - the color |
17 |
bread - baked food item |
bred - produced |
18 |
buy - purchase |
by - near, through bye - goodbye |
19 |
capital - punishable by death |
capital - chief city capitol - building where legislature meets |
20 |
ceiling - top of a room |
sealing - setting, fastening |
21 |
cell - compartment |
sell - vend |
22 |
cent - penny coin |
scent - an odor sent - past tense of send |
23 |
cereal - breakfast food |
serial - sequential |
24 |
chews - gnaws with teeth |
choose - to select |
25 |
Chile- country in South America |
chili - bean stew chilly - frosty |
26 |
chord - musical tone |
cord - rope |
27 |
cite - quote |
site – location sight - view |
28 |
close - opposite of open |
clothes - clothing |
29 |
coarse - rough |
course - path, procedure |
30 |
complement – enhance; go together |
compliment - praise |
31 |
conduct - behavior |
conduct - to lead |
32 |
council - committee |
counsel - guidance |
33 |
creak - squeak |
creek - stream of water |
34 |
crews - gangs |
cruise - ride on a boat |
35 |
days - plural of day |
daze - stun |
36 |
dear - darling |
deer- woodland animal |
37 |
desert - to abandon |
desert - dry land dessert - after-dinner treat |
38 |
dew - morning mist |
do – operate due - payable |
39 |
die -
cease to exist |
dye - color |
40 |
discreet - tactful |
discrete - distinct |
41 |
doe - female deer |
dough - uncooked bread |
42 |
dual - double |
duel - battle |
43 |
elicit - draw out |
illicit - illegal |
44 |
eminent - distinguished |
imminent - soon |
45 |
ewe - female sheep |
you - second-person personal pronoun |
46 |
eye - sight organ |
I - first-person personal pronoun |
47 |
facts - true things |
fax - a document transmitted via telephone |
48 |
fair - equal |
fare - price |
49 |
fairy - elflike creature with wings |
ferry - boat |
50 |
faze - impact |
phase - stage |
51 |
feat - achievement |
feet - plural of foot |
52 |
find - to discover |
fined - charged a penalty |
53 |
fir - type of tree |
fur - animal hair |
54 |
flea - small biting insect |
flee - run |
55 |
flew - did fly |
flu - illness |
56 |
flour - powdery, ground up grain |
flower - blooming plant |
57 |
for - on behalf of |
fore – front four - three plus one |
58 |
forth - onward |
fourth - number four |
59 |
foreword - introduction to a book |
forward - advancing |
60 |
gene - a chromosome |
jean - fabric; pants |
61 |
gorilla - big ape |
guerrilla - warrior |
62 |
grease - fat |
Greece - country in Europe |
63 |
groan - moan |
grown - form of grow |
64 |
hair - head covering |
hare - rabbit-like animal |
65 |
hall - passageway |
haul - tow |
66 |
halve - cut in two parts |
have - possess |
67 |
hay - animal food |
hey - interjection to get attention |
68 |
heal - mend |
heel - back of foot |
69 |
hear - to listen |
here - at this place |
70 |
hi - hello |
high - up far |
71 |
hoarse - croaky |
horse - riding animal |
72 |
hole - opening |
whole - entire |
73 |
holey - full of holes |
holy – divine wholly - entirely |
74 |
hoarse - rough voice |
horse - animal |
75 |
hour - sixty minutes |
our - belonging to us |
76 |
knead - massage |
need - desire |
77 |
knew - did know |
new - not old |
78 |
knight - feudal horseman |
night - evening |
79 |
knot - tied rope |
not - negative |
80 |
know - have knowledge |
no - opposite of yes |
81 |
lead - metal |
led - was the leader |
82 |
leased - past tense of lease |
least - the minimum |
83 |
lessen - make smaller |
lesson - class |
84 |
loan - lend |
lone - solitary |
85 |
made - did make |
maid - servant |
86 |
mail - postage |
male - opposite of female |
87 |
material - matter |
materiel - supplies for an organization,
particularly the military |
88 |
marry - to wed |
merry - very happy |
89 |
meat - animal protein |
meet - encounter |
90 |
mince - to chop finely |
mints - type of sweet |
91 |
morning - a.m. |
mourning - remember the dead |
92 |
none - not any |
nun - woman who takes special vows |
93 |
oar - boat paddle |
or – otherwise ore - mineral |
94 |
oh - expression of surprise or awe |
owe - be obligated |
95 |
one - single |
won - did win |
96 |
overdo - do too much |
