Sunday, May 8, 2022




Video conferencing is a method of communication where computers are used to provide a video-link between two or more people. It is nothing but a simple two-way webcam-based communication for any serious discussion or negotiations.

The requirement of equipment for videoconference:

a)      A computer and a webcam at both the ends.

b)     A microphones and speakers

c)      Broadband Internet access

d)     Videoconferencing software

e)      A soundproof studio/room.


a)      It reduces travel cost.

b)     It can be done at flexible hours.

c)      Provides face to face interaction to respond accordingly.

d)     It is convenient for physically enabled persons.

e)      It can increase productivity of people don’t want to travel.

f)      It improves Efficiency of the managers.

g)     It facilitates the sharing of visual data.

h)     It enables the organisation to plan, execute and keep a watch on it.


a)      It is very expensive as compared to teleconferencing and email.

b)     Technical issues may damage communication.

c)      There may be disruptions because of failure of equipment or power.

d)     It cannot completely replace physical face to face meeting.

e)      It would be inconvenient for people in different time zones.

f)      The number of participants in a group may also be limited.

g)     A face to face meeting is required for verification of confidential documents.

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