Features of Effective Writing
1. Focus:
One of the very important features of effective writing is 'focus'. Focus means without deviation. The writer must clearly establish a focus while writing a document. If the writer fails to focus while writing, the reader becomes confused about the subject matter. On the other hean, If writer writes with a set focus then the reader remains engaged in reading. Hence, effective writing should be focused.
2. Organization:
The organization means effective beginning, middle, and ending. It is the progression and completeness of ideas. Effective writing is well organized. A well organized written document enhances its value among readers. It helps a reder to be engaged in active reading.
3. Support and Elaboration:
Support and Elaboration form the extension and development of the topic. The writer provides sufficient elaboration to present the ideas or events clearly. An effective writing is full of supportive arguments and elaboration. these help a reader to get a better understanding of the topic. These are the concepts of relatedness and sufficiency.
4. Grammatical Conventions:
Grammatical conventions involve correctness in sentence formation and usage. The errors in sentence formation will lead to the reader’s misunderstanding of the ideas conveyed. An effective wring has well constructed sentences that are grammetically correct.
5. Style:
Style is the control of language. The style of an effective writing is appropriate to the purpose, audience, and context of the writing. Skillful use of precise, and purposeful vocabulary enhances the effectiveness of the composition. Effectiveness is created by the use of appropriate words, phrases, and descriptions to engage the audience.