It is the process of word formation by merging two or more words into one.
1. education + entertainment=edutainment,
3. oxygene + acide= oxide
4. breakfast and lunch= brunch
5. smoke+ fog= Smog,
6. teleprinter + exchange → telex
7. Red Bull + margarita → bullgarita
8. fan + magazine → fanzine
9. adorable + dork → adorkable
10. picture + dictionary → Pictionary
11. binary + unit → bit
12. beautiful + delicious → beaulicious
13. breath + analyzer = breathalyzer
14. motor + hotel = motel
15. motor + camp = mocamp
16. science + fiction = sci-fi
17. binary + digit = bit
18. guess + estimate = guesstimate
19. fan + magazine = fanzine
20.helicopter + airport = heliport
21. internal + communication = intercom
22. slang + language = slanguage
23. aqua + aerobics = aquarobics
24. entrepreneur + porn = entreporneur
25. boat + hotel = boatel
26.breakfast + lunch = brunch
27. modulator + demodulator = modem
28.smoke + fog = smog
29.Spanish + English = Spanglish
30. ability + skill = askillity
31. departure + start = destarture
32. enforcement + farce = enfarcement
33. alcohol + holiday = alcoholiday
34. lithe + slimy = slithy
35. American + Indian = Amerind
36. car + barbecue = carbecue
37. agitation+ propaganda= agitprop
38. bat+mash=bash
39. biography+picture=biopic
40. breath+ analyzer= Breathalyzer
41. clap+crash=clash
42. documentary+drama= docudrama
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