Compounding- It is the process of word formation by combining two words to form a new word.
1. lockdown = lock + down
2. greenhouse = green + house
3. post-pandemic = post + pandemic
4. farmland = farm + land
5. peatlands = peat + land
6. public-health = public + health
7. low-carbon = low + carbon
8. coronavirus = corona + virus
9. ecosystems = eco + system
10. biodiversity = bio + diversity
11. atmosphere = atmos + sphere
12. biosphere = bios + sphere
13. lithosphere = litho + sphere
14. cryosphere = cryo + sphere
15. bookcase= Book+case
16. doorknob=Door+knob
17. fingerprint=Finger+print
18. Sunburn=Sun+burn
19. Textbook=Text+book
21. Wastebasket=Waste+basket
22. Waterbed=Water+bed
23. Goodlooking=Good+looking
24. Low-paid=Low+paid
25. Fast-food=Fast+food
There are different types of compound words
- Noun + noun
- Examples: master-piece, table-cloth, maid-servant, bread-winner, shoe-maker etc.
- Noun + gerund
- Examples: wool-gathering, snake-charming, bull-baiting, sooth-saying etc.
- Noun + adjective
- Examples: court-martial, knight-errant
- Gerund + noun
- Examples: piping-hot, walking-stick, drawing-room, laughing-stock, skipping-rope etc.
- Adverb + noun
- Examples: out-patient, over-load, fore-sight, under-tone, in-sight etc.
- Verb + noun
- Examples: dare-devil, cut-throat, break-fast, spend-thrift, pass-port etc.
- Adjective + noun
- Examples: short-hand, free-thinker, lay-man, hard-ware, strong-hold etc.
- Present participle + noun
- Examples: humming-bird, flying-fish, loving-kindness etc.
- Pronoun + noun
- Examples: he-goat
- Possessive noun + noun (In this case, the apostrophe is usually omitted)
- Examples: sportsman, craftsman, statesman, hair’s-breadth, stone’s-throw
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