Sunday, May 8, 2022




SMS i.e. Short Message Service is a simple , globally accepted way of electronic communication that sends alpha numeric messages between two or more mobile phones. It is non-real time text messaging service. Generally, SMS length is about 160 characters (maximum). It can also be used in external systems such as electronic mail, paging, voice mail systems, PCs and other digital gadgets.


a)      It is available on all Cell Phones i.e. mobiles

b)     It is user friendly

c)      It is so convenient to use silently without disturbing to others.

d)     It is convenient for reader to respond also.

e)      It takes less time for communication.

f)      It can be used without any time restriction.

g)     It is less costly or cheaper.

h)     It uses less amount of service signals.

i)       It is useful for the people having hearing problems.

j)       Its editing is possible for more improvements.


a)      It is having limited storage.

b)     If phone or SIM card is corrupted the data may lost.

c)      It provides limited length for messages to send .

d)     Other forms of content e.g.videos etc. cannot be sent or requires EMS or MMS.

e)      It is not suitable in emergencies.

f)      It does not ensure immediate delivery of messages .

g)     Phone users can be bombarded by unsolicited messages and which wastes time.

h)     It is not useful to visually disabled persons.

i)       The illiterate people may find it difficult to use .

j)       It is not possible to know whether the recipient person has read the SMS or not.

k)     They cannot be delivered to DND (i.e. Do not Disturb) subscribers.

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