overdue - past due date |
97 |
pail - bucket |
pale - not bright |
98 |
pain - hurt |
pane - window glass |
99 |
peace - calm |
piece - segment |
100 |
peak – highest point |
peek - glance |
101 |
patience - being willing to wait |
patients - person treated in a hospital or by
a doctor |
102 |
pear - a type of fruit |
pair - two (usually matching) |
103 |
plain - ordinary |
plane - flight machine plane; flat surface |
104 |
pole - post |
poll - survey |
105 |
poor - not rich |
pour - make flow |
106 |
pray - implore God |
prey - quarry |
107 |
principal - most important |
principle - belief |
108 |
rain – water from sky |
rein - bridle |
109 |
rap - tap |
wrap - drape around |
110 |
read - past tense of the verb to read |
red - color |
111 |
real - factual |
reel - roll |
112 |
113 |
ring - encircle |
wring - squeeze |
114 |
road - street |
rode - past tense of ride |
115 |
role - function |
roll - rotate |
116 |
rose - flower |
rows - lines |
117 |
sail - move by wind power |
sale - bargain price |
118 |
scene - landscape |
seen - viewed |
119 |
sea - ocean segment |
see - observe with eyes |
120 |
seam - joining edge |
seem - appear |
121 |
sew - connect with thread |
so - as a result sow - plant |
122 |
soar - ascend |
sore - hurt place |
123 |
sole - single |
soul - essence |
124 |
son - male child |
sun - the star that lights the solar system |
125 |
some - a few |
sum - amount |
126 |
stair - step |
stare - to look at steadily |
127 |
steal - swipe |
steel - alloy |
128 |
suite - large room in a hotel |
sweet - the opposite of sour |
129 |
tail - animal’s appendage |
tale - story |
130 |
their - belonging to them |
there - at that place they’re - they are |
131 |
threw - past tense of throw |
through - passing from one place to another |
132 |
to - toward |
too – also two - the number 2 |
133 |
toe - foot appendage |
tow - pull along |
134 |
vary - differ |
very - wail - howl |
35 |
wail - howl |
whale - huge sea mammal |
136 |
waist - area below ribs |
waste - squander |
137 |
wait – kill time |
weight - measurable load |
138 |
war - battle |
wore - did wear |
139 |
warn - caution |
worn - used |
140 |
way - path |
weigh - measure mass |
141 |
we - us |
wee - tiny |
142 |
weak - not strong |
week - seven days |
143 |
wear - to don attire |
where - question word |
144 |
weather - climate |
whether - if |
145 |
which - that |
witch - sorcerer |
146 |
wood – material coming
from trees |
would - conditional auxiliary |
147 |
your - belonging to you |
you’re - you are |
Some more examples with sentences-
Fort – Fought
- Just the three of you going to
be holding the fort tonight.
- He fought many
Foul – Fowl
- There was a foul smell all around.
- Fowl was also mentioned in the
menu card.
Groan – Grown
- His jokes make all groan rather
than laugh.
- He had been a grown man
Holy – Wholly
- We pray to our holy books and
rivers too.
- The disaster was wholly unavoidable.
Hour – Our
- The interview lasted half an hour.
- We showed them some of our photographs.
I – Eye
- I moved to Delhi for my Ph.D.
- Ow! I’ve got something in
my eye!
Know – No
- The teacher wants to know the
reason for getting fewer marks.
- You have no chic, now.
Links – Lynx
- We have no links with
- They may watch like lynx.
Mail – Male
- The principal received hundreds
of mail after receiving an award.
- Many women earn less than
their male colleagues.
Meet – Meat
- She wanted to meet you only
- I gave up eating meat a
few months ago.
Peace – Piece
- I wish for peace in
my life.
- I need a piece of chalk to
write on the board.
Right – Write
- Keep on the right side
of the road.
- She had to write the minutes
of the meeting.
Scene – Seen
- The police soon arrived at
the scene of the crime.
- Stars could not be seen in daylight due to the brightness of the sun.
Than – Then
- Teddy looks cuter than any
other toy.
- I wish I had known then what
I know now.
Weak – Week
- She is still weak after
her illness.
- He comes to see us once a week.
Homographs are words that have the same spelling but differ in origin, meaning, and sometimes pronunciation.
