Sunday, May 8, 2022




A voicemail is an electronically stored voice message that is left by a caller to be retrieved later by the intended recipient. It is a computer-based system that allows users and subscribers to exchange personal voice messages; to select and deliver voice information; etc. by using an ordinary phone.


a)      It can help to the user to make life easier with its many features and settings

b)     It is simple to use which does not require any additional equipment.

c)      It requires less phone tags.

d)     It is less costly so saves money.

e)      It takes less time for communication.

f)      It can be used without any time restriction.

g)     It establishes personal relationship and strong business connections. .


a)      It is impersonal as the caller is dealing with the message services and not a human being.

b)     Some business voicemail systems are difficult and time consuming to navigate.

c)      It requires calling your inbox and entering your password to get the messages.

d)     Business voice mail systems can be very frustrating compared to personal voice mail on cell phones.

e)      If the call receiver has kept the phone on silent mode he will not know that he has received

f)      the message

g)     Its voice message may be easily ignored by the recipient .

h)     Recording of voice mails can be easily denied as a proof .

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