- Attribute (characteristic) or attribute (credit someone or something)
- Bass (fish) /bæs/ or bass (drum)/beɪs/
- Bow (weapon) or bow (down)
- Close (near) /ˈkloʊs/ or close (to shut)/ˈkloʊzd/
- Console (comfort) or console (video game unit)
- Content (satisfied) con-TENT or content (various media) CON-tent.
- Lead (front) or lead (mineral)
- Minute (small) /maɪˈnuːt/ or minute (measurement of time) /ˈmɪn.ɪt/
- Object (thing) /ɒbdʒɪkt/ or object (argue) /əbdʒekt/
- Present (gift)/ˈprɛzənt/ or present (to bring forth) prɪˈzents/
- Produce (create) or produce (fruits and veggies)
- Subject (thing) or subject (to something)
- Tear (rip) /teər/ or tear (crying) /tɪər/
- Wind (blows) /wɪnd/ or wind (to turn) /waɪnd/
- Wound (injury) or wound (past tense of wind)
Homonyms are words that have the same spelling and pronunciation.
Address – Address
- I can give you the address of
my Principal.
- I cannot address such a big audience.
Band – Band
- The band was
playing classical songs.
- She always ties her hair back
in a band.
Bat – Bat
- The bats usually hang inverted
from the roof.
- I gifted a new costly cricket bat
to my young brother.
Match – Match
- Do not strike a match at
the petrol pump..
- Her fingerprints match those
found at the scene of the crime.
Mean – Mean
- What does this sentence mean?
- He needed to find a mean between
frankness and rudeness.
Right – Right
- You must turn right to reach the University.
- I’m sure I’m right.
- Freedom of speech is my right.
Ring – Ring
- I will wear my new ring in my
right hand.
- The children sat on the floor
in a ring.
Rock – Rock
- My sister became a part of a rock band
while in college.
- The path was blocked by a 500
feet of solid rock.
Rose – Rose
- She has a rose garden.
- Sales rose by
20% over the Christmas period.
Spring – Spring
- I’m sorry to spring it
on you, but I’ve been offered another job.
- He was born in the spring of
Stalk – Stalk
- He ate the apple, stalk and
- Snatching up my bag, I stalk out
of the hotel room.
Well – Well
- The party was very well organized.
- My pet cat fell down into a well.
Clip – Clip
- I need few clips from your documentary.
- The clothes are held on with a
metal clip.
Date – Date
- The date on
the letter should be mentioned clearly.
- I don’t like to date with him.
Drop – Drop
- The apples are beginning
to drop from the trees.
- A single drop of
water is precious.
Fly – Fly
- A fly was
buzzing against the window.
- Let’s fly a
Letter – Letter
- I finished the letter to PM.
- One letter is wrong in the word written on the paper.
Palm – Palm
- He held the bird gently in
the palm of his hand.
- The coconut palm is
a native of Malaysia.
Park – Park
- We went for a walk in the park.
- Our colony has a big ground to
park the cars.
Point – Point
- My Point is very clear in this matter..
- Everything seemed to point in
one direction.
Ruler – Ruler
- I have a 12-inch ruler.
- Raja Vikramaditya was a great ruler.
Saw – Saw
- I
demanded a saw to cut the log.
- Last night, I saw a
lovely girl.
Ship – Ship
- There are two restaurants on
board ship.
- The company refused to ship the
Sink – Sink
- The ships sink to
the bottom of the sea.
- I felt chained to the
kitchen sink.
Tie – Tie
- She tied her
hair into a ponytail.
- I wear a shirt and tie at
Trip – Trip
- We went on a trip to
the mountains.
- Someone will trip over
that cable.
Wave – Wave
- Huge waves were
breaking on the shore.
- I wave back to my little
daughter with a smile.
Cool – Cool
- She swam out into the cool water.
- She is really a cool bosss.
Duck – Duck
- Every afternoon they went to
the park to feed the duck.
- He had to duck as
he came through the door.
Fall – Fall
- The leaves were starting
to fall during winter.
- The area is beautiful in
the fall.
File – File
- Every file
must have a subject on it.
- We began to file out
into the car park.
Foot – Foot
- My foot hurts.
- Finally after three hours, we
reached to the foot of the hill.
Left – Left
- Look left and
right before you cross the road.
- The plane left for
Mumbai last night.
Nail – Nail
- The key was hanging on a nail.
- I’ve long nail.
Watch – Watch
- I cannot watch TV every
- I glanced at my watch.
Can – Can
- I can speak Hindi
I drank a can of Country derink.
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